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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2021

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22 hours ago, dcro said:

Now here is something I wanted to do for a long while, but never got around to doing it... Until this week. And it was done much sooner than expected.


I wanted to apply this interesting Eurovision Song Contest analysis on TISC. It's about detecting the strongest two-sided ('collusion') and one-sided voting patterns in TISC history. And oh boy, the results are interesting. :d


First up are the two-sided ('collusion') voting patterns. These pairs of nations have exchanged many more points than it is statistically probable assuming the random distribution. Of course, users don't vote randomly, the random simulations were just used to find the strongest connections.


And down below are the results. The program ran 10,000 random simulations of TISC, and to appear on this map, the nations must have exchanged more points in reality than they did in 9500 or more (95%+) of these 10k random simulations.


There are some definite cultural relationships here (MDA-ROU, AZE-TUR, CZE-SVK). Some relationships are extremely strong though. DEN-NZL, for instance, have exchanged more points in reality than they did in quite literally any of the 10k random simulations. :p I mean, we already knew this, but #RelationshipGoals am I right?


Two-sided voting patterns - click to enlarge

Collusion Map.PNG


And here are the most one-sided relationships of TISC... Maybe I should have used a stricter criteria, or maybe TISC is just full of doomed relationships? :lol: Either way, I hope the map below is readable enough.


Probably the most one-sided TISC relationship has been MDA-SRB. Moldova has awarded 110 points to Serbia (11.0 per edition, including their last 7 gold medals), while Serbia has only 'returned' 26 points. Other most one-sided affairs are CRO-AUS, EGY-GER, EGY-IRL, GUY-TUN, KAZ-AUS, KAZ-CHN, NOR-NED, SUI-IRL.



One-sided voting patterns - click to enlarge





And finally, this analysis was possible only because, at long last, the complete voting history is finally in one place.


If you would like to see your nation's complete voting history, do not hesitate to ask. :) Only the combined votes are available for multi-juries right now, though.

Even though the stats display Denmark ---> Lithuania as a one-sided affair, Denmark is actually the 7th country that I awarded most points to and voted in 10/17 contests. Which means that most countries that vote a lot for Lithuania could be seen as a one-sided affair, because my points are pretty much all over the place if we disregard the fact that I'm a simp for US, GB and Brazil. 

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3 minutes ago, Werloc said:

Even though the stats display Denmark ---> Lithuania as a one-sided affair, Denmark is actually the 7th country that I awarded most points to and voted in 10/17 contests. Which means that most countries that vote a lot for Lithuania could be seen as a one-sided affair, because my points are pretty much all over the place if we disregard the fact that I'm a simp for US, GB and Brazil. 

The number of points had more weight than occurrence in this analysis. Denmark has awarded 43 points more than Lithuania has returned.


Your personal most toxic relationship has indeed been with the United States. They owe you 65 points (3.82 per edition, that sounds massive). :p


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1 hour ago, dcro said:

The number of points had more weight than occurrence in this analysis. Denmark has awarded 43 points more than Lithuania has returned.


Your personal most toxic relationship has indeed been with the United States. They owe you 65 points (3.82 per edition, that sounds massive). :p

It would've been even worse, if @Olympian1010 hadn't joined the jury :lol: 

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10 hours ago, Wanderer said:

How many points NZ got from Denmark?

I will have to check the exact number when I get home, but I remember it was over 7 per edition.


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18 hours ago, dcro said:

Didn't @bestmen accuse you of being a Tunisian once or twice? :lol: I think I can remember it.


I don't remember that, but i think i was accused of something similar when i gave some high points to the Netherlands, due to living there :d

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3 hours ago, dcro said:

112 points (7.47 per shared edition).

Wow, incredible! Especially when compared with 114 points I awarded to Denmark starting with 2015 Annual 

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Out of curiousity due to remarks, of which I have absolutely no clue where they could be coming from: how many points has the Netherlands given Brazil? :p 


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