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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. How was the transportation of the Qatari team to UAE , plane/boats are prophibited between them I remember when i went to malaysia on Qatar Airways we didn't through Egypt KSA but southern Greece ,Turkey,the border Iran/Iraq ,Kuwait and then Qatar , was over+ 3 hours of lost
  2. the Warriors visit with Barack Obama instead of Donald Trump during DC trip
  3. Maybe they will post the results on FC
  4. SPEAR FISHING MASTER CIUTAT DE PALMA WEEK 24 to 26, JANUARY 2019 XVIII INTERNATIONAL MASTER CIUTAT DE PALMA. 1st CMAS WOMEN´S CUP CIUTAT DE PALMA. IV CMAS WORLD CUP BY NATIONS. III BRAND’S WORLD CUP. XIX INTERNATIONAL OPEN CIUTAT DE PALMA. “ VIII MEMORIAL SEBASTIAN CARBONELL”. EVENTS P R O G R A M 24 JANUARY 2019 12,00h. Presentation of the events at Palma City Hall and tribute to Rafael Muntaner Morey. 19,00h. Reception and Welcome in PORT AUTHORITY. 20,00h. Presentation of the events: TEAMS PARTICIPATING IN CMAS WORLD CUP BY NATIONS. TEAMS PARTICIPATING IN BRANDS WORLD CUP. PARTICIPANTS IN MASTER (INDIVIDUAL.) PARTICIPANTS IN CMAS WOMEN’S CUP. (INDIVIDUAL.) TEAMS PARTICIPATING IN OPEN CIUTAT DE PALMA. (TRIPLETS.) TRIBUTE TO RAFAEL MUNTANER MOREY ( 35 YEARS AS PRESIDENT OF FBDAS.) 25 JANUARY 2019 8,00h. Concentration in CLUB NAUTICO PORTIXOL. 9,00h. Start of MASTERS Ciutat de Palma and CMAS WOMEN’S CUP competitions. 14,00h. End of competitions. 15,30h. Argentine Barbecue. (Before weighing.) 16,00h. Weighing and medals Ceremony. 26 ENERO 2019 8,00h. Concentration in CLUB NAUTICO PORTIXOL. 9,00h. CMAS WORLD CUP. (By Nations.) 9,00h. BRANDS WORLD CUP. 9,00h. Start Open CIUTAT DE PALMA TROF. SAN SEBASTIAN “ Memorial Sebastián Carbonell ” 15,00h. End of competition. 15,30h. SPECIAL LUNCH offered by Cala mandia Restaurant and “SOS Mamas” 16,30h. Weighing and Medals ceremony. 2030h. Gala Dinner and Awards ceremony of all competitions at Binicomprat Restaurant. (Algaida)
  5. and now the same story in France Nice: Gymnastics coach indicted and detained for sexual assault
  6. ooooooooooooh France/ La Hague ,smoke projectile throwed on the Nuclear station
  7. Jemima Sumgong the olympic champion 2016 of marathon 8 years
  8. LOL your knowledges are very poor i see , i visited many countries i was shocked manythings are prohibited and we have many churches here i posted this on the thread of architecure we are not chrIstian here , in they have the Christ here we have Mary what everyone noticed that you criticize other countries and never brazil remember when you posted this thread about the US coach of gymnastic / the sexe abuse he did but you said nothing when the brazilian coach did the same Brazil gymnasts accuse ex-coach Lopes of sexual abuse
  9. accident of over 15 cars sliding on snow
  10. they added triathlon , basket 3x3, Golf ,equestrian ,water ski , boxing/football men's only, and maybe one traditional sport as they said
  11. they lead the electric fishing Dutch devastate marine life with electric shock fishing
  12. another beautifull moske finished in Oran city
  13. the Mediterranean games 2021 the olympic village the plan
  14. the new Resident evil ( video game) has been released
  15. i posted this result now cause the next edition will start tomorrow in mayorca
  16. Spearfishing International Competitions and CMAS World Cup. Spain 2018 results
  17. Shooting into one bank in Florida , 5 killed , the gunMan called the police and denounced himself
  18. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LUNAR METEORITE IMPACT during the eclipse
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