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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Thanks ! Well, after the removal of the C2, this happened to be our only strong canoeing slalom event, so all our hopes and supports are going to be moved on this. Hard to say. All 3 are really close in the qualifying ranking after 2 events. M C1 Rank Athlete WC Stage 4 WC Stage 5 World Champs European Champs Total 1 Matej Beňuš 28 30 58 2 Michal Martikán 28 28 56 3 Alexander Slafkovský 30 25 55 Sometimes It feels like this internal qualification is much more dramatic and epic than the Olympics race itself
  2. poor guys who will counting the laps in the middle of night
  3. IAAF denied the rumors about the cancelation of the W Marathon and both M+W 50km Race Walk. They communicated they rae thinking strongly about plan B (moving the competition to the climatized stadium lol, just imagine the 50 km Race Walk event being held on the 400m lap of the athletics oval, what a mess it would be ) but for now the things stay at it was planed, so the starts of the W Marathon the Fiday at 23:59 and Race Walks 50km at 23:30 on Saturday
  4. Provisional Standing After Day 1 1. 1 - 2 - 0 2. 1 - 0 - 0 -. 1 - 0 - 0 -. 1 - 0 - 0 4. 0 - 2 - 1 5. 0 - 0 - 2 6. 0 - 0 - 1 Provisional Standing After Day 1 (Olympic Events) No Events
  5. No. All 3 starts together, the time will be stopped when the last 3rd rider of the team cross the line.
  6. Home venue factor. Don´t worry, you´ll win all quotas and I wouldn´t be surprised to see some medals in the individuals Maialen or Ander being my best bets
  7. Sadly I had to miss the remaining todays program, but from the results I see, in overall we can be satisfied, especially really glad to see our girls in W C1 doing very well, 4th place is a good boost for the team to qualify also in this event, in our clearly worst discipline. Pity for the 50 in the M K1, without this miss we would be around top 6, which would be the real reflection of our performance. in W K1, pleasantly surprised by the result, didn´t expected the girls to be so high, even without that 1 hit of Eliška Mintálová they woud finish on 4th place
  8. Meanwhile this was the 50th medal for Michal Martikán from the 3 majors competitions World Champs, European Champs and Olympic Games (I am not counting the World Cup) OG 2 - 2 - 1 WCH 15 - 3 - 6 ECH 14 - 5 - 2 And just for the note. This is believe it or not, the 25th consecutive year he won at least 1 medal from the major events (from 1995)
  9. wow, I somehow missed this line, I was sure it´s like always at the last games, when all qualified paddlers may start in 1 event if they wish My bad, thanks
  10. will no doubts qualify in both female events Jessica already tomorrow I guess, in the K1 and her sis Noemie the next day. and they are going to allow Jess to compete in both events, since she already achieved the required Australian criteria in C1. AUS will then certainly field 2 girls in W C1, Jess as a double starter and Noemie as the classical qualied girl
  11. Men´s C1 Team: 1. Slovakia 94.38 (0) (9th Title in a row) Alexander Slafkovsky Michal Martikan Matej Benus 2. Spain 97.43 (0) Ander Elosegi Miquel Trave Luis Fernandez 3. Russia 98.62 (0) Kirill Setkin Dmitrii Khramtsov Pavel Kotov Full Final Result HERE
  12. The thing that made me mad as heck is that only 1 of these guys can start at the Olympics. while in many other sports countries can field even 3 athletes...I just can not understand it. this is just beyond me.
  13. btw the results of the M C1 Teams at last 8 World Championships lol
  14. No, you´re not the only one, this is a common sign of all those countries west of Oder
  15. May be interesting to know, because Martina Wegman has some good chances to earn one of the 18 available spots here in K1.
  16. @heywoodu What´s the dutch standards for qualifying ?
  17. True. But again, in this sport you must also count with another decisive factor the important degree of some randomness However as I said, The most important for her is to avoid mistakes in the heats to qualify for the semifinals, and then everything is possible
  18. Sure, the chance is always there, but the problem should be you have only one athlete entering the W C1 Aleksandra Stach, so she will have to ride without mistakes in a quite strong competition and have one of her best career race in order to advance to the semifinals, otherwise it will be over for her. Only 11 countries will qualify there and there at least around 14-15 from countries aiming for that berth realistically aspiring for this Still 1 quota will be available at the next years Europeans in GB.
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