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Totallympics Superstar
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  1. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Men's Volleyball Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    World Ranking updated as of July 31st, 2023
  2. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Golf Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Women's Olympic Ranking updated as of July 31st, 2023
  3. Like
    Laraja got a reaction from Benolympique in Golf Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Women's Olympic Ranking updated as of July 31st, 2023
  4. Like
    Laraja reacted to Josh in Paralympic Sports Qualification to Summer Paralympic Games Paris 2024   
    2023 Para Athletics Championships Paralympics Quotas 
    (Yes I'm aware I'm a couple of weeks late, was too lazy to update)
    Day 1 (July 9)
    Women's Discus Throw F55 [4] - 
    Women's Long Jump T11 [4] - 
    Women's Shot Put F41 [4] - 
    Men's Javelin Throw F38 [4] - 
    Women's Club Throw F32 [4] - 
    Men's Shot Put F55 [4] - 
    Men's Shot Put F37 [4] - 
    Men's Long Jump T11 [4] - 
    Day 2 (July 10)
    Women's Discus Throw F57 [4] - 
    Women's Long Jump T64 [4] - 
    Women's Javelin Throw F13 [4] - 
    Men's Shot Put F12 [4] - 
    Men's 5000m T13 [4] - 
    Women's 5000m T54 [4] - 
    Women's 1500m T11 [4] - 
    Women's 1500m T13 [4] - 
    Men's Club Throw F32 [4] - 
    Men's Javelin Throw F57 [4] - 
    Men's Long Jump T63 [4] - 
    Men's High Jump T64 [4] - 
    Women's Shot Put F37 [4] - 
    Men's 100m T37 [4] - 
    Men's 100m T38 [4] - 
    Women's 100m T13 [4] - 
    Men's 100m T12 [4] - 
    Men's 5000m T11 [4] - 
    Men's 5000m T54 [4] - 
    Women's 400m T37 [4] - 
    Day 3 (July 11)
    Men's 400m T36 [4] - 
    Women's Discus Throw F64 [4] - 
    Men's Shot Put F40 [4] - 
    Men's Shot Put F53 [4] - 
    Women's Long Jump T12 [4] - 
    Men's Discus Throw F52 [4] - 
    Women's Javelin Throw F34 [4] - 
    Men's High Jump T47 [4] - 
    Women's Shot Put F20 [4] - 
    Women's 100m T47 [4] - 
    Women's Long Jump T37 [4] - 
    Women's 200m T35 [4] - 
    Women's 100m T38 [4] - 
    Women's 400m T11 [4] - 
    Men's 400m T53 [4] - 
    Women's 800m T53 [3] - 
    Women's 800 T54 [3] - 
    Day 4 (July 12)
    Men's Discus Throw F56 [4] - 
    Men's 400m T54 [4] - 
    Women's 400m T20 [4] - 
    Women's Javelin Throw F46 [4] - 
    Women's Shot Put F54 [4] - 
    Men's Shot Put F41 [4] - 
    Men's Long Jump T12 [4] - 
    Women's Discus Throw F53 [3] - 
    Women's Shot Put F34 [3] - 
    Men's Shot Put F11 [4] - 
    Men's Long Jump T36 [3] - 
    Men's 100m T13 [4] - 
    Men's 200m T35 [4] - 
    Men's 200m T37 [1] - 
    Men's 100m T64 [4] - 
    Women's 100m T36 [4] - 
    Men's 100m T44 [4] - 
    Men's 400m T11 [4] - 
    Day 5 (July 13)
    Women's Javelin Throw F56 [3] -  
    Men's Long Jump T47 [3] - 
    Women's 1500m T54 [1] - 
    Men's Javelin Throw F64 [4] - 
    Men's Shot Put F36 [4] - 
    Men's 1500m T11 [2] - 
    Men's 1500m T13 [3] - 
    Women's Discus Throw F11 [4] - 
    Men's Shot Put F32 [2] - 
    Men's Shot Put F20 [4] - 
    Men's High Jump T63 [3] - 
    Women's 100m T11 [2] - 
    Women's 100m T63 [4] - 
    Women's 100m T64 [3] - 
    Men's 100m T34 [4] - 
    Women's 100m T34 [4] - 
    Women's Long Jump T38 [3] - 
    Women's 400m T12 [3] - 
    Men's 400m T38 [2] - 
    Men's 400m T52 [4] - 
    Day 6 (July 14)
    Men's Javelin Throw F34 [4] - 
    Women's Discus Throw F41 [3] - 
    Men's Shot Put F46 [4] - 
    Men's Long Jump T38 [2] - 
    Men's 400m T37 [3] - 
    Men's 1500m T54 [1] - 
    Men's Club Throw F51 [4] - 
    Women's Shot Put F32 [3] - 
    Men's Long Jump T64 [4] - 
    Women's 400m T47 [4] - 
    Women's Shot Put F64 [4] - 
    Men's 400m T37 [4] - 
    Women's 1500m T20 [4] - 
    Women's 100m T53 [2] - 
    Men's 100m T53 [2] - 
    Women's 100 T54 [2] - 
    Day 7 (July 15)
    Women's Shot Put F57 [2] - 
    Women's Shot Put F64 [4] - 
    Men's Discus Throw F11 [1] - 
    Men's Long Jump T37 [4] - 
    Women's Shot Put F35 [4] - 
    Men's 100m T36 [2] - 
    Women's Shot Put F33 [4] - 
    Women's Long Jump T63 [4] - 
    Men's Javelin Throw F13 [4] - 
    Men's Discus Throw F64 [4] - 
    Men's Shot Put F35 [4] - 
    Women's 200m T36 [1] - 
    Women's 400m T54 [1] - 
    Men's 400m T20 [4] - 
    Men's 400m T12 [3] - 
    Men's 400m T53 [1] - 
    Women's 100m T12 [2] - 
    Men's 100m T11 [2] - 
    Men's 100m T54 [2] - 
    Day 8 (July 16)
    Men's Javelin Throw F54 [3] - 
    Men's Discus Throw F37 [4] - 
    Women's Shot Put F12 [2] - 
    Women's Long Jump T47 [2] - 
    Men's 100m T52 [2] - 
    Men's Shot Put F57 [4] - 
    Women's Long Jump T20 [4] - 
    Men's Javelin Throw F46 [4] - 
    Men's 1500m T46 [4] - 
    Men's 100m T35 [1] - 
    Men's 100m T51 [4] - 
    Day 9 (July 17)
    Women's Javelin Throw F54 [2] - 
    Men's Shot Put F34 [3] - 
    Men's Long Jump T20 [4] - 
    Men's Long Jump T13 [4] - 
    Men's 1500m T20 [4] - 
    Women's Shot Put F40 [4] - 
    Men's 800m T34 [3] - 
    Men's Shot Put F33 [4] - 
    Women's Discus Throw F38 [2] - 
    Men's Javelin Throw F41 [4] - 
    Men's 200m T51 [1] - 
    Women's 200m T12 [1] - 
    Men's Shot Put F63 [4] -  
    Women's 200m T47 [1] - 
    Men's 200m T64 [3] - 
    Women's 200m T64 [3] - 
    Men's 1500m T38 [4] - 
    Women's 400m T38 [1] - 
    Women's 400m T13 [3] - 
    Men's 400m T62 [3] - 
    Men's 100m T47 [3] - 
    Men's 100m T63 [1] - 
  5. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Paralympic Sports Qualification to Summer Paralympic Games Paris 2024   
    Wheelchair Tennis World Ranking Lists updated as of July 21st, 2023
  6. Like
    Laraja reacted to Olympian1010 in Pan American Games 2023   
    Panam Sports Channel will broadcast the Games internationally.
  7. Like
    Laraja reacted to hoversaBR in Brasil rumo a Paris 2024   
    Eu não estou confiante de que vamos ganhar medalha em algum esporte novo. Mas como tá virando tradição sempre ter a novidade da edição eu fico entre canoagem slalom e triatlo.
  8. Like
    Laraja got a reaction from hoversaBR in Brasil rumo a Paris 2024   
    Pessoal, baseado na projeção do Gracenote de 26 medalhas para o Brasil em Paris, decide fazer um resumo dando minha perspectiva, e pegando os resultados que tivemos em Tóquio. 
    +1;+2... (ganharemos mais medalhas)
    = (será igual)
    -1;-2 (teremos menos medalhas)
    Ginástica Artística - Eu acho que o @thiago_simoes é a melhor pessoa para comentar aqui, não sei como a Rebeca vai chegar em Paris, ou se as adversárias estarão no mesmo nível. Mas, acredito que a Rebeca conseguirá, no mínimo, repetir a performance dela de Tóquio. Diria que ela pode conseguir até mais, o que contribuiria para o aumento do número de medalhas +1
    Surfe - Acho que o Brasil tem boas chances de repetir o ouro do Japão. Espero que o Medina consiga pegar a segunda vaga do Brasil, e que possamos ter o terceiro atleta também. =
    Vela - Parece que a Martine e a Kahena terão dificuldades para conquistar a terceira medalha de ouro seguida, uma dupla holandesa está se destacando, mas a chance de medalha continua grande! =
    Maratona Aquática - Acredito que a Ana está na mesma situação citada da Vela! Espero que ela surpreenda e venha buscar o bicampeonato olímpico =
    Futebol - Dificil dizer aqui, a seleção masculina não está nem classificada, mas se conseguir acho que pode brigar novamente! Pensar num tricampeonato, em um esporte é sempre difícil. De qualquer forma, estou confiante com a seleção feminina, e acho que uma medalha é possível. =
    Canoagem Velocidade - Faz tempo que não vejo comentários sobre o Isaquias. Não sei em que nível ele está, mas acredito que ele não terá uma queda muito grande, e continuará brigando. =
    Boxe - Totalmente imprevisível! Acho que só a Bia como uma boa chance de conquistar o ouro. No total, foram três medalhas. Não sei se o Brasil conseguirá repetir isso, apostaria em duas no momento. -1
    Tênis - A medalha mais surpreendente de Tóquio, com certeza, foi a da dupla feminina. E, sinceramente, não vejo ela se repetindo agora! Mas, agora a Bia parece estar num bom momento, e ela já demonstrou o talento no saibro. -1
    Judô - Duas medalhas de bronze foi muito pouco para o histórico do Brasil. Acho que vamos brigar um pouco mais dessa vez. +1
    Skate - Três medalhas em Tóquio, e não vejo mudanças. =
    Vôlei - Vendo a performance das nossas seleções na VNL, não diria que uma medalha irá acontecer -1

    Natação - A mesma coisa, vendo a performance brasileira no mundial, não me dá muita esperança de bons resultados. Acho que apenas o Guilherme Costa pode conseguir. -1
    Atletismo - Alison continua sendo a melhor chance, mas não acho que o Thiago Braz irá conseguir a sua terceira medalha. Ainda assim, acredito que uma outra medalha possa surgir. =
    Pelas minhas contas, o Brasil ganharia 19 medalhas, duas a menos do que em Tóquio. Para chegar nas 26 projetadas, precisariamos surpreender naqueles esportes em que medalhamos anteriormente, ou conquistar em novas modalidades. O que vocês acham, em quem vocês apostariam para completas a projeção feita?
  9. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Golf Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Men's Olympic Ranking updated as of July 25th, 2023
  10. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Road Cycling Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Men's World Ranking by Nations updated as of July 25th, 2023
  11. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Men's Volleyball Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    World Ranking updated as of July 24th, 2023
  12. Like
    Laraja reacted to Vektor in Fencing FIE World Championships 2023   
    I wanted to do an overall summary, so here it is for all the athletes who made it into the main rounds of the individual events.  61 nations have qualified.
    23 athletes -
    22 athletes -  
    20 athletes -      
    19 athletes -
    15 athletes -
    14 athletes -  
    11 athletes -  
    10 athletes -  
    9 athletes -  
    8 athletes -
    7 athletes -  
    6 athletes -  
    5 athletes -    
    4 athletes -            
    3 athletes -          
    2 athletes -            
    1 athlete -                                  
  13. Like
    Laraja reacted to NaBUru38 in Pan American Games 2023   
    Of course, I'm a Wikimedia after all.
    The problem is that the cheapest cameras I can find here are US$ 800.
    In Mercado Libre I do see some US$ 300 cameras, but those don't come with the original box, so I don't trust the seller's 6-month warranty.
  14. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Sport Climbing Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    World Rankings updated as of July 23rd, 2023
  15. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in BMX Cycling Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    BMX Park Ranking by Nations updated as of July 23rd, 2023
  16. Like
    Laraja reacted to vinipereira in Diving at the Aquatics WA World Championships 2023   
    I don't know, he kinda disappeared after last year's Worlds (where he didn't qualify to semifinals). Maybe he's not in a good moment 
  17. Like
    Laraja reacted to owenp_23 in Paralympic Sports Qualification to Summer Paralympic Games Paris 2024   
    Quotas earned at Para Archery World Championships.
    Men W1

    Women W1
    Men Recurve
    Women Recurve
    Men Compound
    Women Compound
  18. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Surfing Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    World Surf League Championship Tour Rankings updated as of July 19th, 2023
  19. Like
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Surfing Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Only one stage to go, before Finals
    Seeing this opportunity, an overview about Surfing Qualification
    Teresa are already in the Olympics.
    Carissa , imo, is qualified as well; she cannot be overtaken by any other American/Hawaian surfer, which automatically put her in the Olympics. The same applies to Wright which cannot see any other Australian girl ahead of her, giving her ticket too.
    The second American and Australian quota will be decided between: Marks , Lakey , Caitlin , Picklum and Gilmore
    There's a chance of Lakey and Caitlin do not advance to the Finals, which would give olympic spot directly to Marks.
    As for the quota, only Gilmore can still "steal" the place provisonally secured by Picklum. She needs the second place at to keep her dream alive. Even though, the second place wouldn't give her enough points to feel "safe". The first place, added to a poor performance from Caitlin and Lakey is her best option for the place on Finals.
    Colapinto are already in the Olympics
    John John Florence is qualified too, imo. Even if either Barron or Ian win the last stage, they can't sum enough points to overtake him.
    All the other quotas are still open. And, it will be a fierce battle for the second Brazilian and Australian quota. And for the other three spots.
  20. Like
    Laraja got a reaction from phelps in Surfing Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Only one stage to go, before Finals
    Seeing this opportunity, an overview about Surfing Qualification
    Teresa are already in the Olympics.
    Carissa , imo, is qualified as well; she cannot be overtaken by any other American/Hawaian surfer, which automatically put her in the Olympics. The same applies to Wright which cannot see any other Australian girl ahead of her, giving her ticket too.
    The second American and Australian quota will be decided between: Marks , Lakey , Caitlin , Picklum and Gilmore
    There's a chance of Lakey and Caitlin do not advance to the Finals, which would give olympic spot directly to Marks.
    As for the quota, only Gilmore can still "steal" the place provisonally secured by Picklum. She needs the second place at to keep her dream alive. Even though, the second place wouldn't give her enough points to feel "safe". The first place, added to a poor performance from Caitlin and Lakey is her best option for the place on Finals.
    Colapinto are already in the Olympics
    John John Florence is qualified too, imo. Even if either Barron or Ian win the last stage, they can't sum enough points to overtake him.
    All the other quotas are still open. And, it will be a fierce battle for the second Brazilian and Australian quota. And for the other three spots.
  21. Like
    Laraja reacted to Josh in Surfing Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    One more [+ Finals] stop left on the 2023 WSL Tour, and tickets to Paris 2024 are starting to get awarded. 
    Here are the athletes who qualified at the Corona J Bay Pro:
    Men's Shortboard
    Leonardo Fioravanti 
    Ethan Ewing 
    Griffin Colapinto 
    Filipe Toledo 
     will host the next stop on the WSL, in August
  22. Like
    Laraja reacted to Henry_Leon in Women's Football FIFA World Cup 2023   
    The FIFA WWC will begin in a few hours
    If want play some games at FIFA+ site all link in the off-topic thread
  23. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in BMX Cycling Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    BMX Racing Olympic Qualification Rankings updated as of July 18th, 2023
  24. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Tennis Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    ATP & WTA Rankings updated as of July 18th, 2023
  25. Thanks
    Laraja got a reaction from Josh in Paralympic Sports Qualification to Summer Paralympic Games Paris 2024   
    Para Triathlon Paralympic Qualification Rankings updated as of July 18th, 2023
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