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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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3 minutes ago, Dolby said:

Republican Establishment knows it has lost. They tried to stop him from becoming Republican nominee in 2016, failed and then tried to control him and again failed. But now that he has lost, they will have their revenge. They will make sure that any remaining Trump supporter will become persona non-grata in Republican party. Of course, there will be a significant portion of Republican party that is still firmly with Trump, but RE would be hoping that with Trump out of picture, they can force a similar split in Democratic party also with Progressives going against Democratic Establishment. 

It will be a major infight when we get closer to the midterms. Trumpists will certainly be challenging many of those who were against the objections. It will very much be up to the voters if it will be the Trump Republican Party or the "old" Republican party after that. Until then, sure some could see their power diminish (at least the 6 senators, it's much harder in the House where the supporters are a majority), but it's optimistic (though not impossible) that the establishment will take over completely.

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Trump finally admitting defeat (though he will keep on fighting his fight)?

This will not be the end of unrest, but at least it feels like there will be no more challenges to the Presidency.



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1 hour ago, NearPup said:

After what feels like a month of counting, Congress has formally declared that Joe Biden is elected president and that Kamala Harris is elected vice-president. It is over, there is no theoretical long shot hope left for Trump.

Not that anyone really expected any other outcome. :p


Although, I wonder what happened to all those signed affidavits about the alleged voter fraud. I remember some hearings, but haven't heard anything on what happened to people who pledged them.


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Yeah, well, the liberals rioted under the BLM banner, now the conservatives will riot under "Trump won" banner :p There are politicially-motivated riots in USA at least twice every decade since the 60s :dunno:  Putin and China don't have to do anything to make USA look like a complete dumpster fire.

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“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Meanwhile Pro-Beijing HK politicians are looking into possibly prosecuting Danish Politicians including 2 members of parliament and 2 young politicians (the former president of the Danish Conservative Youth Party and one from my party) for aiding democrat Ted Hui.



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