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Everything posted by DaniSRB

  1. how do you know that that guy just don't talk too much like Trump and Mexican wall to win ellections?
  2. Then should be louder joking aside, i always like him as coach and Brazilian team of 2008
  3. SERBIA S.A.R.S - Lutka Doll (Baby) Who took you from me Who sent you to me who provokes our tears every time you come My brain doesn't let me to give myself to you your appearance feeds me but I still restrain And I just look at you feeling is outstanding and to that drug I will be devoted even if I remain chaste Baby, I'm resolved to dance with you forever The look in your eyes makes me embarrassed but it feels so good Your scent lures me your touch is taking me You are the goal of my wandering and the subject of motivation the reason for my trembling color of my lust And while I slowly falling asleep in the dark I hear your voice on the pillow I squeeze your palm and orchestra plays to us...
  4. sledecim mecom su samo unizili tu pobedu
  5. francusku zahvaljujuci namestanju, a rusija je realno iza nas zato sto su italijani muljali sa zrebom, pa se i njima vratilo bas smo ih ostavili
  6. bolje 10. ako igras fer nego 4. kad namerno gubis ovako su samo urusili sliku o sebi
  7. bolje da su ispali u drugoj fazi, sad mi je muka od njih
  8. Brunooooooooo, ali tehnicar nikad ne dobije Lukas mi je onaj sto sam rekla da je trom :D, i dalje mi je fascinanto, secam se i Leandra Visota
  9. pa znam, ali eto jedini se on izdvojio u statistici, i Ivovic je u 5 kod servera
  10. Jovovic je drugi u statistici najboljih tehnicara
  11. @dareza is a very bad prognoser haha as i said yesterday, we very underrestimated Poland and especially coach Heynen
  12. боље нек играју 5 сетова
  13. bolje da se Nikola vrati kao tehnicar da igra
  14. well, congrats Brazil and against Poland was obvious when a team recieve our servis well, we are much weaker
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