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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. Woot! AVF moves on to the quarters. A tough match coming, though.
  2. You'll just have to settle for all those medals in the pool instead.
  3. It's been a pretty good morning so far.
  4. What a thrilling match. Go Canada (almost took down Latvia, too). Hopefully this is just a preview of what will happen with indoor volleyball later today.
  5. Canada beats Brazil in beach volleyball!
  6. Yup. And with two women in the 200 free semis along with Oleksiak, the 200 free relay is looking good, too.
  7. Holy Crap! Simply Amazing! And only .01 off from silver (but I'm not complaining!). This is crazy!
  8. Another medal for Canada! Is this a dream?
  9. Nope. The USA is Canada's shorts (and hat if you think about Alaska).
  10. Yeeeehaw! Another medal! THAT was the Team Canada I was expecting to see all tournament, but they showed up when they had to. Fantastic job, just took it to the Brits. Three days, three medals (so far). I doubt that has ever happened before.
  11. WOOHOO!!!!! That was the best game Canada has played here, and finally looked like the team I've been watching the last year!!!!!!
  12. Expected result with Australia winning. After the last three games I'm not liking Canada's chances at the bronze, though. Don't know if it's nerves or what, but they can't seem to catch a pass. Their offence is so concentrated, no one going wide, while their defence is so strung out and full of holes. This is not the same team I saw at Pan Ams or other tournaments this year.
  13. Yeah.....I think Canada will be lucky to get bronze in rugby. They played slightly better today against a better team, but that's not saying much after how terribly they played yesterday. They will likely face GB for bronze, who destroyed them yesterday. They can't seem to catch a pass. Maybe they eat buttery popcorn before each match? Sorry juddy, I don't know why my reply quoted you, and I can't get rid of it even by reloading the page.
  14. But...what about Canada We're G7, you know. Because we have friends in high places (USA).
  15. Actually, since it all depends on placings within your heat, changing conditions don't really matter. If it's choppy, it's choppy for everyone in your heat.
  16. Oh, how far Canadian rowing has fallen. The geniuses in charge decided to break our successful men's 8s apart for more chances at medals. Great idea guys!
  17. As a Canadian whose team would have had to face the Williams sisters in the next round, a big THANK YOU to the Czech duo.
  18. We also got lucky that the Czech pair in women's tennis beat the Williams sisters, since that would have been Bouchard/Dabrowski's next match. Still tough, but not nearly as much. Also nice to see the Murray bros got eliminated by the Brazilians, since they're on the same side of the bracket as the Canadians.
  19. Just had a look and discovered: In 2012, Canada made 7 finals in the pool. 2 medals, 4 top-5's. In 2016, after just 2 days (including finals being held tomorrow) Canada has already qualified for 7 finals in the pool. 2 medals, 4 top-5's. Also, Oleksiak is the first Canadian to win multiple medals at a SOG since van Koeverden in 2004. And I think she has three more races to go!
  20. Just glancing at the schedule, we have rugby semis and medals and some swimmers in finals already. Then there's basketball, and if rowing is a go we have some crews there. Bouchard in tennis. And who knows what other heros will emerge in other events
  21. Thank you for the encouragement. It means a lot from an Aussie, haha.
  22. Welcome! Yes, Canadian women (and some men!) are doing very well in the pool. The best part is most of them are still in high school, so the future is looking bright for our program after decades of despair.
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