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This is how they celebrated killing her , because she is a potential killer and it's better to kill her now , because when she will get older she will kill us , this is their mentality there and thus they don't have any problem with killing children , women , whatever as long as all Palestenians are terrorists and not innocent besides all Arabs 

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Very wise words , yes Anti Semitism moved from Europe to Middle East by launch of Israel after many years Jewish lived with Muslims very peacefully unlike what they suffered in Europe and they were part of society,  not some strangers or foreigners 

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1 hour ago, bestmen said:

Look at that , veto of usa again 


US veto sinks Algeria’s ceasefire resolution at UN Security Council


And tomorrow Biden will tell us he is putting pressure on Netnanyahu to lower number of dead civilians and to give Palestenians Humanitarian Aids 

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Please guys press translate, he said what everyone wants to say but everyone else are cowards.


Im not a big fan of him when we talk about internal politics (i hate bolsonaro to be clear) but he is a giant when talk about international politics.


If this War stops because of his spechs he deserves a Nobel.

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A proud Israeli Soldier taking photo with Palestenian Women Underwear , that believed to be hostages or let's say prisoners , because ofc Israel doesn't kidnap people . Honestly I'm not surprised about anything I see from there anymore , but always the question when it will be enough , when these criminals will pay the price 

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