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[POLL] Which are your 3 Top Favorite Winter Olympic Sports? (2018 version)

[POLL] Which are your 3 Top Favorite Winter Olympic Sports? (2017 - 2018 version)  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. [POLL] Which are your 3 Top Favorite Winter Olympic Sports? (2017 - 2018 version)

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It's quite tightly bunched for me between the top 5.


But I guess it would be...

1. Curling / Luge / Speed skating

2. Bobsleigh / Figure skating

3. The rest


You see, I don't particulary like snow sports (anymore). :p Used to be a big fan of alpine skiing, and after that a crazy fan of cross-country...

Edited by dcro


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4 hours ago, hckosice said:

First pick is a izzy one, I guess :old: just because it´s the best sport ! Long live to Canada for the best invention in the history of humanity : Ice Hockey !!!  :cheer:




I couldn't agree more...:d:lol::champion:


after that...well, here I'm quite in trouble...because I'd like to put all the other sports of this lit (except for figure skating) tied for 2nd...but I guess I can't...

so, I voted for Biathlon as my 2nd pck and Short Track as my 3rd choice...


but I have to say also that I like, more than most of those sports in general, some of their special disciplines...

for instance, Snowboarding for me is almost only Snowbordcross (and Freestyle Skiing is almost only about Skicross), meanwhile among the Alpine Skiing special disciplines I like especially the speed events, Downhill and SuperG...and so on...

Edited by phelps
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Well, I think everyone saw this coming, but

1. Biathlon (It's a sport that I follow religiously for half of my life, skipped school on multiple occasions just to run home fast enough to watch the Biathlon races)




Then, when you take away the guns, with a very big margin below we have:

2. Cross-country skiing (I remember being invested in CC a lot more a few years back. I'd use to watch pretty much every race and never skipped a Tour De Ski, but nowadays, I don't really care for it, I sometimes look up the results, but I don't remember the last time I actually sat down and watched it, I guess it'll happen during Olympics)

3. Shot-Track Speed Skating (I remember enjoying it when I was younger, but it's usually a sport that doesn't get too much media coverage, so not that easy to be very invested in the sport, but it still beats other sports for me)

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Biathlon (surprise, no? :p) is on first place in my list of all sports, not only winter, second is ski jumping and then speed skating.


Edit: Btw. 26 people already voted and skeleton is only one remaining sport which still have 0 votes :/

Edited by rybak
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I'm shocked by the number of votes short track speed skating has :yikes:

My number 1 faaaar ahead the others is biathlon, it's so interesting and exciting to watch!

My number 2 is alpine skiing.

And for number 3 I admit that I voted quite randomly between the other sports that I like but not that much compared to the first 2, and I chose freestyle skiing (sorry for disappointing you :lol:)




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Too bad skeleton has no vote yet, another winter sport I definitely try to watch live whenever possible and delayed if I couldn't watch it live :p 


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10 hours ago, Bohemia said:

I'm shocked by the number of votes short track speed skating has :yikes:

My number 1 faaaar ahead the others is biathlon, it's so interesting and exciting to watch!

My number 2 is alpine skiing.

And for number 3 I admit that I voted quite randomly between the other sports that I like but not that much compared to the first 2, and I chose freestyle skiing (sorry for disappointing you :lol:)


well, short track is a very exciting sport...and if you have a shot at going to watch an event on site (especially if you could find a seat close to the ice sheet)...well, don't miss's so impressive how fast they go and what kind of extreme balance exercise it is (those skates are scary)...

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1) Biathlon: a very entertaining sport even is very dificult to see an argentinian in there, i know it at 12 years old when i lived in Ushuaia (the southest city of the world) and i kwew an ex olympic representant of Argentina who teach us Cross Country sky.


2) Bobsleigh: i like a lot the "sleds" sports and this is the best for me.


3) Snowboarding: i dont see too much in tv and have some interesting categories like snowboardcross.



I cant believe the votes for short track speed skating.........

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Curling / Figure Skating / Freestyle Skiing


Always liked the first two, probably because are the sports (alongside Ice Hockey) that I can easily follow the most important championships on brazilian channels (Figure Skating actually had the bigger audience here in the Sochi Olympics). Hard to pick a third since I don't really follow any of the others, but I liked Freestyle Skiing in the last Olympics.

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