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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. Not quite We need Australia not to win the three points against Japan to be officialy qualified today. Anyway, Poland, France and Iran are basically In The last spot will be fought between China, Canada and the winner of the game between Japan and Australia.
  2. My two escudos: Baseball/Softball. Baseball is not less an international sport that water polo or field hockey. One of the biggest cons of the sport was always the cost for a dedicated sport infrastructure, something that is obviously not a issue in Tokyo. Why not, then ? On the other hand, softball is a very, very minor international sport and has no business to be in the olympics. Drop Softball, have a proper - men - baseball 12 team tournament. Reassess it after Tokyo. Karate: Only if we ditch taekwondo in the process. Too much redundancy between the two. Surfing. Despite growing up in an heavy surfing/skateboarding culture (mostly made of wanabee though, my younger myself included), I certainly don't support surfing inclusion. The sport is far from global, being only popular in some smallish regional pockets. Judging controversies are common. A large part of its fanbase considers it as a 'culture' first and foremost, and not a sport in the tradiontional - IOC - way. It can also be a very, very lame spectacle. Skateboarding: To me, it sounds like the church bringing a guitar, a few colorfull shirts and thinking that they will appeal to the youth that way. Hint: It doesen't work and it makes you desesperate and ridiculous. All the surfing cons in worse (+ a split between governing bodies). No, not even close. What were they thinking ? © Sport climbing: Actually the only sport that I fully support the inclusion of. It's fresh, it offers something trully new, the sport is fully supportive of its inclusion. And it's actually a somehow spectator-friendly sport. My concern is the combined event, I'd have much prefered to have a propper speed and bouldering event. Generally speaking, I don't get the IOC and the japanese OC. The process and the sport's choices make very little sense to me. PS: we need a dedicated sport program thread
  3. (scrap that) As long it includes four wins, it might be enough (and it was the case for the women's tournament). I'd say 14 points is a safe enough bet though.
  4. Poland is all but in name qualified to the Olympics. It's impossible not to qualifie with 5 wins and you still have to play against Venezuela... So congrats I guess
  5. It seems there have been a few 54-52 sets in modern history. Not sure about international volleyball though. Back in the days, before the change of rules, there was a 87-85 set in former Czechoslocakia.
  6. Ok, THAT was the worst waken up ever. Please, please, guys learn how to end games. Please, you don't want you coach to have an heart attack right ? And Carroll
  7. WCHs OG Rate 6,5 15 231 % 9,3 18 193 % 4,5 8 178 % 4,0 7 175 % 11,5 17 148 % 6,3 9 142 % 14,8 18 121 % 23,2 25 108 % 24,8 26 105 % 15,7 14 89 % 20,3 18 89 % 42,5 37 87 % 16,3 14 86 % 20,2 17 84 % 32,5 27 83 % 38,7 32 83 %
  8. Yes, indeed, sorry about that. Your projections are likely correct.
  9. The rankings have been updated.
  10. Something that just popped into my head: What about an historic section.featuring a thread for each past olympic game ? Hopefully, people could talk about past results, controversies, post video footages, etc.
  11. It's often the case with swedish, german, french (etc.) athletes... At that point, the majority of the french athletes who have made the IAAF standards have yet to qualifie to the olympics (and many won't). I assume it should be the same with Sweden (our standards are very similar to theirs)
  12. With only two athlets by nation allowed, I'll rank Petroni 3rd in the picking order.
  13. Joris Daudet (BMX), Estelle Mossely (Boxe) et Valentin Bélaud (Pentathlon) champions du monde Elodie Clouvel (Pentathlon), vice-champione du monde JC Valladont (Arc), champion d'Europe Triplé français en CDM de VTT, 2 quatrièmes places aux BMX Worlds Ce week-end
  14. Do you think, the dutch federation would really have sticked to its gun and sending no one to the olympics if she didn't make the 4th round ?
  15. How fortunate I was this morning that I had to leave during the middle of the third set with an empty heart and the certitude of a victory against Poland. If I had to watch it, I probably would have gone nuts Anyway, four points after two games is not so terrible. Congrats to Poland and see you in two month Fortunatly, the french team will learn something after this game: It ain't over 'til it's over.
  16. Don't get excited too fast... The qualification period for french walkers is supposely to have ended four days ago.
  17. How come Venezuela managed to score one set ? They look like like an amateur side....
  18. Even, their list of popular sports is very much a particular one. Netball and Rugby League, but no Water Polo or Futsal ? Meh, that's a very anglo centric map.
  19. Worst waking up ever. Anyway, that was not pretty, but it can't get much worse for us. Fortunatly, we were not playing agaisnt Iran or Canada or we might have losed that one.
  20. bis (but the other way around) I'm lost. If anyone knows one or two things about boxing, I would very like to know his opinion about the two semis invovlings french girls today.
  21. How stupid of them, they should have gone to Spain instead like evrybody else. It would never have happened.
  22. D'ailleurs, j'y pense, mais si Djelkhir n'y va réellement pas. Est-ce que l'on perds le quota ? Est-ce que au moins on pourra envoyer un remplaçant au dernier tournoi de qualif' ?
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