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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018

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4 minutes ago, Werloc said:

But will you be able to protect Mexico alone?


There is a reason I bring Séamus with me (apart from our dear friendship and his ability to get us free drinks :p)


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 NewZealand.png NEW ZEALAND 12


 Norway.png NORWAY 11


 Argentina.png ARGENTINA 10


 Estonia.png ESTONIA 9
 Tunisia.png TUNISIA 8
 Netherlands.png NETHERLANDS 7
 Germany.png GERMANY 6
 Poland.png POLAND 5
 Italy.png ITALY 4
 Algeria.png ALGERIA 3
 Switzerland.png SWITZERLAND 2
 Colombia.png COLOMBIA 1



These were the votes of Bulgaria. Thank you all!


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1 minute ago, mrv86 said:

Well to be honest, except for 2 or 3 I liked all the songs in this edition... That's why it took me so long to agree with a filter to select my final 12


Hey, no harm, I am just joking :d 
And also to be honest, I liked much much much more the 2017 Open contest. I am definitely more for "old" music :d 

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