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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2021

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After a really really long and drawn out selection process, I felt that this song is the one that had to represent Lithuania this year. There were so many good options and songs that I loved, but ultimately the one that I chose is just art and the reason why music is one of the greatest forms of expression. This song is written in memory of Evgenya Redko's mother that passed, I recommend reading the lyric translation. Also, I know not everyone here watches the music videos, but I encourage to do it at least once (perhaps after the votes are in), because it is lokwey probably the best music video ever produced in Lithuania.




Evgenya Redko - Laikinai (Temporarily)





Laikinai, aplink pasaulis griuvo / Temporarily, the world crashed down around me
Laikinai, laikas sustojo atsitiktinai / Temporarily, time stopped accidentally
Mano gyvenime tu laikinai / You're in my life temporarily
Kodėl taip laikinai? / Why so temporarily?

Tikiuosi tau lengva / I hope it's not tough for you
Užmigus visam laikui, sąmanos dengia / Sleeping for eternity covered with moss
Tu mano atminty, bet man tavęs stinga / You're in my memory, but there's not enough of you
Tavo pataluos šįryt sninga, šįryt sninga / It's snowing in your bed this morning, it's snowing this morning

(Degi ugnimi, degi ugnimi amžina) / You burn with flame, you burn with eternal flame
(Degi ugnimi, degi ugnimi amžina) / You burn with flame, you burn with eternal flame
Tiems kurių neliko / To those who are no longer with us
Tiems kuriuos širdy amžiais laikysim / Those that we will forever hold in our hearts
Tiems kurie mus gynė / To those that defended us
Angelai sparnus nelaiku nupynė / Angels gave them wings too early

Degi ugnimi amžina / You burn with eternal flame
Degi ugnimi, laikinai / You burn with flame, temporarily

Mačiausi aš tavo atvaizde / I saw myself in your image
Ir liūdesy ir rūpesty veide / In sadness and in worry on your face
Abiejų jaučiamam skausme / In the pain that we've felt together
Jaučiamam skausme / In the pain that we've felt

Tikiuosi tau lengva / I hope it's not tough for you
Užmigus visam laikui, sąmanos dengia / Sleeping for eternity covered with moss
Tu mano atminty, bet man tavęs stinga / You're in my memory, but there's not enough of you
Tavo pataluos šįryt sninga, šįryt sninga / It's snowing in your bed this morning, it's snowing this morning

Tiems kurių neliko / To those who are no longer with us
Tiems kuriuos širdy amžiais laikysim / Those that we will forever hold in our hearts
Tiems kurie mus gynė / To those that defended us
Angelai sparnus nelaiku nupynė / Angels gave them wings too early

Degi ugnimi amžina / You burn with eternal flame

Šiąnakt nebegrįši / You won't be coming back tonight
Dangaus pakelėse susitiksim / We'll meet in the roadsides of heaven
Šiąnakt nebеgrįši / You won't be coming back tonight
Išsiskyrėm mes tik laikinai / We were separated, but only temporarily

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10 hours ago, Agger said:

I will be joining team Denmark once again! :DEN


Looking forward to revisiting Krakow. Had some fine experiences there some years ago and some delicious food in Kazmierz. Will a guided tour in the wieliczka salt mine be included?

Yes, salt mine will be included, one of the most recognizable places in the area can't be missed ;)  The organizing committee will also offer trips to other cities a bit away from Krakow :) 

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@OlympicIRL @hckošice @Wumo


I found something for you, that place is located in the main square in the old town :)


Mesh Date Night: St Patrick's Day | Irish pub, Pub crawl, Pub

Sylwester IRISH PUB , Sylwester 2021 w Krakowie

Irish Pub w Krakowie

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So Werloc finally knows how it feels to be an American juror (as in, purposely not entering an eligible song that could win)... :whistle:


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6 minutes ago, dcro said:

So Werloc finally knows how it feels to be an American juror (as in, purposely not entering an eligible song that could win)... :whistle:

What do you mean by that? :lol:


I had 11 really really good songs that I would've been happy with. In the end, I decided to go with one that felt most unique and I thought it would be nice to not send a repeat artist as well. 

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1 hour ago, rybak said:

Yes, salt mine will be included, one of the most recognizable places in the area can't be missed ;)  The organizing committee will also offer trips to other cities a bit away from Krakow :) 

Sounds lovely. If I can get the same old guide as last time I visited it would be perfect. She was great. But I'll need some time for the beers and vodka as well!

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