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Provisional Standing after Day 14 available here


Nothing is decided, all cards are open!


Remember to post your medal matches predictions. There are less than 16 hours until bronze medal match!

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Live score:


:SWE 0 - 0 :SUI 


Rank User Total
1 Topicmaster1010 572,5
2 Pablita 560,5
3 bestmen 552,25
4 Henry_Leon 550
5 Dunadan 545,25
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Live score:


:SWE 1 - 2 :SUI 


Rank User Total
1 Topicmaster1010 578,5
2 Pablita 566,5
3 Henry_Leon 554
4 bestmen 552,25
5 Dunadan 549,25
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Final Standing available here



ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b.jpg.4a05d2852188ff96f934faa5edf1d813.jpg :CAN Topicmaster1010
5a91983c5af54_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy.jpg.034592cc412660cfe59ff1ce89ac476f.jpg :ITA Pablita
5a91984c3d883_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy(2).jpg.cd039f740e6494aa5156e15a6bb109f8.jpg :ITA Henry_Leon



The race was quite exciting! @Topicmaster1010 was only once ranked 1st throughout 14 days, and ends for the second and final time there on Day 15! Predicting bronze medal for USA he secured his gold one in the Prediction Contest. This is the first medal in prediction contests for Canada not only this year but after a very very long time in the history of Totallympics. Congratulation :champion: 

Amazing @Pablita adds new medal in her collection, this time silver, after two Olympic golds! I believe she will be pleased! Congratulation:bowdown:  

It was a see-saw between @Henry_Leon and @bestmen and at the end, the Italian was the one who had more faith in Switzerland and was awarded with the bronze medal! Congartulation:hatoff: 

Hopefully bestmen will continue with good predictions and won't be taken aback with this narrow loss, after being almost all the time in top 3. :hug: 


Thank you everyone who participated and I hope too see all of you for upcoming prediction contests! Roland Garros is approaching!

Until the next event, good bye!!!

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  On 5/20/2018 at 9:45 PM, dcro said:

9th place.


Just in front of @phelps and @hckosice. Good. :d



Congrats, I´ll take my revenge in the equestrian contest, be careful :d   

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