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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Serbia is still in the lead, but Canada is definitely not letting to, while Ireland and Malta are looking over their shoulders for the approaching India. Juries voted so far: 17 / 35 Next jury: Argentina TOISC - NETHERLANDS 2020 United States 17 34 Serbia 1 104 Portugal 19 33 Canada 2 97 Netherlands 20 32 Ireland 3 81 Italy 21 31 Malta 4 80 Poland 21 31 India 5 73 Czech Republic 23 25 France 6 62 Spain 23 25 Lithuania 7 60 Croatia 25 24 Kazakhstan 8 57 Slovakia 26 18 New Zealand 9 50 Greece 27 17 Romania 9 50 Denmark 28 15 Indonesia 11 47 Israel 29 11 Brazil 12 46 Mexico 30 10 Argentina 13 44 Slovenia 31 8 Germany 14 39 Egypt 32 4 Moldova 14 39 Tunisia 32 4 Great Britain 16 38 Hungary 34 3 China 17 34 Bulgaria 35 0 We now go to Argentina , where hopefully @konig hasn't fallen back asleep and is ready to give us their votes!
  2. Damn it That is entirely because of the copy-pasting of the scoreboard and then updating the names, flags, ranks and points for all countries, I've already seen Romania having a Brazilian flag as well today which I quickly edited
  3. The leaders of the African TISC community strengthened Serbia's lead, all of a sudden they have a serious gap towards Canada, while Ireland and Malta battle it out for bronze as of now. Juries voted so far: 16 / 35 Next jury: Romania TOISC - NETHERLANDS 2020 Italy 18 31 Serbia 1 98 Poland 18 31 Canada 2 88 Moldova 20 29 Ireland 3 76 Germany 21 27 Malta 3 76 Spain 22 25 France 5 62 Croatia 23 24 India 5 62 Netherlands 23 24 Lithuania 7 60 Czech Republic 25 23 Kazakhstan 8 50 Slovakia 26 18 New Zealand 8 50 Denmark 27 15 Romania 8 50 Greece 28 14 Indonesia 11 47 Israel 29 11 Brazil 12 46 Mexico 30 10 Argentina 13 44 Slovenia 31 8 Great Britain 14 38 Egypt 32 4 China 15 34 Hungary 33 3 United States 15 34 Tunisia 33 3 Portugal 17 33 Bulgaria 35 0 We now go to Romania , where @IoNuTzZ is at the ready to present the Romanian votes...the floor is yours!
  4. TUNISIA Serbia 12 United States 11 Ireland 10 Portugal 9 Lithuania 8 India 7 Romania 6 France 5 Canada 4 Moldova 3 New Zealand 2 China 1 تلك كانت أصوات التونسيين ، شكراً جزيلاً لكم ونتمنى للجميع التوفيق لبقية اليوم! Those were the Tunisian votes, thank you very much and we wish everyone good luck for the rest of the day!
  5. TUNISIA United States 11 Ireland 10 Portugal 9 Lithuania 8 India 7 Romania 6 France 5 Canada 4 Moldova 3 New Zealand 2 China 1
  6. TUNISIA صباح الخير جميعاً ، نتمنى أن تكون جميعكم بخير. إليكم أصوات لجنة التحكيم التونسية! Good morning everyone, we hope you're all doing well. Here are the votes of the Tunisian jury! Ireland 10 Portugal 9 Lithuania 8 India 7 Romania 6 France 5 Canada 4 Moldova 3 New Zealand 2 China 1
  7. Many thanks to the Dragon for the British votes, a hard hit has brought Serbia the top spot, with Canada close behind. Malta is starting to get some ground in the fight for bronze, but surely Ireland won't give up. Juries voted so far: 15 / 35 Next jury: Tunisia TOISC - NETHERLANDS 2020 Germany 18 27 Serbia 1 86 Moldova 19 26 Canada 2 84 Spain 20 25 Malta 3 76 Croatia 21 24 Ireland 4 66 Netherlands 21 24 France 5 57 Portugal 21 24 India 6 55 Czech Republic 24 23 Lithuania 7 52 United States 24 23 Kazakhstan 8 50 Slovakia 26 18 New Zealand 9 48 Denmark 27 15 Indonesia 10 47 Greece 28 14 Brazil 11 46 Israel 29 11 Argentina 12 44 Mexico 30 10 Romania 12 44 Slovenia 31 8 Great Britain 14 38 Egypt 32 4 China 15 33 Hungary 33 3 Italy 16 31 Tunisia 33 3 Poland 16 31 Bulgaria 35 0 Tunisia is up next, @amen09 or @tuniscof, are you there?
  8. Lunch break is over, templates are fixed at least until the next break. @Dragon, please help us get underway with the afternoon and post the British votes
  9. Lunch break - Part 2 The second part of our lunch is more straightforward, but definitely not more healthy: kibbeling! If you ever find yourself in the Netherlands, you absolutely do have to try this fried fish, which one can eat as snack or as meal, it really depends on your apetite. Kibbeling used to be made from Atlantic cod, nowadays it's made from all kinds of whitefish, which is cut up in small pieces, battered and then fried, before being served - usually with a garlic or tartar sauce. In most places, kibbeling will be served in a little snack box like this...take care, the inside is generally rather hot after being fried! One of the greats of Dutch cabaret will present our next musical item: Wim Sonneveld, star of the mid-20th century. His song 'Het Dorp' ('The Village') wasn't immediately a hit, but it grew into one of the most popular Dutch songs ever, nowadays still reaching high ranks in the annual 'Top 2000', with the 2000 best songs in history according to tens of thousands of voters. In the song, Sonneveld sings about how the village he grew up in used to be; a simpler life, the farms and the cattle, the high trees along the path of his father's house, "I was a child and didn't know better than that it'd never end". He goes on saying people were apparently living wrong, the village has been modernized and look how rich life has become: people living in their concrete boxes, with extra big windows so everyone can see your new sofa and big TV. It's not meant in a way to say "things were better back then", it's just a bit of personal nostalgia from the singer, something many people can identify with when their home towns change throughout the years.
  10. Lunch break - Part 1 And with Slovakia's votes and a bit of a counting issue, we have reached the end of the morning. Canada is still in the lead, with especially Serbia and Malta following close and France having made a very notable move upwards since we had ourselves a coffee or hot chocolate break. Only one nation is left that has yet to get a point...while they wait, we're going on to the first part of lunch! Dutch lunch is generally really not very complicated and often the base is quite similar to breakfast. A lot of people simply eat bread during lunch, and that is indeed one of our choices here. The trick is in the topping, which can be something common like cheese or some sort of a meat product, but the black gold of Dutch lunches is nothing less than hagelslag, basically a kind of chocolate sprinkles. In the Netherlands they're not only used as decoration for one thing or another, here one fills a slice of bread with hagelslag and enjoys the pure goodness, which of course comes in a wide variety of chocolate tastes - hint: dark is the best! A slice of bread with hagelslag, the only right way to cover one's bread with it is to top it off with so much there's barely any bread visible anymore Apart from regular bread, we'll be serving a few other kinds of bread to have a bit of variety. There is the delicious 'suikerbrood', translated to 'sugar bread', which is a rather unhealthy but tasty bread people often eat on special ocassions...or just whenever one feels like it. There's small pieces of crystalized sugar inside of it, giving it a nice and sweet crunch. During Christmas there's the 'kerststol' or 'kerstbrood' ('Christmas bread'), which has raisins in it and is filled with a sort of almond paste, which one can smear across the bread. The exact same bread is sold around Easter, when it's called 'paasbrood' ('Easter bread') - the lack of creativity is more than made up for by the taste. A 'kerststol', the most common thing to top it off with is either powdered sugar or butter The musical note for the first part of lunch comes from the city of Nijmegen and the Frank Boeijen Groep, led by Frank Boeijen, famous in the Netherlands. The song is called Kronenburg Park, named after a park in Nijmegen which decades ago was known for it's open prostitution. Boeijen was driving past the park with some friends one night, and saw a woman standing in the light of the headlights. Much to his shock and sadness, he recognized her as a former classmate, who had become a prostitute addicted to heroine. The song is aimed at her, basically telling her to "Leave that world, stop least the heroine." He also gives her a bit of advice that sometimes might still be good today: "And don't ask for directions, because everyone has lost the way."
  11. After a bit of a mixup and certainly no voting fraud, we go into our lunch break a bit later than planned. Canada is in the lead, with Serbia and Malta following close behind and Poland still on the left side in this new and improved ranking. We've got half an hour for lunch, better scoreboards and a calm head! Juries voted so far: 14 / 35 Next jury: Great Britain TOISC - NETHERLANDS 2020 Germany 18 27 Canada 1 76 Spain 19 25 Serbia 2 74 Portugal 20 24 Malta 3 71 Croatia 21 23 France 4 57 Czech Republic 21 23 Ireland 5 56 Moldova 21 23 New Zealand 6 48 United States 21 23 Lithuania 6 48 Netherlands 25 22 Indonesia 8 47 Denmark 26 15 India 9 46 Greece 27 14 Argentina 10 44 Israel 28 11 Kazakhstan 10 44 Mexico 29 10 Romania 10 44 Slovenia 30 8 Brazil 13 39 Slovakia 31 7 Great Britain 14 38 Egypt 32 4 China 15 33 Tunisia 33 3 Italy 16 31 Hungary 33 3 Poland 16 31 Bulgaria 35 0
  12. I had a whole "Thank you Slovakia, and with that, we're going on to lunch!" ready for after your second post
  13. Right, the vote totals for Slovakia and Slovenia are correct, so there's that I think the biggest issue was with Poland and Portugal being so close to each other alphabetically, something probably went wrong in the sorting or something. Time to work on the scoreboards now.
  14. I really don't think you're the one that needs to apologize here, I'm actually very glad you spotted the mistake now instead of at the end of the contest
  15. The issue is rearranging 22 scoreboards But that shouldn't be too problematic, since mostly it will only affect positions directly around Portugal and Poland of course.
  16. Post your 12 points, so all posts before lunch are done, meanwhile I'll go and adjust the scoreboards and hopefully when the next session starts, all is well again Before adjusting those though, I'll recount the total of every nation just to make sure there's not another mistake like this
  17. Checked the final result and compared it with all the votes that came in, Poland does indeed miss 9 points in the final result, whereas Portugal has 9 too many. Luckily there's a lunch break to adjust ALL the scoreboard templates. What a bright idea it was to have them all ranked in order.
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