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29 minutes ago, Wumo said:

My wife and I are going to Prague in mid-October. There should be enough time for us to read up on our limited knowledge about Czechia before we go. :p

so you can already start by not calling it Czechia then :p

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15 hours ago, hckošice said:

Seriously, how you can go visit a country without having at least a basic information about it...

Had a rich friend who visited Belgium and she wanted to tell that experience in English class about a month later. But she didn't even know (and probably remember) the city or landmark names except "a pissing statue". I asked her "Did you visit a steel hexagonal-ish building and a park with big arch?" and she said "Yes". From there, I helped her to compose the writing and prevented her from submitting a medieval traveler review of foreign countries :lol:

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apparently they discouvered the biggest petrol field  in the world in :ALG half on soil and half in the mediterranean sea...they are mesuring the sizeالجزائر-اكتشاف-احتياطي-طاقوي-جديد-قد-ي/


i'll buy the server of microsoft , the NASA ,Hollywood and everything soon ...bestmen the richest man in the wooorld 

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2 hours ago, bestmen said:

apparently they discouvered the biggest petrol field  in the world in :ALG half on soil and half in the mediterranean sea...they are mesuring the sizeالجزائر-اكتشاف-احتياطي-طاقوي-جديد-قد-ي/


i'll buy the server of microsoft , the NASA ,Hollywood and everything soon ...bestmen the richest man in the wooorld 

Bad news for :ALG

You are now the obvious place for :CHN:RUS:USA to invade...


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they are already invaded long time ago ...


the most important thing that i will ride 1 Ferrari at 300km/h and splash water on you while you   walking..mouahahaha




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Vacation in Maldives...Safari in 5 star...yacht sea&sun ...all the kings of world will invite me in their castles....


don't be jealous , i'll send you 1 Email 

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