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Everything posted by NearPup

  1. I'm actually sort of okay with it? If there's one major championship that should have the mile surely it's the CWG. And the mile remains a really popular distance at the pro level, so it's not like they are plucking it from obscurity.
  2. What’s wrong with that?
  3. Ya no I’m super aware of the stupid week-end trade war Trump waged for no reason, and I’m not happy about him trying to tank the economy of the two countries I’m a citizen of. But I really don’t trust you to tell me anything I don’t know about North American politics :P
  4. Wait, who? O.o
  5. The IIHF has extented the suspension of and through the end of the 2025-2026 season. Unless the IOC intervenes this means will not be competing at the next Winter Olympics.
  6. beats by 0.01s on the combined time tie-breaker to advance to the final, where they will meet
  7. For folks who didn't watch the Ro16, worth mentioning that actually got relatively close (final skier needed to be 0.2s faster) to beating
  8. We are only sending one male tech skier
  9. The very first women's NC world cup and crystal globe was won by Tara Geraghty-Moats in what turned out to be quite a fluke.
  10. And we still have no clue if Boxing will even be in or not!
  11. End of an era 🫡 (being a *bit* tongue in cheek here :P )
  12. Rescuers are no longer expecting to find any survivors, so this is all but confirmed now
  13. With Russia’s ongoing ban I’m a little surprised at least one of hasn’t suddenly gotten very good at biathlon, cross country skiing, figure skating and/or ice hockey.
  14. There must be something rotten in the NOC, with all these athletes retiring earlier than expected right before the Olympics (and also Braathen taking a year off to switch to ) Edit: also means that Riiber will retire without an Olympic gold, which just doesn't feel right at all :<
  15. beats with a last second goal.
  16. I think this has less to do with reducing quota and more about making the event program the same for men and women. But they could also just replace the women’s 25m pistol with a 25m rapid pistol.
  17. At this point it would be hard to see them included, given there’s been no real progress in Russia being reintroduced in sports (and also no meaningful progress towards an end of the war).
  18. They’ll really do anything but add the women’s 25m rapid fire pistol to the Olympics.
  19. How is this bad (or good) news for anybody?
  20. The downside of having a regional Olympics sadly :/
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