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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic


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  On 3/21/2020 at 10:57 AM, dcro said:

Still no cases in :BIZ:MLI:LBA:ANG:STP:MOZ:BOT:LES:MYA:LAO:SYR:TKM:TJK:SOL, among others...


For pretty much all of those countries, or at least most of them, one can very seriously wonder their ability to test and track cases..


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What if China announced from the vary beginning that they really have problems that they found positive cases for Corona,  what if authorities all over the world didn't treat with Corona at the beginning as it's just some sort of Flu and this stupid thing of only 2% dies from this disease and thay're mainly elder people or those with Cancer or Aids,  seriously humanity is paying the price of these dumb ass regimes 

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Following +38 new cases announced this morning alone, a decision has been made to stop all public transport in Croatia effective tomorrow.


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  On 3/21/2020 at 11:29 AM, dharang said:

There is something I do not understand:

Croatia (168 cases according to worldometer) from tomorrow shuts down intercity public transport, Serbia (148 cases) did it already + nightly curfew enforced by their army

Italy in recent restriction prohibited visiting public parks and playgrounds . Surprised really that it did not so already (here the playground in the corner of the street I live in is cordoned off since Monday this week, and we had about ~110 cases).

Why there are not even more stringent controls in Italy? Does it have to do with the division of competences between the central government and the regional government?  


I would dare to say-idiotic right not to be confined, not to endanger freedom.

Idiotic in these circumstances.

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  On 3/21/2020 at 12:46 PM, ChandlerMne said:

I would dare to say-idiotic right not to be confined, not to endanger freedom.

Idiotic in these circumstances.


I have another explanation: lack of common sense.

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  On 3/21/2020 at 12:56 PM, AlFHg said:

I have another explanation: lack of common sense.


You said it nicely.

Cmon, 4000 deaths in 30 days, and people in Italy still dont get it? Stay at home, is it so difficult to understand???

I feel so sorry for Italy because i like it so much. And i am angry because this could have been avoided.

On the other hend, Italian and Montenegrin are same. Mentality is similar. I also see that my countrymen are doing the same.

Edited by ChandlerMne
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630+ new cases today, bringing the total to over 3600. 


I'm not expecting (and definitely not hoping for) anything as drastic as public transport being closed or something, although it did feel a bit weird just now in the supermarket with everybody walking around each other like lepers.

Edited by heywoodu


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Of course nobody here can say something with real knowledge about this but for you.....



1) Is really a virus with came from a bat or another animal from Wuham?


2) is an artificial virus realized in a laboratory?

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  On 3/21/2020 at 1:54 PM, konig said:

Of course nobody here can say something with real knowledge about this but for you.....



1) Is really a virus with came from a bat or another animal from Wuham?


2) is an artificial virus realized in a laboratory?



About two: that is, as one would expect, extremely likely to be some sort of crazy conspiracy theory. It could be true, but you know, purely theoretically.


And number one: I think the last I read about it was that scientists found out it might be quite likely that it came from pangolins, possibly starting with bats and then going from pangolins to humans, thanks to the idiotic humans who illegally sold pangolins for their meat (and, not surprisingly, 'for their medicinal value' or some nonsense like that).


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  On 3/21/2020 at 1:54 PM, konig said:

Of course nobody here can say something with real knowledge about this but for you.....



1) Is really a virus with came from a bat or another animal from Wuham?


2) is an artificial virus realized in a laboratory?



So you are in this phase to ask questions like that. I remember people asking questions like this here 3 weeks ago but I can't see that anymore. right now it doesn't matter what's the origin of this virus.


but we are in a new phase "fuck it, enough self-quarantine for me, let's go have fun" :d:facepalm:

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