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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. For 2032 there is a candidacy from Istanbul, so you can add that to the list.
  2. @Gianlu33 @Henry_Leon @Pablita @SteveParker I have been digging modern Italian songs a lot this past week. Been listening to Annalisa, Benji & Fede, Fred De Palma. Can you guys give me other artists like them, which i can check.
  3. Plus all their original shorts are still available, it's not like they will erase them from history (yet...) They tried with the Censored Eleven, but it didn't work. I swear, with every passing year, this modern (Western) culture is diminishing the intellect of the children. That need to protect them from God damn everything... And when you know that any 7 year old can fully use a smartphone and they can very well watch Game of Thrones or Criminal Minds. At least we will always have this legendary animation scene
  4. New ‘Looney Tunes’ Cartoons Ban Elmer Fudd From Having A Gun This of course will solve every problem Long live the present day censorship.
  5. Do you know if the playoffs will be played and if so how many rounds?
  6. Don't need 120 pages to know that Bulgaria will be guilty by default there.
  7. So we've made full circle on the Globe and things are going back to Asia.
  8. In a shocking twist of events, our football matches got the green light to have fans. The condition is only 30 % of the stadium capacity and people must be 2 places apart. The capacity part will be easy, as not many people were going in the first place, but i don't know if the ultras will stay apart. Will see how it goes.
  9. I was talking about The Netherlands Like Holland has/d these strict measures against Covid for months (you know banning sports till September), with distancing at the forefront. And now this happens with people ass to ass and the police are like "Nope, we ain't doing anything, can't be bothered". Isn't this the time for the Prime Minister to come out and say that there shouldn't be thousands of people gathered in close proximity after the months of measures and that the police should maintain the distance. Like i see no logic here. Like the no logic, that those dutch people actually believe that their protest, will actually have any effect on what happens in the US (or any other country). The only effect it will have will be on their own health..
  10. Don't they have to do what the government says?
  11. He has one of the best filmography for me. Especially for people who like action stuff. Dirty Harry, the Dollars trilogy and Escape from Alcatraz are pretty much legendary by now. Unforgiven and Gran Torino are his best director ones with GT one of the best films of this century. Mystic River is a great film too, with amazing performances. The Bridges of Madison County is a romantic staple. The Rookie with Charlie Sheen, A Perfect World with Kevin Costner, In The Line of Fire also very high quality films. Million Dollar Baby not one of my favorites, but still it got all those accolades. The Mule was the last one i saw from him and it was also enjoyable. Nothing outstanding, but it was a well-structured movie with heart.
  12. The one, true American icon This guy should be embodied in every single american. One of the last few real cinema Gods.
  13. Every time i see Gestapo, i think of Herr Flick from Allo Allo Richard Gibson was incredible, stole every scene he was in.
  14. Exactly. This has been a long standing tradition in the US. Every time there is a situation, it is used as an excuse for people to rob stores and take anything they want for free and trash places for fun. I'm sure many of them don't care for the poor guy that died, they just see an opportunity for themselves, because the police won't do anything. Decade after decade, when you have a US riot, you better know that your local normal persons store/business/car is the one at fault.
  15. Well, everyone has there own tiers for ranking movies with different criteria. I always try to combine and mix the artistic part (the story, writing, performances, visuals, tone, sets, music etc.), the historical relevance and with my personal feel, experience, enjoyment, emotion of the movies, when rating a film. It doesn't matter what genre it is. If i like the film and it has the quality to back it up for me, it doesn't matter, if it's a comic book one or not. I would rate it just as high as other genres. Logan, X2, Days of Future Past, The Dark Knight trilogy are in the same boat for example as Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now, Psycho, The Usual Suspects, The Silence of the Lambs, Pulp Fiction etc. My IMDB rankings are full of films, which have a 5-6 rating, but i have given them an 8-9, because i have like them in many ways. And the other side, there are those with a 7-8 rating, but for which i have given a 4-5-6 one, just because i haven't found them interesting enough. A bad film for one, could be a great film for other. PS. Chernobyl is one of the best TV shows ever made. Simply outstanding. Watched the first episode of HBO Watchmen and it definitely wasn't what i was expecting. Had so much hope for it, but surrounding it with the race history of America is an exit to the door for me. Didn't continue with it.
  16. Not at all. The Punisher as a character was introduced in the second season of Daredevil, but if you watch only his show, you wouldn't miss a thing, as the story is pretty much contained within the seasons.
  17. Ummm, or vice-versa You do know that DC existed before the last 5 years? Nolan trilogy, Tim Burton's two Batman's, Richard Donner Superman, Watchmen, Road to Perdition, V for Vendetta, all better movies than any MCU. The best Marvel movies are X-Men ones and Sam Raimi's first two Spider-Mans. With the exception of a few films, the MCU sucks, but saying that to an american is like telling kids there is no Santa i think. My opinion of course. PS. Forgot about Deadpool That was a great film too.
  18. I've watched The Punisher and Daredevil and would highly recommend them. It's not at all what you'd think of comic book shows. The second season of The Punisher is one of my favorites in the last couple of years. That being said, DC movies >>> Marvel movies (bar X-Men ones, which are awesome)
  19. Amazing job indeed. The one thing i slightly don't like is combining normal Olympics and Youth Olympics results in some filters.
  20. I didn't fancy you as a viewer of the DC TV shows. Given the amount of content that is poring from everywhere, i'm surprised you are watching all of these and not being more selective.
  21. Enter the liquor market. Johnnie Walker Team Williams sound pretty good to me. Don't know how we haven't seen something like this already.
  22. The only thing i don't like in motor sports is the money drivers. In many cases, it doesn't matter how good of a driver you are, because your chance to make it in the big leagues will be given to the guy with the big sponsors or rich family heritage, who will fund the team. This has become very obvious in the last 10-15 years, since the costs in motor sports have skyrocketed. The dominant car/teams theory is one, that has always been on the table. Is it unfair to the drivers to have different cars? In most ways yes. But motor sports have always been about not only racing on the track, but competing outside as well. The race of who can build the best car. Any team can have the dominant car, if they work the right way, it's not something that is certain. Mercedes are dominating now F1, but before them it was Red Bull, before them Ferrari, Williams, McLaren. Plus in present day, on most (lower/different) racing series, they have implemented almost the same regulations to the cars, as to have a more driver battle. No sport is or will be completely fair. I would say the NCAA system isn't fair to the rest of the world athletes, because they don't have the same opportunity in the other countries. The US have found an edge on how to produce super athletes, just like some motor sport teams have found an edge to make a better car, than the rest.
  23. Everyone that sucks in video games says, that they weren't taking it serious.. He just didn't want to get embarrassed by losing at video games, so he hired a gamer to play for him, but then got embarrassed even more by that. This is a thought, but if you are a pro athlete and don't like, or play video games, don't join this Covid parade and wait to go back to normal. Also, it's completely bonkers, that he will lose his regular job, just because of this, but i guess this is something that is expected in 2020 culture.
  24. Is CAS working at the moment? Did everybody forget that the IOC banned Russia from competing at all major events? Now that the OG were moved to 2021 there is soooooo much time for a ruling.
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