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Everything posted by SalamAkhi

  1. I think no one has mentioned it yet but this race within the race could prove to be very important to the Olympic race in itself ... As we speak is 32nd in the rankings and therefore will not earn any spot thanks to it, whatever Tom Pidcock does in NMNM. So Pidcock, a man we can consider as a top notch outsider for the medals, even the title, is currently out of the Games. But, if Dascalu should repeat this top 20 and overtake Slovakia in the process, then Romania would be qualified via the rankings, thus releasing its U23 2019 WC quota (earned by Dascalu), which would transfer to the next athlete in this race from a non already qualified country ... Frazer Clacherty of Great Britain
  2. The question for Ireland and Samoa is : in which order will they qualify ? Mexico is very weak, weaker than Jamaica, Uganda is a bit stronger than Zimbabwe, Chile and Tonga are on the same level but this time it will be an experimental Tongan squad with 15 a-side European based players. All in all pool B is probably more homogeneous. For the 3 favorites the tournament won't be won before the semis.
  3. Hmm, not that much. It means Ireland/Samoa in semis and then in final, whereas having one of them in our pool could mean an easier semi-final.
  4. Speak of the devil ... here are the pools : Women's : Pool A : Pool B : Pool C : 2 spots up for grabs. Russia and France probably n°1 and 2 but having France in pool C is quite strange since the n°3 is usually drawn in this pool. It really was a draw, so full coincidence.The two european teams shouldn't face each other before the final though, being in pool A and C. Had they been drawn in pool B and C, one of them would be eliminated, which is total nonsense. Men's : Pool A : Pool B : It appears China has withdrawn too. Don't know the format, maybe quarter-finals, maybe straight semi-finals. Samoa seeded 1. 5 teams per pool so 2 matchs maximum in the last round.
  5. Sad but their chances were slim. Will they be replaced though ? Good opportunity for Paraguay (who placed 4th at the 2019 SA qualifying tournament) to face stronger teams. I'd like to know how the seeding will be made. WS teams surely first, in which order though ? If we take 2018-2019 then it's Samoa-France-Ireland, if we take 2019-2020 then it's France-Ireland-Samoa. Not much of a difference between n°2 and n°3 but since there is a huge level gap between those three teams and the rest, n°1 is assured to avoid the other two until the final. Same question for the other teams by the way, as there is no such thing as a world ranking in 7s.
  6. I disagree, there's a lot of overtaking in these sports, almost never adjusted in ski/snow cross, more in short-track but it's like 5% of them.
  7. I'd really like it but Tokyo seems too early. M400H is likely but not as much as W400H.
  8. Sananes is not in the team and was pretty out of shape this winter. Put Amaro and Pauline though, everything would be better than Trynkler.
  9. The event is not, our team is Without Jordier we would have finished 20 out of 20 teams Little questions for you : you have a m4x4 already qualified, a mx4x4 not qualified : Rest your 2 best 400m runner for the mixed relay Make your best 400m runner take part in an useless race happening a mere 1h30 before, then add a guy who's not raced since 2019 you have a team of 9 women, your w4x4 is not qualified : Take the 4 fastest for the w4x4, then the 2 next for the mx4x4 Take the 4 fastest for the w4x4, then make your best one run twice and add the worst of the 9 (55.01 this winter, you have a fresh one who ran 53.29) to finish the team If you have a majority of 1., congratulations, you can handle a national relay team. If you have a majority of 2., too bad, you're a French coach.
  10. So Brossier and Jordier will double No Kounta and Trynkler is indeed probably the weakest of them all, at least was this winter, there must be some insight we don't have.
  11. If I'm not mistaken, the w4x100 is now down to 14 teams. So free spots for Eugene up for grabs, take the baton to the line, get yourself a ticket to Oregon in July 2022
  12. Hmm I don't know why a team which can qualify to the Games beating the likes of France, Samoa, Ireland in the process would select a taekwondoist/half-time-cross-country-skier But I guess you're trolling BTW Tonga decided not to send their full-time 7s squad to this tournament, so instead European based Tongan players will make the team ...
  13. Little mix there, Ponzio and Weir are both eligible to represent Italy, both shot putters. There's a trend lately, with also Robert Grant (400m hurdles) now able to wear the Italian jersey, thanks to his great-grandparents, which is something I find a bit much.
  14. Pour ce qui est de l'objectif 80 médailles annoncé y'a deux ou trois ans c'est effectivement du foutage de gueule, maintenant gros rétropédalage et notre "délégué performance" (je dis le titre au pif) vient nous dire que 40 serait déjà bien La natation revient finalement à l'état "normal" des choses après la période faste et inédite de 2005-2015, cela dit il y a quand même une génération qui semble sur le point d'éclore. Pour les sports de raquette c'est un peu tiré par les cheveux, il y a une "chinoise" par discipline (et encore Yuan Jia Nan a été naturalisée en 2011) et ce ne sont pas forcément elles qui ont les résultats les plus probants.
  15. Ok, mais du coup je ne sais pas forcément lesquels sont déjà qualifiés pour toi. J'avoue ne pas m'être penché sur tous les sports en détail mais comme je l'ai dit tes prédictions niveau natation sont un poil optimistes à mon goût Surtout chez les filles finalement, dos et brasse même pas la peine d'espérer. Niveau relais va falloir que ces deux nages montent en puissance sinon impossible d'avoir un relais 4N féminin, chez les hommes le 4x200 vraiment ric-rac.
  16. Pour le reste je ne comprends pas trop non plus, dans le lot pas mal ne sont pas encore qualifiés (pour la natation tes prédictions me semblent un voeu pieu) et inversement tu oublies divers qualifiés, où sont la route et la piste ? Les quatre qualifiés français (2H 2F) en VTT sont déjà actés etc
  17. Le truc en athlé c'est que les nouvelles running/pointes amènent un dérèglement vis-à-vis des minimas qui n'ont pas changé depuis début 2020. Sachant que la génération française en demi-fond/fond est plutôt intéressante en plus de ça, j'aurais tendance à dire que tu sous-estimes un peu les quotas possibles. En plus de ça, les rankings vont rentrer en jeu, quelle sera la politique de la FFA à l'égard de ces "invitations", quels athlètes sauront tirer leur épingle du jeu (puisque le système est assez inique) ? Ok pour le sprint, même si Fall sur le 100 pas convaincu. Pas plus pour les filles, pas impossible que les noms soient différents (quoique) mais niveau quotas 4 me semble déjà pas mal. 800 j'en vois minimum un en plus de Bosse, soit Benjamin Robert soit Gabriel Tual, voire les deux. Ok 1500 je vois bien deux quotas aussi, possiblement trois, mais peut-être pas Doukkana, Baptiste Mischler me semble probable. Ok 5000, Hugo Hay avec Gressier. Ok 10 000 Amdouni a dit vouloir doubler (pas de quota supplémentaire mais bon), pas impossible d'en avoir un second (Barrer, Palcau, Frère ?). Ok 110H Zhoya je n'y crois pas, Bascou n'a pas l'air de revenir, donc deux malheureusement. 12.84 c'est atteignable, y'a quand même une certaine densité donc je tente les 3 quotas, les deux en forme de l'hiver et une autre (Laura Valette, Sacha Alessandrini ...) 400H Wilfried Happio avec Vaillant, éventuellement Muhammad Kounta vu ses progrès cet hiver. Ok 3000St confiance en Mekhissi, par contre Kowal est finito à mon avis, vu les minimas probable d'avoir trois français quand même, avec Louis Gilavert ou Mehdi Belhadj. Vu la progression montrée cet hiver Alice Finot me semble une évidence, Claire Palou belle côte mais faisable. Longueur 8m22 c'est beaucoup, s'il en faut un je dirais Augustin Bey. Ok pour David même si début de saison médiocre, pas convaincu par Lesueur mais Hilary Kpatcha sinon pour le deuxième quota. Triple Raffin oui, à voir pour un deuxième je pense (JM Pontvianne, Enzo Hodebar ...). Une seule, entre David, Rouguy Diallo et Jeannine Assani Issouf. Perche Ok. Vu son accouchement très récent sceptique sur Guillon-Romarin. Disque sceptique sur Djouhan, 66m c'est violent. Marteau j'en rajouterais un ou une (Rose Loga ou un garçon, Yann Chaussinand sans doute). EC gros doutes sur Nana-Djimou, j'ai envie de croire en Axel Hubert sinon. Je pense que tous les relais vont se qualifier, les défections en série vont permettre de gratter des places tranquillement ce week-end.
  18. France favorite, how much is the question. Had Ireland and Samoa the resources to train properly ? Not sure considering the prosperity of their 7s program ... other teams are very long shots, Dubai 7s has shown the difference between France and Chile, which is one of the better non-core teams in the Qualifier.
  19. Of course, an other Commonwealth sport Why not boules then ? It's widespread, and at least countries like Madagascar or Cambodia would get a chance to medal
  20. She was not meant to take part to the second competition.
  21. That is Namibia ... Very suspicious though, to say the least, remember that 9.88 from Sydney Siame a couple of years ago at the same place. Furthermore, I think those two athletes will suffer the same fate as Seyni
  22. Don't push too far ... he's had some back problems lately. His best results this season in WC : 5th, 6th, 9th. His worst : 25th. Which one of the IBU roster has even posted a top 10 ? Nobody Sørum didn't even make any international race this year ...
  23. He would have been a lock for, at least, the last four of five editions. But the game has changed since 2017 ... he will be a contender if he manages to come back to his 2017-2018 level Moulinet was no training partner, in fact they were only facing each other during competitions and were rather on bad terms. I can't speak on their behalf, MY point is Schwazer has been caught doping and there is no "covering him with loads of shit" in saying it, he's done the work himself.
  24. Great example of burying one's head in the sand Dunfee and Tallent => English-speaking Diniz => Eng... hum doesn't apply => worst cheater of the universe because ... because Schwazer => poor victim of circumstances
  25. Ukraine wins to take 11st place. It means France needs to beat China tomorrow to qualify
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