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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Will this useless postponement ever stop. By February 2021 the situation will be different, than it is now. Even, if still there is no audience allowed (even though it's outside), they can have the starts without fans. Like the many other events/sports, which will have events without fans by that point. If they still don't want to host, than just pick another venue, that is willing to host. There is virtually no pleasure for anyone to have the Olympics and WCH back to back. That WCH will be so much devalued, why bother with the trouble at all and disrupting the calendar for another 2 seasons.
  2. Summer is almost here and what better way to kick it, than with the ultimate summer show. And most watched TV show around the world of all time i might add. If only America was today more like this.
  3. The new calendar for the next World Cup was published by FIS a few days ago. You can find it HERE There are only a few changes from the usual season we have. The postponed Sky-Flying Championships from this season will take the spot of the German round in the beginning of the season. Lahti is moving up to January from it usual March (late February) spot, as to make room for a mini-Asian swing in February with Sapporo and the Olympic testing event in Beijing. Rasnov is also back, just for the sole reason to have a mixed event before the Worlds. A perfect combination for the rest period.
  4. The Norwegian Championship is the best championship
  5. Does Ivet Goranova have any chance with this prolonging, or is she too far behind in the rankings?
  6. League status, as of today: Canceled - France, Belgium, Netherlands, Gibraltar, Luxembourg, Cyprus Ongoing - Belarus, Faroe Islands, Germany (yay ) Restarting: Estonia - 19th May Czechia - 23rd May Hungary - 23rd May Denmark - 28th May Poland - 29th May Israel - 30th May Serbia - 30th May Albania - 2nd June Austria - 2nd June Bulgaria - 5th June Croatia - 5th June Romania - 5th June Iceland - 13th June
  7. Sainz isn't as talented as his father, never impressed me to be honest. Don't think Ferrari made the right decision here.
  8. You don't like Ed, Edd and Eddy This is surprising, as it is one of the most well-rounded animated shows. It always make me laugh, even to this day. Cartoon Network was the bomb in our youth. From the 90s until 2005-06 their shows were so gooood, with hardly any bad one. Courage, Dexter, Ed, Edd and Eddy, Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, Space Ghost, Time Squad, The Powerpuff Girls and all the legendary Hanna-Barbera library. I mean, i learned some english before even starting school, because of Cartoon Network These shows had meanings, you can watch them, even as an adult, unlike the ones they produce now. I am truly sad for the kids of this last decade, who had to grow up with the modern CN, Disney and Nickelodeon crap they air.
  9. Perfect timing for the Fernando Alonso return then. If not, Giovinazzi would be my second option. The guy always had Ferrari in his destiny.
  10. Lol, black market You can just phone your hairdresser to come visit you in your house and cut your hair. Or vice versa. I don't think the Godfather scenario is necessary
  11. Hmmm, i know the fencing World Cup and it's a complete mess. There is no organisation of the calendar whatsoever, just random events scattered around the year. A sabre thing here, a foil event there, men and women competing in different cities.. Is there a valid ranking system, which are the top tournaments, do all the best fencers compete in them? Compare it with the tennis circuit, where everything is clear from top to bottom. How can people learn and get to know who are the stars of fencing? If they made a product, which can be marketed by the TVs around the world and not give it for free on the internet, maybe they wouldn't be so much dependent on the IOC money.
  12. Never have i seen so many table tennis matches like in the past month. Long live the Russia-Ukraine nobody basement matches all day, every day!
  13. I think i liked the previous version better. The Giro is screwed it seems. Tour - Vuelta is the obvious double for the GC riders, while all the Classics are also opposed the Giro, which will take away the other stars. They will have to depend only on riders, who will directly have the Giro as their main goal. Now if the Tour is somehow cancelled, then that is the jackpot for the Giro. I've read a lot of french authorities say "We won't have Roland Garros and Tour de France without fans", but i don't think they will have the guts to cancel them if there are no fans.
  14. Never heard of the great dutch TV shows Divorce and "Beatrix, Oranje onder vuur"
  15. I am blessing The Netherlands for giving us Katja Herbers What a wonderful and believable actress. I've watched her in The Americans, The Leftovers and of course Westworld, but her best role so far is in "Evil". The show is in my alley, but with her in the main role makes it a ton more enjoyable.
  16. After 2 months of different lockdowns we are moving to the next phase in the next couple of days. Today our PM and crisis team said, that it's time to loosen some of the measures. They said, that it's unlikely we would get rid of the virus in the next 1-2 years (unless some cure/vaccine is found), so it's better the slowly start planning and adjusting to live with it. They said the majority of Bulgarian people showed great individual responsibility in these tough times, which allows for slowly getting things rolling again. Of course, social distancing and hygiene are still firmly required. - Masks are no longer mandatory on the outside, but they are required on everything inside like shops, banks, transport etc., so if you are not only going for a walk, you have to carry one. - Border checkpoints, which were established on all exits in every major city will be removed; - Restaurants, cafes will open only on the outside with strict rules. The tables should be at 2.5 metre distance and be disinfected after every customer. When the personnel is accustomed to the work process and the results are positive, there will be further talk to slowly open the inside parts as well. - Parks, mountains, beaches, national monuments will be open, without grouping of many people of course. - Individual sports are allowed for training, like running, hiking, cycling, tennis courts, swimming pools. - Schools and kindergartens will NOT be open. It is too risky and unrealistic to think that the children will keep safe after staying away from their friends and isolated for a long time. It is too risky at the moment for everyone in the education system and for the families and the school year will be finished online. It will be a trial-error process from now on, and if there is a big influx of new cases in the next couple of weeks, the measures will return once again.
  17. Lombardia in the middle of november? Oh, boy
  18. Two women who already had Covid in The Netherlands were intentionally hiding it, got on a plane to Bulgaria with 200 other passengers, then again lied at the airport, took taxis to their town and just then, they went and said "Oh by the way we have Covid, so will just stay at home" For such people prison should be guaranteed, not a threat, but a fact....
  19. How not surprising is that almost all of those sports are the ones who don't have an established event series through the year to promote the athletes and sport itself. The same sports who need to have a World / Continental Championships every year, just to have a meaningful event with hope to get some attention and minor revenue.
  20. Official decisions on the return of leagues as of 30 April: – France – cancelled – Netherlands – cancelled – Czechia – 25 May – Poland – 29 May – Portugal – 30 May – Switzerland – 8 June
  21. 27 years ago, like before the internet Does anyone even remember what Biden looked like back then.
  22. Tell that to the shadow governments and underground networks. They would take making enough money to climb to the Moon, instead of making the world a better (peaceful) place.
  23. The Polish presidential elections: End of March: Ruling Party - "We are thinking of postponing the elections, because of safety from COVID." Opposition - "How dare you remove democratic elections, you want dictatorship like Putin, Erdogan" End of April: Ruling Party - "We are going to have the elections on may 10th" Opposition - "How dare you want to have elections, risking the population's health with COVID Real textbook politics, if it's true They talked about them on a political show here, and that the elections were going to be mail only (?), and the opposition (Left?) didn't want that, because of frauds. Quite strange, because aren't the Left parties in Europe the one who are always advocating for mail voting?
  24. But how would we keep the international market between countries for weapons, rockets, planes, ships, alien crafts. Gotta keep the trade going. We just need a fresh conflict, so we can produce even more stuff to sell.
  25. Well not every case is like that, but there are too many, for which you scratch your head and think, how it's possible it's only that. I firmly believe our criminal law is too easy on many crimes, but the the real problem have always been the Judges Courts and how avid criminals don't get what they truly deserve. And this is only for the regular people, the criminal underground bosses and corrupted politicians, who robbed the country for 20 years never get a sentence. But, if you are somehow in, you definitely wont't go out, because of Covid. The politician know it's not time to further poke the public.
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