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[FANTASY CONTESTS] Biathlon Manager Game Discussion Thread

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Hey folks :) 

I have some things I need to do tomorrow, so could one of you do the biathlete points in the excel document for tomorrow's pursuits? You only have to update the points in the excel document. I will update the overall standing at some point. 


@africaboy, @toulousain, @heywoodu, @brunamoura, @Dunadan, @Federer91, @Vojthas, @Monzanator

@hckosice, @IoNuTzZ, @Henry_Leon, @Agger, @RobtheAggie, @Kirkpatrick, @Olympian1010, @Ufilov

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Will try to check it out after the race, and will try to update it if noone does it before.


Hopefully someone else does it, I'm bound to screw something up.

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5 minutes ago, Kirkpatrick said:

Will try to check it out after the race, and will try to update it if noone does it before.


Hopefully someone else does it, I'm bound to screw something up.

Thanks! It would be great if you could do it. :) 

If you are a bit unsure about the point system for pursuits then you can read more about it here:

If a biathlete DNS, DNF or is DSQ, the biathlete will score 0 points. 

Edited by Wumo
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@Wumo, please re-check this.


And below is a sheet that helped me with the points. 


But something might be wrong, my points seem larger than those in other pursuits...





BMG Biathlete Points .xlsx biathlon_points.xlsx

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1 hour ago, Kirkpatrick said:

Also, not sure what to do with Vindisar, Kruchinkina and Lie, they were lapped, and have no official result.


Removed these three at the end.

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Thank you very much with the help regarding points, @Kirkpatrick:)

The reason why the points you had counted were higher was because you had added points from course times. There are no points for fastest course times in pursuits.

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