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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. On the womens side i think all the best athletes competed, but where were Hirano, Hiraoka, Davis, Ferguson, Hablützel, Ravnjak on the mens side? (also maybe White will come back for 2022)
  2. Nice to see that Flukedecka wont steal another medal.
  3. Black year for sports already. Freestyle skiing world championships, snowboarding world championships and alpine skiing world championships have all been completely pointless, all those results have absolutely zero value going forward. Maybe in another decade or two we wont have professional winter sport at all anymore.
  4. Very happy for my man Pat Burgener, totally deserved medal for him. Wish Hablützel could have been there too ...
  5. Great winner, super fast times! As someone who has been supporting Bittner for many years now i am very excited about this, winning on her home track must be very special for her.
  6. Very weird race on the womens side. Eckhoff insanely fast and Kuzmina slow like a turtle? At least we dont have the same boredom as on the mens side, but its still sad to see the level of competition, just thinking about how easily Dahlmeier in decent shape could have won the overall world cup this year. Boe takes the whole fun out of watching the mens race, Fourcade was never as dominant as Boe is. The sad thing is that he is still so young and apart from a doping ban i dont see anything that could stop him in the next couple of years.
  7. Whats wrong about what he said (only going by the headline)? Of course olympics are easier to organize in dictatorships.
  8. And people wonder why the US is so dominant in swimming and athletics ... First they got rid of russia in athletics and now they force the whole world to adapt to their biorhythm. I think its a great idea to modify the race walking program, 50 km race walking has always been one of the most boring/unnecessary events of the games. The best solution in my opinion would be to only have womens 20 km race walking and mens 20 km race walking.
  9. Could someone please explain why snowboard cross and freestyle skiing aerials have a team event and the other disciplines dont? Overall very bad (organized) championships, it is completely unacceptable that disciplines get cancelled (so quickly). For some athletes that means 3 years without a major championship (2018 - 2021). In addition to that the level seems very bad in many disciplines, some of the top guys in halfpipe/slopestlye dont even bother to show up, i guess it has something to do with the X Games. In the best interest of the sport FIS and the host of the X Games should find a way to coexist. I think it would be best to separate freestlye skiing and snowboarding world championships.
  10. Italy must be the nation with the biggest improvements over all sports during the last couple of years. They must spend a crazy amount of money on sports ...
  11. 1) Why are you so excited about that? 2) Not that great a performance when you look at the number of participants ... this might even be less competitive than womens ski/snowboard cross.
  12. No absolutely not true. Dreßen for example is great in downhill but shit in super g, Ferstl is great in super g but shit in downhill. On the womens side its much easier to be good in both.
  13. Predcitions this far away from the olympics cant be taken seriously, i dont know why anyone would bother taking this seriously.
  14. The more i think about it the happier i am with the tanking of the german girls in this event. Ironically the competition was so weak that Hofmeister still won a medal despite trying everything she could to not win a medal. If Germany would have swept this then some people might have asked for PGS/PS to be removed due to lack of competition, but now that we have seen that very different athletes win medals in PGS and PS, PS might be brought back to the olympics.
  15. Show some respect please. This is her first medal at a major event and you just shit on it.
  16. Like i always said, super g is too technical, it needs to be longer and faster. There should be no super g that lasts less than 90 seconds and no downhill that lasts less than 120 seconds, otherwise Shiffrin will keep exploiting the system. Stanmark is probably turning around in his grave seeing how easy it is nowadays for a (giant) slalom specialist to win a super g.
  17. I am very proud of the german girls that they boycotted this event by no-showing during the finals. They could have easily swept this considering that they always had the blue course, but by not doing this they took a stand and showed the officials that the course was unfair.
  18. The olympics are only 3 years away, especially an older lady like Jörg has to save as much energy as possible.
  19. Even without watching the races i can tell that the german girls are trying to safe energy for more important things to come.
  20. No, the fact that the race was so close clearly indicates that the track was too easy and that the level of competition is very weak. Vonn in top shape would crush someone like Shiffrin. The problem is that we have noone right now who is a real specialist in speed disciplines, so Shiffrin can dominate super g despite not having the best possible body for this event.
  21. Good, so this is a meaningless event. Now i know why the german girls dont seem to bother too much.
  22. To be honest all of their S5 apart from LeBron is trash. Its a very tricky situation, because a) Boston can offer a better trade during the offseason, so unless the Lakers offer something great NOLA has no need to trade Davis now. b) LA cant wait until 2020 (when Davis becomes UFA) because LeBrons time is running out. Unless Klay and/or Durant leave GSW i cant see anybody beating the Warriors in the next couple of years anyway, so they probably have to hope that Durant goes to the Knicks and/or that GSW doesnt offer Klay the max contract and that he will then join the Lakers. Davis+LeBron+a couple of role players wont be enough to beat GSW, they need someone like Klay, Kawhi or Kyrie, but i dont know if they have room for 2 max contracts ...
  23. Lets first see whether a) He gets/stays healthy b) Stays with the Mavericks past 2020
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