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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. 10:33 p.m.: The Turkish military sources cited by Reuters, claim that the army took power. Erdogan is out
  2. 22 h 14: Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, denounced an "illegal attempt to overthrow the government" by "a part of the army." The population is expected to stay at home. A curfew was imposed.
  3. i mean he beated kiprop and moh farah it's new no ?
  4. Makhloufi 3rd in 1500m new Kenyan 1st and 2nd
  5. Live results Diamond league , Monaco will begin at 18:30
  6. they show the stars only like if the rest of the athletes have nothing to do in the OG maybe they forgot that most of these celebrities are doped this clip is totally segregating and crap
  7. about the opening ceremony , is there any trailer or stolen videos from the rehearsal ?????
  8. the policemen have shooted on the truck
  9. it's not shooting but one truck droved into the crowd over 20 deaths
  10. your medal becomes bleu , there are many surprises from Sindo
  11. in the road last month one hot day
  12. the same thing here , coaches of many european teams refused to release many players so this team is very weak for now , i don't know why FIFA did nothing against these coaches
  13. Froome running , is it the tour triathlon ?
  14. why they give these wildcards to many weak athlets while other athletes were very closer to qualify and they are marginalized
  15. no one talks about the tour of poland
  16. 2016 ITF Beach Tennis World Team Championship12 TO 17 /07/2016 12 -17/07/2016 Algeria 3-0 Poland
  17. 2016 ITF Beach Tennis World Team Championship12 TO 17 /07/2016 12 -17/07/2016 HERE
  18. IAAF World Junior Championships 2016 Bydgoszcz, (POL)19 to 24 /07/2016 Schedule & Results
  19. the summer lovers , this is for you
  20. ans my favourit relaxing music
  21. the song of this summer , from Trinidad & tobago
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