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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020

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I had to really really think about it this year, because there was a lot to choose from. As you may know, TISC winner Leon Somov & Jazzu has split up three years ago, but we've continued singing with Jazzu and I have emotional connections to most of her songs, that's why choosing was not even easy after I decided to go with Jazzu :p There are a lot of really good songs in her 2019 album, like "Karolis" (sounds better live to be honest), I adore "Ghost" and "Basi", but there is a hidden gem in the album that we haven't performed live EVER and I decided to share that one with you.




Jazzu - Pradžia (Beginning)






Paleisk mintis - Free your thoughts
Papasakok apie rytojų - Talk to me about tomorrow
Tik nemeluok - Just don't lie
Nes tavo žodžiais aš kvėpuoju - Because my breathing is reliant on your words
Tavas akis - I see your eyes
Matau ir skrenda mano siela - And my soul starts flying
Save palik - Remain here
Ir dar nors vieną mėnesieną - At least for another moonlight


Aš tikėjau būsi tu, šalia - I believed that you would be, close to me
Tada kai jau ateis, pabaiga - When the end finally comes
Žinojau, kad tai tu, šalia - I knew that it was you, close to me
Dabar tave jaučiu - And now I feel you're here
Ir tai tiktai pradžia - And it's only the beginning


Paskolink širdį - Lend me your heart
Ne, nepaskolink – atiduoki - No, borrowing is not enough, give it to me
Save aš visą visą visą - Myself, everything, everything, everything
Tau pasiryžus dovanoti - I'm determined to give to you


Aš tikėjau būsi tu, šalia - I believed that you would be, close to me
Tada kai jau ateis, pabaiga - When the end finally comes
Žinojau, kad tai tu, šalia - I knew that it was you, close to me
Dabar tave jaučiu - And now I feel you're here
Ir tai tiktai pradžia - And it's only the beginning


Man silpna, aš alpstu - I'm feeling weak, I'm fainting
Nuo tobulų minčių - From perfect thoughts
Esi man viskas - You're everything to me
Aš noriu būti Tu - I want to be your everything


Aš tikėjau būsi tu, šalia - I believed that you would be, close to me
Tada kai jau ateis, pabaiga - When the end finally comes
Žinojau, kad tai tu, šalia - I knew that it was you, close to me
Dabar tave jaučiu - And now I feel you're here
Ir tai tiktai pradžia - And it's only the beginning


Netobula - Imperfect
Bet ypatinga mūsų meilė - But really special is our love
Mane lieti - You're touching me
O tolumoj vėl gęsta saulė - And in the distance the sun is slowly setting

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Honestly, one of the hardest translations that I ever had to do for TISC. This song has a lot of poetic epithets that are really difficult to melodically translate into English.


for example lyrics like 'aš pasiryžus dovanoti' would be I'm ready/determined to gift myself to you, which would sound a bit off


or the 'nes tavo žodžiais aš kvėpuoju' because your words I breathe would sound stale, but in Lithuanian it would mean that my life and existence is reliant on every word that you say to me and that is why she's asking for him not to lie to her


Anyways, I tried my best, hope that someone reads it when listening to this song :p

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Just tagging some regular users to take notice of the contest as well:


@intoronto @LDOG @vinipereira @titicow @uk12points @Finnator123 @tuniscof @catgamer @stefanbg 


and trying my luck with:


@Gigs @ChandlerMne @NearPup @Ustatsch @MHSN


Would love to get countries like Estonia, Czech Republic back :(

Edited by Werloc
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I have a question for TISC's legal experts. :p


My preferred entry was released as a single in 2019, but was previously also released on 2018 album. Is it eligible for this edition?


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  On 2/21/2020 at 6:31 PM, dcro said:

I have a question for TISC's legal experts. :p


My preferred entry was released as a single in 2019, but was previously also released on 2018 album. Is it eligible for this edition?



I'm not sure if I'm a legal expert, but I don't think it's eligible since it was released in a 2018 album :(


Unless the 2019 version is somehow overhauled, perhaps a collab with another artist, which would make it a different version of the same song that came out in 2019? 

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  On 2/21/2020 at 6:31 PM, dcro said:

I have a question for TISC's legal experts. :p


My preferred entry was released as a single in 2019, but was previously also released on 2018 album. Is it eligible for this edition?


What date in 2018 is the album from? And what date in 2019 was the single released? If they are close together I would be inclined to say ok you can use it. 

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  On 2/21/2020 at 6:42 PM, Werloc said:


I'm not sure if I'm a legal expert, but I don't think it's eligible since it was released in a 2018 album :(


Unless the 2019 version is somehow overhauled, perhaps a collab with another artist, which would make it a different version of the same song that came out in 2019? 



Well, its video was filmed in 2019, and it serves as sort of a tribute to now-closed cinema. But I guess that may not be enough.


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  On 2/21/2020 at 6:50 PM, OlympicIRL said:

What date in 2018 is the album from? And what date in 2019 was the single released? If they are close together I would be inclined to say ok you can use it. 



Album appears to be from June 2018, while the song was officially released as a single on October 15, 2019. :zip:


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  On 2/21/2020 at 6:51 PM, dcro said:


Well, its video was filmed in 2019, and it serves as sort of a tribute to now-closed cinema. But I guess that may not be enough.



Usually it's the other way around, singles are pushed and then they land into the album :p


Although there are post-album single pushes, but they do tend to be pushed during the hype (as in a week later of the album release).


Was the album released in December perhaps? 


Edit: nevermind the last one :p

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