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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. 1) Jörg was 2nd at the olympics last year and when the gold medal winner (Ledecka, the fact that you misspell her name on purpose clearly shows that you dont have respect for this sport and therefore shouldnt participate in the discussion) is missing, her winning gold is not very surprising. 2) In PGS/PS you always have uneven courses, thats why you have a qualification to determine who is the fastest on both courses and therefore should have the advantage. The fact that you dont know this again clearly shows that you shouldnt participate in this discussion. 3) "Absolutely pointless race, ..." What race in specific are you talking about? You realize that we have multiple rounds in PGS (unlike in super g/downhill) and not only one race? 4) I am impressed that you mentioned two athletes in your comment (Jörg and Ledecka) and misspelled both of their names ... 5) You realize that Ledecka is only taking a break and will compete again in the future? To sum it up: The level of cluelessness and ignorance displayed by you in this comment is absolutely outrageous, frankly i dont know why you waste your time on a sports forum, you clearly dont have a clue what you are talking about.
  2. Rebensburg could say the same ... She had a big mistake shortly after the start and was almost 0.3 seconds back + she had the worst sight of all the girls in the top 5-10.
  3. Absolutely pointless race, completely unworthy. The fact that the top 10 or so where this close clearly shows thas this course was way too easy. I guess Shiffrin cant believe her luck. A couple of years ago someone like her never would have gotten close to a gold medal in super g/downhill, but sadly the level of competition is at an all time low. I miss the days of Maze, Vonn and so on ...
  4. Why? Germany is projected to go 5th (Germany should always aim for the 4th place behind Russia/China/USA, unless Japan/France/GB host the olympics, then 5th place should be the goal) and win 5 more medals than in 2016.
  5. I think you were the same before the last olympics and it turned out ok. About Vogel: Where is the problem? In womens team sprint Welte/Grabosch would have won a medal/gold without her (i think they had the fastest time in qualification). In womens sprint Germany might lose ONE medal, but maybe Hinze/Friedrich will step up and Germany will still end up with 2 medals.
  6. I dont see it, the same athletes (Ledecka, Samkova, White, Kim) almost always win in some snowboard events, fencing has a better variety of winners.
  7. Stop being dramatic, there are plenty events where Germany is favorite for a medal. 50 medals should be the goal.
  8. I just wanted to write that the name of the bronze medallist is "Jenny Ladina" and not "Ladina Jenny", but apparently her first name really is Ladina ... ?
  9. Expected 2 medals. Last year Germany won 2 medals despite Ledecky not being absent. You of all people should understand, you basically call every fencing event where Italy doesnt win gold disappointing. Compared to this expecting 2 medals here was pretty humble in my opinion.
  10. Good result for Germany on the mens side, kind of makes up for the catastrophic results in mens snowboard cross and womens ski cross. On the womens side pretty disappointing result for Germany.
  11. Dierdorff truly used the home advantage, i am not sure whether he is really the best athlete at the moment. Congrats to Italy, amazing day for them, also congrats to Austria, they always find a win to win a medal. Samkova with the expected gold, but in my opinion women's snowboard cross should be removed from the olympics, the same is true for women's ski cross, in many occasions they can't even find enough athletes to have a qualifying round. Kind of funny that GB won a medal thanks to Bankes, but France will go home empty-handed, despite having by far the best depth of all nations. The german guys messed up tremendously as usual, no matter how good a shape or material they have, they just don't have the mental strength to go all the way. Another very depressing winter sport for Germany this season.
  12. [hide] Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze Women's Super-G Day 1 February 5th, 2019 Nicole Schmidhofer Ramona Siebenhofer Stephanie Venier Ester Ledecka Viktoria Rebensburg Federica Brignone Sofia Goggia Tina Weirather X Ragnhild Mowinckel Ilka Stuhec Lara Gut-Behrami X Lindsey Vonn Mikaela Shiffrin X Any Other Athlete Men's Super-G Day 2 February 6th, 2019 Vincent Kriechmayr X Matthias Mayer Hannes Reichelt Johan Clarey Josef Ferstl Christoph Innerhofer Dominik Paris X Kjetil Jansrud X Alexander Aamodt Kilde Axel Lund Svindal Mauro Caviezel Beat Feuz Any Other Athlete Women's Alpine Combined Day 3 February 8th, 2019 Ricarda Haaser Ramona Siebenhofer Any Athlete from Canada Any Athlete from France Marta Basino Federica Brignone Ragnhild Mowinckel X Ana Bucik Ilka Stuhec Wendy Holdener X Petra Vlhova Mikaela Shiffrin X Any Other Athlete Men's Downhill Day 4 February 9th, 2019 Vincent Kriechmayr Matthias Mayer Hannes Reichelt Johan Clarey Adrien Theaux Josef Ferstl Christoph Innerhofer Dominik Paris X Alexander Aamodt Kilde Kjetil Jansrud Axel Lund Svindal Mauro Caviezel Beat Feuz X Bryce Bennett Any Other Athlete X Women's Downhill Day 5 February 10th, 2019 Nicole Schmidhofer X Ramona Siebenhofer Stephanie Venier Romane Miradoli Kira Weidle Viktoria Rebensburg Nicol Delago Nadia Fanchini Sofia Goggia X Tina Weirather Ilka Stuhec X Corinne Suter Lara Gut-Behrami Lindsey Vonn Any Other Athlete Men's Alpine Combined Day 6 February 11th, 2019 Romed Baumann Marcel Hirscher X Vincent Kriechmayr Marco Schwarz Alexis Pinturault X :FRA Victor Muffat-Jeandet :ITA Dominik Paris :NOR Alexander Aamodt Kilde :NOR Kjetil Jansrud Pavel Trikichev :SUI Mauro Caviezel X :SUI Luca Aerni :USA Ted Ligety :WHT Any Other Athlete Mixed Team Event Day 7 February 12th, 2019 :AUT Austria X :CAN Canada :FRA France X :GER Germany :ITA Italy :NOR Norway :SVK Slovakia :SLO Slovenia Sweden :SUI Switzerland X :USA United States :WHT Any Other Nation Women's Giant Slalom Day 8 February 14th, 2019 :AUT Any Athlete from Austria :FRA Tessa Worley X :GER Viktoria Rebensburg X :ITA Federica Brignone :ITA Marta Bassino :NOR Ragnhild Mowinckel :SVK Petra Vlhova :SLO Meta Hrovat Frida Hansdotter :SUI Wendy Holdener :SUI Lara Gut-Behrami :USA Mikaela Shiffrin X :WHT Any Other Athlete Men's Giant Slalom Day 9 February 15th, 2019 :AUT Manuel Feller :AUT Marcel Hirscher X :FRA Mathieu Faivre :FRA Thomas Fanara :FRA Alexis Pinturault X :GER Stefan Luitz :NOR Henrik Kristoffersen X :NOR Leif Kristian Nestvold-Haugen :SLO Zan Kranjec Mats Olsson :SUI Loic Meillard :USA Tommy Ford :WHT Any Other Athlete Women's Slalom Day 10 February 16th, 2019 :AUT Katharina Liensberger :AUT Bernadette Schild :AUT Katharina Truppe :CAN Erin Mielzynski :GER Christina Geiger :ITA Irene Curtoni :SVK Petra Vlhova X Frida Hansdotter Anna Swenn Larsson :SUI Wendy Holdener X :USA Mikaela Shiffrin X :WHT Any Other Athlete Men's Slalom Day 11 February 17th, 2019 :AUT Manuel Feller :AUT Marcel Hirscher X :AUT Michael Matt :AUT Marco Schwarz :FRA Clement Noel X :FRA Alexis Pinturault Dave Ryding :GER Felix Neureuther :NOR Henrik Kristoffersen X Andre Myhrer :SUI Daniel Yule :SUI Ramon Zehnhaeusern :WHT Any Other Athlete [/hide]
  13. Dahlmeier is the best female talent we have seen in a long time (probably since Neuner), but she is not on the level of Boe. I am bit confused by your other point though, didn't Peiffer win gold at the olympics in 2018?
  14. I think biathlon is one of the sports where the age of breakthrough is the highest (especially on the men's side), alongside bob, luge, equestrian, triathlon and a couple of other sports. Therefore i am not too surprised that there are fewer athletes than in most other sports that can translate their success at junior level to the senior level. All of this makes you realize how special a talent J. Boe is/was, i am not sure whether we have ever seen a talent like him before in this sport.
  15. It sure is tough to lose by 1 second, especially if you shoot 0+4, while the winner shoots 1+9, but in the end it's another sign for the improved depth of Germany at this level. It has to be mentioned though that Germany had two guys born in 1998 and two guys born in 1999, while Russia had two guys born in 1998 and two guys born in 1997, so on average the german relay was 1 whole year younger, which is a lot at this level in my opinion. All the german guys will be able to compete again next year, so with a normal development they should be the clear cut favorites next year. Quite surprising for me that neither France nor Norway made the podium.
  16. The positive trend continues for Germany, although i am not sure how much sense relays make at this level.
  17. I am not sure whether i should consider youth or junior results more "important". What do you guys think (which results would you put more emphasis on if you had to choose)? On the one hand junior results are probably more likely to translate, but on the other hand youth results are more important long term and there is always the possibility that some of the best juniors are already good enough to compete in the world cup and therefore don't compete here, making the junior results less "valuable".
  18. Amazing results for Germany so far (compared to the last few years). - Youth men's 12,5 km individual: "Only" a 5th place for Köllner, but a good track time and he is young enough to return next year. Overall: Amazing to see Switzerland doing great on the men's side for a change, Kazakhstan continues their rise, very encouraging results for Slovenia (two guys in the top 8), very surprising that no russian or french athlete finished top 10. - Youth women's 10 km individual: The worst result for Germany here so far (8th place), but amazing track time for Hermann and even with 1 miss she could have won this race, so very encouraging result for her. Overall: Very refreshing podium, Finland doing great on both sides, the Czech Republic is doing amazing work on the women's side, a bit surprised that no norwegian girl finished top 10, also good depth for Italy on the women's side. - Junior men's 15 km individual: Amazing result for Germany, 3rd, 4th and 9th. I don't remember ever seeing such a depth for Germany on the men's side in a junior competition. In addition to that insane track time for Riethmüller (and Grotian) who is young enough to return next year. Overall: Kazakhstan again with a top 10 result and 2 swiss guys in the top 10 as well, but no russian guy! - Junior women's 12,5 km individual: Another amazing result for Germany, 2nd, 3rd and 9th. Very encouraging, especially because Frühwirth is young enough to return next year and Pfnuer can compete 2 more years at this level! Overall: Another good result for Italy, they have the depth but weren't lucky enough to win a medal so far. Another disappointing result for the french girls (in my mind they used to win tons of medals at this level?), don't know what to think about the chinese girl (China used to be pretty good on the women's side, this is probably their best shot to revive their women's biathlon in time for the 2022 olympics), Zuk must have had an insane track time!
  19. Sascha Bajin must be one of the best coaches on the womens tour currently. He did an amazing job with Osaka and he told her that she would become number 1 when he took over. I guess he kept his promise. Personally i dont find Osaka very interesting, i would clearly prefer Bencic having results like that. Osaka is the first player not named Serena Williams to win back to back slams since Clijsters did it in 2010/2011. I think in this century there are now 5 players who have done it: Serena, Venus, Clijsters, Henin and Osaka.
  20. I don't know, there are so many wonderkids every year on the womens side ... Anisimova is only 1 year older and look how much ahead Tauson she already is ... on the other hand what happened to Bellis for example?
  21. Hopefully not, the 2 best teams deserve to be in the final. A final between the 2 co-hosts would be a great end to this record-breaking tournament.
  22. Really sad to see my favorite player getting injured like this (but i know the feeling back from when Paul George was my favorite player). I guess it always has to be Indiana ... The sad thing is that there were people who saw this injury coming, Indiana clearly mismanaged his knee problems this season. Withouth Oladipo i dont see them challenging Toronto, Boston, Philly or the Bucks. For me only Giannis, Kawhi, Embiid and Kyrie are definitely ahead of him this season. Walker, Simmons and Butler are about equal and of course a fit Porzingis as well, but Oladipo for sure is a top 10 player in the east.
  23. I immediately became a fan of Davidova when i first saw her. I think she will become the first foreign biathlete i ever cheered for. Would be nice to see her dominate once Dahlmeier retires.
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