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  1. Aurora Russo won the gold medal in the women's -59kg class! she completed the double with the European title she won just a month ago in Tirana on her route to the gold medal she won clearly very tough matches vs , so it's not that she didn't face people from the usual women's wrestling powerhouses maybe it's time we've found a truly promising wrestler who might have a quick and winning transition from junior to senior ranks
  2. yeah, right now there's quite a big difference between the top 2 crews (3 if we consider also Ugolini & Giubilei, who didn't go as well as expected here, but they're ranked no.2 in the WR) and the rest of the world
  3. no, that's even more complicated, there should be 3 medal rounds with single races (with the final being a 3-sailor race deciding only the colour of the medals)
  4. if they use the same format of the world cup races: the top 2 of the ranking advance directly to the finals, while the remaining 8 surfers are divided into 2 4-man heats "semifinal round" according to the serpentine system (3rd/6th/7th and 10th in one heat, 4th/5th/8th and 9th in the other heat) the best ranked surfer in each heat starts with 2 "ghost wins", the 2nd best with 1 and the other 2 surfers with 0 the first to 3 wins in each semifinal group advances to the final round, which has the same format (the no.1 of the qualification races starts with 2 "ghost wins", the 2nd with 1 and the 2 surfers coming from the semis with 0. once again, the first to 3 wins gets the gold medal, then silver and bronze are awarded to the surfers with more wins in the final round and, if tied, the actual result of the last race counts for the final positions)
  5. mixed Dinghy (470) Gold: Keiju Okada & Miho Yoshioka Silver: Jordi Xammar Hernandez & Nora Brugman Cabot Bronze: Tetsuya Isozaki & Yurie Seki Full Result 2023 - Mixed Dinghy
  6. so, end of day #1 quick summary: 4 competitions, 4 gold medals for that's all, folks!
  7. women's Individual 10m Air Pistol Gold: Jiang Ranxin Silver: Anna Korakaki Bronze: Li Xue Olympic Quota Places (to the NOCs, NOT to the shooters): Full Results
  8. mixed Multihull (Nacra 17) Gold: Ruggero Tita & Maria Caterina Banti Silver: John Gimson & Anna Burnet Bronze: Emil Jarudd & Hanna Jonsson Full Result 2023 - Mixed Multihull
  9. correct to be remembered: can earn only 1 quota place despite having 2 shooters in contention
  10. Ruggero Tita & Maria Caterina Banti won the medal race and they are World Champions for the 3rd time in the Nacra 17 class
  11. finally! World Sailing is live on Youtube and they're already broadcasting some ILCA racing right now
  12. just another shameful day for the Italians I think we're gonna end up with just 1 single quota place in the whole rifle & pistol sector in Paris
  13. men's Individual 10m Air Pistol Gold: Zhang Bowen Silver: Damir Mikec Bronze: Kiril Kirov Olympic Quota Places (to the NOCs, NOT to the shooters): Full Results
  14. correct and fixed...last night I just unintentionally cancelled the "together with" part
  15. you can always watch that ondemand on youtube, I think
  16. so, all of tomorrow's and Friday's medal races basically will only be good to award the silver and bronze medals, since we already know the World Champions in 3 out of 4 classes and in the 4th we have a crew that only needs an 8th place with 2 more teams from the same Country also in the 10-boat race not the best presentation for World Sailing from an Italian perspective, great to see Tita & Banti back on top of the world, but in general those first 4 classes are a big, big disappointment, as we missed out not only on the medal races, but also on the Olympic Quota Place in 3 of them (while we expected to get at least 3, if not all 4 OQPs in this group of events)
  17. mixed Multihull (Nacra 17), boats qualified to the medal race 1. 29 pts 2. 45 pts 3. 62 pts 4. 63 pts 5. 66 pts 6. 67 pts 7. 73 pts 8. 77 pts 9. 79 pts 10. 81 pts All these Nations are also qualified to the Olympic Games 2024, together with
  18. mixed Dinghy (470), boats qualified to the medal race 1. 39 pts 2. 77 pts 3. 80 pts 4. 80 pts 5. 82 pts 6. 84 pts 7. 91 pts 8. 95 pts 9. 95 pts 10. 96 pts All these Nations are also qualified to the Olympic Games 2024, together with are already mathematically World Champions
  19. men's Skiff (49er), boats qualified to the medal race 1. 45 pts 2. 71.8 pts 3. 76 pts 4. 87 pts 5. 90 pts 6. 91 pts 7. 104 pts 8. 104 pts 9. 104 pts 10. 108 pts All these Nations are also qualified to the Olympic Games 2024, together with and are already mathematically World Champions women's Skiff (49er), boats qualified to the medal race 1. 48 pts 2. 84 pts 3. 88 pts 4. 99 pts 5. 101 pts 6. 106 pts 7. 108 pts 8. 109 pts 9. 118 pts 10. 125 pts All these Nations are also qualified to the Olympic Games 2024 are already mathematically World Champions
  20. don't underestimate my athletic (in)ability
  21. that's the only reason it won't happen, but it would be a great show attracting a lot more viewers than our traditional olympic boats but yeah, it was only a personal bias rather than an actual feasible option
  22. a few more people pulling out and WA will start calling some Totallympians to fill the entry lists p.s. no way I'm's too hot and I'm too lazy...better stay home with air conditioning working hard
  23. if they come here to learn to play better and make a lot of money they wouldn't get anywhere else, why not asking them to play also for our NT? however, almost every naturalized player that played for our NT (in every sport) came here to live all of their life also after they stop playing professional sport (and in fact we also have a lot of sons/daughters of former players that played for different NTs like Zaytsev or Travica, for instance, whose fathers played for URS and YUG respectively) it's not that we're just buying their sport performance as many other Nations do p.s. Antropova's story is way different and I explained it in the previous post
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