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[OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2019


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5 minutes ago, thiago_simoes said:

Ok, here's me hoping the Italians eventually take their shirts off. I'm just saying. 

Croatia gave us shirtless men to begin with, but the angel wings were a strong debuff and they didn't qualify.

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2 minutes ago, OlympicIRL said:

So what do the bookmakers say at the moment? @heywoodu I feel like you will know? :d

Netherlands still 50/50 favourite, Australia and Switzerland sort of together behind that, followed by Sweden which has seen a negative trend since their performance. What the hell, Italy is quite close behind Sweden, then Norway. Rest is far behind.


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2 minutes ago, bestmen said:

Waaaa Serbia excellent voice , will be in the top 5 



lol no way. She is great singer with great voice but this song is meeh

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4 minutes ago, Werloc said:

Croatia gave us shirtless men to begin with, but the angel wings were a strong debuff and they didn't qualify.

Everything made me laugh, including the shirtless men. :zip::hyper:

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