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Everything posted by uk12points

  1. 19 / 35 Juries Voted Jury Voting: FIN Netherlands 64 Indonesia 49 Finland 4 Romania 43 Argentina 48 Slovenia 58 Great Britain 103 Ireland 28 Morocco 67 Russia 3 Mexico 30 Croatia 34 United States 42 Slovakia 25 Tunisia 59 Algeria 39 Portugal 51 Lithuania 63 Canada 21 Malta 65 France 33 Iran 55 Greece 15 Moldova 43 New Zealand 73 Bulgaria 20 Azerbaijan 5 Kazakhstan 13 Germany 38 India 19 Brazil 73 Denmark 21 Serbia 90 Poland 22 Italy 65 CURRENT TOP 5 POSITIONS 1 Great Britain 103 2 Serbia 90 3 Brazil 73 4 New Zealand 73 5 Morocco 67 GB first to break triple digits as New Zealand and Morocco return to the top 5! We will now take a breather, a 30 minute breather to be precise! I certainly need one otherwise I think templates might take over my life After the break we will head to Argentina, the first time we will go to the Americas tonight, how will these countries vote I wonder? Well there is one way to find out, stick around to approximately 21:30 UK time! There will also be an excellently named "ever-so-slightly-over-halfway-so-that-it-falls-in-a-scheduled-break-ranking-board" so everyone can see where they are after half of the points have been awarded, see who they need to target and who they need to watch out for in the next few rounds of voting!
  2. FINLAND Jury Scorecard: Great Britain 12 India 11 New Zealand 10 Moldova 9 Argentina 8 Slovenia 7 Morocco 6 Lithuania 5 Slovakia 4 France 3 Russia 2 Romania 1 Message
  3. FINLAND Jury Scorecard: India 11 New Zealand 10 Moldova 9 Argentina 8 Slovenia 7 Morocco 6 Lithuania 5 Slovakia 4 France 3 Russia 2 Romania 1
  4. FINLAND Jury Scorecard: New Zealand 10 Moldova 9 Argentina 8 Slovenia 7 Morocco 6 Lithuania 5 Slovakia 4 France 3 Russia 2 Romania 1
  5. 18 / 35 Juries Voted Jury Voting: NED Netherlands 64 Indonesia 49 Finland 4 Romania 43 Argentina 40 Slovenia 51 Great Britain 91 Ireland 28 Morocco 61 Russia 1 Mexico 30 Croatia 34 United States 42 Slovakia 21 Tunisia 59 Algeria 39 Portugal 51 Lithuania 59 Canada 21 Malta 65 France 30 Iran 55 Greece 15 Moldova 34 New Zealand 63 Bulgaria 20 Azerbaijan 5 Kazakhstan 13 Germany 38 India 8 Brazil 73 Denmark 21 Serbia 90 Poland 22 Italy 65 CURRENT TOP 5 POSITIONS 1 Great Britain 91 2 Serbia 90 3 Brazil 73 4 Malta 65 5 Italy 65 Back to neck and neck between Britain and Serbia, but the leading pair haven't dropped Brazil yet, who is currently 17 points behind. The battle behind is also hotting up with Malta on 65, Italy on 65, Netherlands on 64, New Zealand on 63 and Morocco on 61. Next up we are staying in Europe and heading to Finland, Where hopefully they will be ready with their results?
  6. And the flags on the scoreboard have gone again! Penguins are creating chaos!
  7. 17 / 35 Juries Voted Jury Voting: POL Netherlands 64 Indonesia 49 Finland 4 Romania 43 Argentina 40 Slovenia 46 Great Britain 87 Ireland 28 Morocco 58 Russia 1 Mexico 30 Croatia 34 United States 42 Slovakia 21 Tunisia 49 Algeria 30 Portugal 50 Lithuania 57 Canada 21 Malta 53 France 30 Iran 55 Greece 15 Moldova 34 New Zealand 63 Bulgaria 20 Azerbaijan 5 Kazakhstan 13 Germany 32 India 8 Brazil 73 Denmark 21 Serbia 82 Poland 11 Italy 58 CURRENT TOP 5 POSITIONS 1 Great Britain 87 2 Serbia 82 3 Brazil 73 4 Netherlands 64 5 New Zealand 63 Thank you Poland, for nothing! Only kidding, Poland's vote have thrown the pack back together and New Zealand seem to be closing in on the Netherlands with every second Next up we are heading to the Netherlands and as the Dutch vote we will reach halfway through the epic, all day marathon that is TISC, So heywoodu can you send us over halfway?
  8. So it is a bit clearer: POLAND Jury Scorecard: Brazil 12 Italy 11 Tunisia 10 Iran 9 Lithuania 8 Germany 7 Algeria 6 Serbia 5 Morocco 4 India 3 New Zealand 2 Denmark 1
  9. Try holding down Control, then clicking on Poland so that it highlights it all, and then copy and paste! That's been working fine for me!
  10. 16 / 35 Juries Voted Jury Voting: DEN Netherlands 64 Indonesia 49 Finland 4 Romania 43 Argentina 40 Slovenia 46 Great Britain 87 Ireland 28 Morocco 54 Russia 1 Mexico 30 Croatia 34 United States 42 Slovakia 21 Tunisia 39 Algeria 24 Portugal 50 Lithuania 49 Canada 21 Malta 53 France 30 Iran 46 Greece 15 Moldova 34 New Zealand 61 Bulgaria 20 Azerbaijan 5 Kazakhstan 13 Germany 25 India 5 Brazil 61 Denmark 20 Serbia 77 Poland 11 Italy 47 CURRENT TOP 5 POSITIONS 1 Great Britain 87 2 Serbia 77 3 Netherlands 64 4 Brazil 61 5 New Zealand 61 And breath and breath, in, out, in, out! now don't get carried away with Britain surging into the front on the scoreboard you have a contest to run! Next up we are calling Poland, Is anyone there to tell us the results?
  11. DENMARK Jury Scorecard: Lithuania 12 Great Britain 11 New Zealand 10 Tunisia 9 Malta 8 Italy 7 Indonesia 6 Netherlands 5 Romania 4 Slovakia 3 Slovenia 2 Serbia 1
  12. DENMARK Jury Scorecard: Great Britain 11 New Zealand 10 Tunisia 9 Malta 8 Italy 7 Indonesia 6 Netherlands 5 Romania 4 Slovakia 3 Slovenia 2 Serbia 1
  13. DENMARK Jury Scorecard: New Zealand 10 Tunisia 9 Malta 8 Italy 7 Indonesia 6 Netherlands 5 Romania 4 Slovakia 3 Slovenia 2 Serbia 1
  14. It does look like a neutral committee spokesperson will annouce the results.
  15. 15 / 35 Juries Voted Jury Voting: IND Netherlands 59 Indonesia 43 Finland 4 Romania 39 Argentina 40 Slovenia 44 Great Britain 76 Ireland 28 Morocco 54 Russia 1 Mexico 30 Croatia 34 United States 42 Slovakia 18 Tunisia 30 Algeria 24 Portugal 50 Lithuania 37 Canada 21 Malta 45 France 30 Iran 46 Greece 15 Moldova 34 New Zealand 51 Bulgaria 20 Azerbaijan 5 Kazakhstan 13 Germany 25 India 5 Brazil 61 Denmark 20 Serbia 76 Poland 11 Italy 40 CURRENT TOP 5 POSITIONS 1 Great Britain 76 2 Serbia 76 3 Brazil 61 4 Netherlands 59 5 Morocco 54 It could not be closer!! GB moves ahead of Serbia thanks to getting votes from more juries, but there is nothing between them. Next it is former host Denmark, will they break the deadlock? Denmark please reveal your votes!
  16. Again for a little bit of clarity: INDIA Jury Scorecard: Malta 12 New Zealand 11 France 10 Great Britain 9 Portugal 8 Denmark 7 Brazil 6 Germany 5 Italy 4 Serbia 3 Indonesia 2 Bulgaria 1
  17. 14 / 35 Juries Voted Jury Voting: KAZ Netherlands 59 Indonesia 41 Finland 4 Romania 39 Argentina 40 Slovenia 44 Great Britain 67 Ireland 28 Morocco 54 Russia 1 Mexico 30 Croatia 34 United States 42 Slovakia 18 Tunisia 30 Algeria 24 Portugal 42 Lithuania 37 Canada 21 Malta 33 France 20 Iran 46 Greece 15 Moldova 34 New Zealand 40 Bulgaria 19 Azerbaijan 5 Kazakhstan 13 Germany 20 India 5 Brazil 55 Denmark 13 Serbia 73 Poland 11 Italy 36 CURRENT TOP 5 POSITIONS 1 Serbia 73 2 Great Britain 67 3 Netherlands 59 4 Brazil 55 5 Morocco 54 Very cagey at the top, nobody albe to make a break for it yet, but we are growing in continental representation at the top, we now have Europe, America and Africa in the top 5. Next is our last stop on the truely mini Asian tour! Hello India, may we have your votes?
  18. KAZAKHSTAN Jury Scorecard: Slovenia 12 Bulgaria 11 Algeria 10 Romania 9 United States 8 Iran 7 Brazil 6 Morocco 5 Malta 4 New Zealand 3 Great Britain 2 Lithuania 1
  19. KAZAKHSTAN Jury Scorecard: Bulgaria 11 Algeria 10 Romania 9 United States 8 Iran 7 Brazil 6 Morocco 5 Malta 4 New Zealand 3 Great Britain 2 Lithuania 1
  20. KAZAKHSTAN Сәлем достар! Сіздерге тек сәттілік тілеймін! Бұл жоба ғұмырлы болсын Hi friends! Good luck to you! I wish for this brilliant project - longevity. Jury Scorecard: Algeria 10 Romania 9 United States 8 Iran 7 Brazil 6 Morocco 5 Malta 4 New Zealand 3 Great Britain 2 Lithuania 1
  21. This is odd! Might have to see if we can wait it out, or I'll have to come up with Plan B! Any sightings of Kazakhstan?
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