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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. Update - Week 45 - November 04 to November 10 - 2019 No new qualified athletes in this week. Qualified Quotas Overview Men (Total Quota: 451) Women (Total Quota: 443)
    2 points
  3. no I'm not worried about beating Hong Kong. Iran is just good in beating those kind of teams. they are small and can't match the physical play of Iran. but Bahrain is a different story. Bahrain itself is not good in beating minor teams. they even struggled against Cambodia ! but when they want to defend they are tough to beat. and they will park the bus against Iran, we have some very bad memories against Bahrain. and we also have to play Iraq at home. and it doesn't matter if they are already qualified before that match, they always play against Iran like their lives are depend on that. the only positive outcome today was everybody realized the danger, Iran will be more prepared next time. what happened here is unbelievable. they just packed and came to Amman without training at home. their first training session was in Amman and that's when our genius coach found out some of his starters are slightly injured and can't play !!!! and it was supposed to be our most important match.
    1 point
  4. Group A, Day #3 Egypt b. Cameroon 2-1 Ghana b. Mali 2-0 Group A, Final Ranking Egypt, 9 Pts (Q) Ghana, 4 Pts (+1 Goals Difference, Q) Cameroon, 4 Pts (0 Goals Difference, eliminated) Mali, 1 Pt (eliminated)
    1 point
  5. following today's loss, Marcello Lippi resigned from his role of coach of the Chinese National team... having watched the match, I wouldn't name Iran's loss a surprise...they were really out of synch, not acting as a team, too much focused on complaining against the ref...add to that a stupid red card with still about a quarter of an hour to go and bad attitude overall and you get what they got...losing badly in the stoppage time... I feel sorry for our friend must have been very painful watching today's match...
    1 point
  6. The only thing that would help would be another mass shooting - not in a school, but in a Congress or White House. But they ensured themselves a safety years ago with a CIA, FBI, NSA or whatever three-letters are they called in this abnormal country, giving no shit about their citizens. God Bless American Politicians!
    1 point
  7. I always felt that a 20-0 for a forfeit was too little. Teams could try to take advantage of it...
    1 point
  8. Although I'm probably turning it off, because it's all the same as the hundred previous ones. Undoubtedly followed by thoughts, prayers, a poem here or there and people saying "Now we are really fed up with it!". Possibly resulting in a protest here or there, which then eventually dies down, until the next one.
    1 point
  9. Our Senate decided against debate on gun reform as the shooting was happening. I’m dead serious, you can’t make this shit up.
    1 point
  10. Or she kissed someone who had consumed cocaine...her lawyers need to study previous cases and pick the excuse that works best.
    1 point
  11. Also Bartolomeo Prignano, who was annoyed he couldn't hear tortured cardinals scream loudly enough after they conspired against him, was the best pope in Vatican history.
    1 point
  12. That's new, I only see them in those long white 'dresses' usually (on TV)
    1 point
  13. They always do that when they're outside their countries
    1 point
  14. Trump is the best president in US history
    1 point
  15. How many skaters qualify to semis? Thanks!
    1 point
  16. Someone call 911 because we've got an epic burn right here.
    1 point
    1 point
  18. congratulations to my friend dimitri pavadé for this silver medal in length, and Olympic quotas for tokyo congratulations !!!!!
    1 point
  19. Dolby

    [OFF TOPIC] General Chat

    Moreover, if Tuvalu doesn't want a large number of tourists, don't give too many visas.
    1 point
  20. heywoodu

    [OFF TOPIC] General Chat

    Tourists bring money, and in the end, every group of people likes that I don't think there's going to be a huge amount of tourists though, no worries. Last, but definitely not least: everyone who hadn't even heard of Tuvalu really needs to watch more sports or get some more general knowledge. Come on, next thing you know people don't even know Nauru or Bhutan.
    1 point
  21. And officially confirmed: Rotterdam. What an idiots, leaking it two days before the announcement they've been hyping for months
    1 point
  22. Next year's host city has been leaked in a pretty dumb way It's been between Rotterdam and Maastricht, with the announcement coming Friday, but since today... This works: This doesn't work:
    1 point
  23. so, at least 1 between EGY or GHA will qualify for the Olympics...
    0 points
  24. Well, I could have guessed this withdraw after the abysmal ratings of the last few years. Nobody cares about this show in Hungary, so it makes sense that MTVA doesn't want to "waste" taxpayer money on it. I think this is going to be a looong break for us, not just one year like 2006 or 2010. I wouldn't even be surprised if we won't return during the 2020s.
    0 points
  25. This means that sadly both and withdrew Too bad because there was realistic chance for breaking record in number of participating countries (43 is the biggest number so far) as there were rumours about possible return of and but well.... I'm sad especially about Montenegro, I always liked their entries, I hope that both countries will return in 2021!
    0 points
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