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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Hadn't really gotten around to the women's event yet, but now I did and damn Rarely seen such a massive disappointment for such a much anticipating home crowd...of all places to get injured Hopefully (and judging by their overall enthusiasm I'm definitely hopeful) the fans will come and cheer on all the other skiers tomorrow anyway, and Vlhova will be fully back to fighting strength next winter.
  2. Watching the ski jumping now, but really, there was that one guy somewhere at the IOC/LOCOG decision table who went "Hey guys, let's broadcast the ski jumping, but let's see how that works with just no graphics at all. No, I don't mean we skip the fancy things, we just don't use all." Sigh. Edit: watched the first 10 jumpers or so, no graphics whatsoever, got angry and posted this. Continued watching and after the very first next appeared
  3. Yeah, but any coach would be a little dumb if you have these athletes and put Baiba and Rastorgujevs in the regular mixed while together they are podium outsiders
  4. 9th place in the Sapporo Continental Cup for 51 year old Noriaki Kasai today
  5. Excellent. I mainly wanted to know that if I checked everything I see on Eurosport, I saw everything I can possibly see and there's not something I missed
  6. Didn't have the patience and looked at the results Oh well, there are more to come!
  7. Always sad when years of injuries force athletes to retire, but still it was a nice goodbye to Thomas Dressen at the finish area
  8. Ending this period of the season with finally a clean standing shooting, come on! Meanwhile Voigt and Strelow are well on their way to a win, unless Strelow breaks down.
  9. Baiba skiing like a madwoman Only one in the entire field not even switching technique on the climb!
  10. Well never mind, what the hell Sarrazin you monster As the commentator said: "Odermatt doesn't understand the world anymore right now"
  11. Oh wow, Odermatt is such an incredible phenomenon, truly unreal.
  12. Whoops, started my Youth Olympics experience with the dumbest mistake of all: forgetting to open today's results page yesterday, because now it shows all medal results even if you just want to see the schedule And just to clarify, the things on Eurosport Player/Discovery+ are the same things IOC offers, right? So as for today: ski jumping x2, shorttrack and a bunch of curling?
  13. My luck, I guess they stopped putting the highlights up starting...yesterday Most recent ones are still from 18 January
  14. Honestly, any sport not being broadcast is an IOC fuck-up that's truly beyond belief. Don't market an event as a big deal if nobody is going to be able to really watch it anyway. A massive majority of sports fans (in countries where winter sports are significant) won't even have any clue the whole thing is going on in the next weeks. God knows it won't make any news here.
  15. I couldn't find them so far, but are highlights available of these deciding matches? If not, so be it and I'll just check the results
  16. Good to see Lithuania being on the rise bit by bit lately (the whole Baltics seem to be in an upwards trend lately in biathlon!)
  17. Awful day for Baiba, fantastic 11th skiing time, but 4+4+2+2 Check off tomorrow's single mixed and then time to go home and prepare for the world championships.
  18. Strong wind in Antholz by the looks of it, women getting ready to start.
  19. Yeah, makes sense with that fog though Some athletes really had tough luck in terms of the fog, which very much cleared up quite quickly.
  20. Right, it's now getting close to February, about time to ask the question: who on Eurosport had the 'brilliant' idea to somehow have some Dorothea Wierer special thingy....Every. Single. Race? The one winter sport of which I generally watched the pre-race stuff....
  21. If I understood correctly, the nation's parade was only a single flagbearer per nation parade? Not familiar with the Brazilian flagbearer Alice Padilha at all, so if the other athletes aren't shown, I don't think I'll really try and rewatch the whole thing (if they're even in Korea yet)
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