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Everything posted by AlFHg

  1. I agree when talking of team sport, definitely. I keep on thinking that for team sports there should be 16 teams tournaments to result in fair representation. It’s strange to see that only men’s football has 16 teams, it makes me laugh every time.
  2. Tanto non se ne fa nulla, tranquillo
  3. La questione non è tanto vincere medaglie, ma rimettere in sesto il movimento che è arrivato a minimi storici, purtroppo. Un obiettivo realistico, maratona e marcia escluse, può essere quello di migliorare tutti i record italiani da qui alla fine di Tokyo, considerando che molti non vengono toccati da tanto tempo. Poi le cose vengono, con calma
  4. Con le riforme dei corpi militari mi aspetto una escalation di personali fino a Tokyo. Non vuol dire che nei fatti arrivino medaglie o meno, ma almeno c’è una progressione
  5. Next week Olympic qualification period is starting with Yokohama World Series
  6. Sembra una settimana positiva questa per il tennis italiano, con tanti giocatori in diversi tornei 250 ai quarti di finale. E nel frattempo le nazionali di tennis tavolo sono in tabellone per la promozione nella prima divisione mondiale
  7. Italy did really really bad today
  8. I wonder why it undergoes changes instead that including all exercises
  9. As far as you know, can you tell me which are the exercises in Olympic all-around? Especially as regards the team competition. Thanks!
  10. There’s an interesting website for discovering climbing, it should be called maybe you can find more there
  11. I though the same, to be honest... On the other side, however, it is too different to be confused
  12. Some Italian media reported that IWF will totally exclude from Olympic Games nations with 20 or more doping cases in weightlifting
  13. No, maximum 8 athletes in total, divided as maximum 4 men and 4 women
  14. Looks like that the parallel world of internet deleted my message with sailing qualification criteria xD Sailing Tokyo 2020 Qualification System.pdf
  15. I’m not expert of weightlifting, however I don’t think there are too much categories per gender. They will only have to slightly modify the minimum weight per category, maybe...
  16. Weightlifting Tokyo 2020 Qualification System.pdf weightlifting
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