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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Trump’s strategy to win the election seems to be to kill the US Postal Service, so that states can’t issue mail-in ballots (to allow people to vote from home, which some states already do anyways), so that everyone has to gather together, en masse at in-person polling centers, during a global pandemic, which the US is most affected by, to make their vote in a general election.
  2. Yeah, I was really shocked by it too honestly. I don’t know what Trump’s role in this was per say, but it seems like a major win for his administration. It will be interesting to see how other Arab countries respond to this. I honestly won’t be shocked one bit if either the UAE is kicked out of the GCC, or all the Arab countries scramble to make peace with Israel as fast as they can to look good internationally.
  3. Phew! Just finished watching Day 14 of the 2015 African Games. Last event of the day was the women’s Basketball final. What a rollercoaster of a match that was. By far, not the greatest match of Basketball you’ll see skill wise, but damn was that an entertaining match.
  4. given provisional membership to the International Orienteering Federation.
  5. The window to open new doping cases from London 2012 has passed. From what I understand, no new cases may be opened, but athletes with on going cases may still be prosecuted. At the moment, 139 athletes have been disqualified from the Games. I believe there are still a couple of cases on going.
  6. FUCK! Worst event in Marble League history. JMRC cheated the Midnight Wisps through into the QF. 3 way battle for the title, 4 way battle for overall medals and 2021 ML qualification.
  7. Yeah, maybe we celebrate every Olympiad with a special edition, that either replaces the Open or acts as a stand alone 3rd contest.
  8. I get controversial too, and say that I like that idea Special-themed editions on Olympic year, Open on non-Olympic year?
  9. I’m going to be pretty TISC fatigued when the Open rolls around though. I wouldn’t want my experience of the annual and open ruined by a third contest.
  10. Mainly because Switzerland extended its ban on events over 1,000 people. I’d say where pretty close to reckoning day for 2021 Winter Universaide as well. One more extension might do them in too.
  11. Has anyone seen the trailer for “Boys State”? The premise is fascinating, and the story seems really compelling. I believe it won the documentary category at Sundance this year.
  12. Fun fact I noticed just now, I’ve yet to be on the winning side of a vote in the challenger or elimination rounds.
  13. FAI held an art contest to help keep young people busy during quarantine; here are the winners: There’s some really skillful and imaginative artwork at that link. My favorites are the winner and runner-up of the senior category, and winner of the intermediate category. I feel the need to tag @Werloc, since there’s even a rare Lithuanian victory in an international contest
  14. Tomorrow seems a little optimistic being as I don’t think anyone has received their assigned matches yet
  15. If you’re having to go to the Daily Mail to prove your point, then there isn’t much validity to the point you’re trying to prove.
  16. No where in that article does anyone accuse her of sleeping with Brown. I’d say she’s pretty self made as a state and national politician, as she largely won all her elections based on her own efforts. That article even says her opponents were using those rumors to attack her in her first candidacy for state office. Brown also reeks of one of those politicians who’s so self-obsessed and scared because of his past misdeeds, so he begins to throw everyone under the bus just to create clout.
  17. Alright, I take issue with that. That is an incredible disrespectful statement for a woman who has spent years, of not decades, as a public servant. I would agree that the circumstances under which she choose were a little fixed (i.e Biden “gifting” a women with a chance at a higher office), and that I would have preferred she was chosen on her merits (which she may have well been given the stiff competition for VP), but it is incredibly insulting to say that she won the VP nomination by sleeping with Biden. I know you’re just joking, but this is one of times it crossed the line in my opinion.
  18. Joe Biden has announced California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. I supported Kamala early in the primary process, before I did more research into her record. Plus, she didn’t really seem certain about many of her policies, which was a little bit of a turnoff for me. Kamala is somewhere in the middle between moderate and progressive; liberal might be a good description of her politics. I don’t know if this will win over disenfranchised progressives or anti-Trump conservatives. With no third party candidates that fit my politics (or at least ones that clearly aren’t communists (I actually mean communist, the Green Party’s platform burrows quite a bit from the Soviet Union and PRC this time around)), and with the Kamala being a “local” representative in relative good standing with me, I’ll support Joe Biden’s bid for the Presidency.
  19. Well...I think the Japanese will be a bit worried about their Tokyo 2020 prospects
  20. Songs who lose the Challenger matches today are eliminated from the contest right? If so, did we ever decide how we would reveal which users choose which songs? Will we reveal users after their song has been eliminated, or are we waiting until the end of the contest to reveal which users choose which countries? Should people be allowed to guess for a while before it’s revealed?
  21. The crowds were socially distanced last time they went there too
  22. Critically, they can still mathematically win the 2020 Marble League though. They’re still in contention for an overall podium too.
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