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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. I thought he was retiring after the Worlds?
  2. I can't see both Anev and Iliev making it to the next Olympics. Maube Iliev, if he digs deep. There are some youngsters after them, but it's hard to know if anything will happen with them. There is a possibility, that after 30 some years, Bulgaria won't have competitive biathlon athletes, neither in the men or women..
  3. I think this quiz is fixed, because there can't be so many bobsled fans out there (i too had the same thing..)
  4. Weightlifting and boxing are a hundred times better, than all the new shit that's being introduced..
  5. Kosovo going out very rough. Typical balkan stuff, more kickboxing, less football.
  6. There is not one EU country that wants to dominate the world and is going to march through their neighbours. On the contrary, they'd rather escape from the rest of the world. Stop acting like it's the apocalypse when a right party gets some power...
  7. Great race to finish the season. The fight in Tiril always impresses me, the girl deserves so much more. Bravo Egan, shades for what's to come next season maybe. Wierer
  8. Alaphilippe unstoppable this season, not one bad race from him so far. Sagan held it to the end and then nothing in the sprint?! Pity..
  9. No Bulgaria in the table, guess our intenet is so fast they couldn't catch it.
  10. Every nation should play every nation. It's complete BS that we have so many match-ups that don't happen, because of political reasons. Just don't have away fans in the matches and be done with it. If a team doesn't want to play in said country, 0:3 and be done with it..
  11. But there is no such thing, as an overall World Cup runner. When there is such a generalization you have to compare, for good or bad. In a perfect world Svindal should have had 4-5 Big Globes, but his career was derailed by a dozen injuries, which prevented that. It doesn't matter that slalom and downhill are completely different stuff. In 15 years how many will remember this, they will just know 8 > 2 and who was the best. Because skiing in the last 4 years is "Hirscher World Cup" in every single race, all the time. Just like tennis is all Slam count, slam count, slam count.
  12. The way Borg retired at 26 in tennis in his prime. How many people consider him now in the GOAT discussion. Very little, because stats is all that matter. Svindal (barring the thousands of injuries he has had) for me has been the best skier i have seen in my lifetime. But Hirscher has the stats and that is the end.
  13. Not anymore tbh. If i was you would have seen me more in this thread. The years have passed, when i cared that much for alpine. Just curious how those results came to be.
  14. Where was this Hirscher all season long.. Another wasted season.
  15. I'm so happy for Wierer, for finally winning a gold medal, after so many years of disappointments. This girl should have achieved so much more in her career. Definitely has the skills to be a big champion and i have been so angry with all the mishaps, she has had. Now go win the World Cup!
  16. I was looking for a specific video for this thread and finally found it. By my humble opinion you can't do much better than this.
  17. When i saw "Nevski" instantly thought it was russian. Guess not.
  18. There is something for everyone in the soup opera
  19. I'm fed up with the never ending Brexit soup opera. No one owns them anything, just kick them out and be done with it. Still acting like it's the Empire days and they are better people than the rest. What an obnoxious nation..
  20. Of all the time i could have gone to the cinema, i picked the damn worst one You should have seen my face, when i saw the results after the movie. My friends thought something really "important" had happened (not biathlon fans). This is a moment that just made all the years of suffering, not much financing, small resources, worth the damn. Not only for Vlado Iliev, but for our whole team. And it happened, when the team was having the worst season in years. I think the motivation levels just got very high.
  21. Since there were changes in the Pre-Show and WWE Championship matches, i haven't given points for them. WrestleMania is the next PPV, which will mark the end of our first season in TWF.
  22. All of Gatlin's medals have been inside the rules. He has never been stripped of any medals.
  23. Your reigning and defending 100 metres champion of the wooooooorld
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