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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2017

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15 nations left on my shortlist, I have created a round-robin tournament with these nations so they will all 'play' against each other today and who 'wins' the most 'matches' (well, who gets the most points like in a normal competition) gets my 12 points, second place gets 11 points and so on :p 


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35 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

15 nations left on my shortlist, I have created a round-robin tournament with these nations so they will all 'play' against each other today and who 'wins' the most 'matches' (well, who gets the most points like in a normal competition) gets my 12 points, second place gets 11 points and so on :p 


i'll take the role of referee

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12 hours left to vote and we have 6 countries yet to vote:



I have heard from some of these users and some have contacted me asking for extra time, which can be given if any are unable to vote tonight.

Edited by uk12points
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