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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Easy win for Agger, but only 2 points between 2nd and 6th place, really high level of competition. Expected to medal here, but in the end i cant complain since i never watch cross-country skiing and thats probably what killed my chances. Would be interesting to know if anyone predicted Bernhard Gruber to win a medal in one of the two individual competitions ...
  2. Great to see that Charles Hamelin was able to lie his way into this competition by pretending to be a teenager ...
  3. I wonder what happened between last season and this one ... Last season Real never should have won the champions league, but the referees didnt allow them to be eliminated. This season it was somewhat the other way round, the third goal for Ajax was clearly irregular but still counted. Mind to guess the nationality of the referee for yesterday's game? Ajax has some talented players and apparently a pretty good coach (who used to work for FC Bayern), sadly their "run" won't last long, teams like that get picked apart very quickly in today's game. The same happened to Dortmund (Lewandowski, Götze, Gündogan, Sahin, Kagawa) although they were a much richer club than Ajax. I used to predict a very dark future for dutch football, but guys like De Ligt, De Jong, Bergwijn, Kluivert or Van Dijk should ensure that they have at least a decent future and will qualify for big tournaments more regularly again.
  4. I wouldn't do 2019 athletics, instead it might make sense to have one for the 2020 youth olympics. Maybe one for the Tour de France could also work?
  5. Of course i have been very outspoken about it and thats why other people adopted it. I want other people to use this strategy, because i feel like i dont even have to try and still win and that gets kinda boring, which is sad because i prefer this kind of prediction contest over the normal prediction contests. If i only would have answered the 16 questions (out of 56 questions in total) i gave 10 points to, then i would have ended up with 140 points, which would have been enough for 2nd place (3 points behind the winner). I know that i dont even have to bother to think about the correct answer for all those questions i want to give 1 point to (40 out 56 questions = 71 %), because i will probably still win without even getting one of them right.
  6. Maybe your problem is that you don't know enough about the subject to realize that it's in fact not "throwing 10s around"? I bet 10 points on 16 different questions and i only got the following 2 wrong: Cross-country: 3: I bet 10 points that Norway would have 5 athletes in sprint finals. If it wouldnt have been for Skistadt's fall in the semifinal, i would have been right. Sorry, that i didnt see that coming ... Ski jumping: 4: I bet 10 points that Kraft wouldnt win 3 medals. Would have been right here as well if it wouldnt have been for that joke normal hill competition (or if Aschenwald would have gotten 0.5 more points from some judge ...). The trick is to filter out the "safe" bets and then to use as many points as possible on them. Seems like a quite obvious strategy to me, but apparently it isn't. In the end you have to play the game. I didn't make the rules. If you dont like them, then dont participate or participate but dont cry about them afterwards just because you didnt know how to take advantage of them.
  7. Thanks! Expected win, i wonder when people will realize that my strategy is the best for this contest? On the one hand it's sad that so few people took part, on the other hand i think it shows how much more difficult this is than the other "normal" prediction contests we usually have. Thanks for organizing all this and hopefully next time i will get the chance to contribute some questions (this time i didn't know that the contest would take place before i saw the thread with the finished design).
  8. We will see, there are many guys in the mix (Kenny, the 2 dutch guys, Bötticher, Carlin). I am starting to think that the Netherlands might have a serious shot at winning 2-3 golds in Tokyo. I think at this point everyone knows to not take results at world championships seriously, but based on what i heard from the german federation for example after the last olympics i think that other nations learned their lesson and will step up at the olympics. Maybe the fact that GB has decreased the funding will also have an effect.
  9. Not only them, also Moen and Grovdal, quite a project you having going on over there.
  10. Holy shit ... I bet 10 points in the bet contest on YES for this question ... On the other hand i predicted Sundby to win a medal ... Edit: Still no results? Why does it take you so long ...
  11. Why? What Vlhova did was ten times more impressive than this result from Volko ...
  12. No, not really ... - Heat - Attendance - Some athletes not competing/peaking because of the olympics only a couple months later
  13. No surprise that the only sport Norway isn't doing great in is the one where endurance doesn't matter. Interestingly enough Norway is also suddenly doing great in distance running.
  14. What a random result in women's team sabre ... Germany with a ridiculous path to the final. In the end individual results are far more important than team results at junior level and overall the results were very worrying from a german perspective.
  15. In most events the level is absolutely depressing, sadly we have to wait almost one and a half years for the next interesting competition.
  16. If Prevc brothers get their shit together, then Slovenia could fight for gold in 2022, together with possibly Norway, Japan and Germany.
  17. You have a serious problem ... 1) Why can't you let it go? 2) Why can't you accept facts? 3) What's wrong with your logical reasoning skills? One result > All other career results?
  18. 1) Why don't you quote me if you are interested in a discussion? If you aren't, then just stay quiet. 2) I am still waiting for you or our dutch friend to give any plausible reason why him medalling wasn't a big surprise. As far as i can see i am the only one here actually trying to lead a serious discussion. 3) Majority of people = 2? Wow, strong argument, especially considering you are one of them and the other one has made a hobby out of disagreeing with 99 % of what i say. I don't want to get into a philosophical discussion, but maybe it's not the best idea to just blindly follow whatever the majority of people currently considers to be true.
  19. I think everyone knows that the main goal for the jury in the 2nd round was to stop Germany and Kobayashi from winning another medal. Fans in Austria already seem to have lost a lot of interest in ski jumping and the way the polish guys have performed recently, polish fans would have been next. This outcome keeps the interest alive and that's more important than having a fair competition. In the end i don't think it will help much, the austrian team is already pretty much dead and Poland also has no new talents, so FIS is only putting off the inevitable.
  20. What do you mean? Fair conditions always favor the best athletes, no surprise that Geiger and Kobayashi are fighting for gold.
  21. 1) What does her age have to do with it? Let's say Simone Biles or Ledecky would retire now, would you consider them the best ever in their respective events? 2) If you don't consider Takanashi the greatest ever, then who is it in your opinion?
  22. 1) Gruber almost didn't get selected for this competition, it was between him and Denifl and he got lucky that he was even selected. I very much doubt that he had a guarantee to be selected, no matter how he would do during the world cup. 2) Why would Gruber take it easy if ... a) The world championships are in his home country b) He is 36 years old and this is the biggest competition for him until the 2022 olympics (where he will be 39 years old), it's very doubtful whether he will ever get a chance like this again. I got used to you arguing with me on every thing i say just for the sake of it, but your nonsense is too easy to expose, please apply yourself from now on.
  23. How did i know that you would comment on this 100 % ... (of course without replying to the actual comment, since that would mean you would have to get into an discussion and since you know you have no point, you didn't even try). I know for you every outcome ever was predictable (that's why you are so superior in all the prediction contests), but for some of us it might have been quite a surprise to see someone winning the silver medal who didn't have a single podium finish this season and was never better than 7th ...
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