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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. I wonder if Crnković got his shooting act together... Not sure what exactly he has to do for Pyeongchang, but one big result could surely seal the deal?
  2. Polish race is most definitely not his final chance.
  3. They can still be banned for personal use (and I think they are). Btw, in Tajikistan you are forbidden to celebrate your birthday.
  4. Nope. Long track is non-existent, while short track team never had a chance.
  5. Yes, she needs to race at least 5 races on 3 different tracks to be eligible as an athlete. Otherwise, Nigeria is already guaranteed the African quota place.
  6. Pekka Koskela actually did something notable.
  7. Loelling's top speed was faster than Yun, Grotheer, Gassner... And everyone else in the men's event so far.
  8. Ahhh, I see that Sunday is reserved for the cool and urban events only.
  9. And that's where Netherlands comes in. They have 2 athletes, if only one gets to go then none of the mentioned names will miss out. The main problem is too few quotas. Women's skeleton is no longer that obscure. They'll probably increase it for the next time, but probably, sadly at the expense of men's skeleton, because that's how IOC operates...
  10. Yes, more about her here. She was highly competitive in Calgary in November.
  11. Honestly, I'm really looking forward to seeing having ridiculous deficits in Pyeongchang.
  12. Meylemans and Priedulena are pretty safe. This list is missing Nigeria who needs to finish one more NAC race to qualify, meaning that provisionally Gilardoni would be out (until NED rejects Joska).–_Qualification
  13. Even if Gilardoni overtakes Flock, Flock should still qualify as NED will reject Joska.
  14. Yarnold is in awful shape... Sadly, at this point it looks like GBR will fail to medal in women's skeleton for the first time ever.
  15. And Maag fails to qualify for Konigssee WC, which means she no longer has a mathematical chance to reach any of the requirements.
  16. So Maya Pedersen makes the 2nd WC run for the first time since 2006.
  17. Here's a new segement in stats section for TISC fans. Top 40 - all-time ranking of TISC entries (ranked by PPJ)
  18. Looks like they read this comment. It has been corrected.
  19. 18.5 for this jump? I can't even... Pitty for Freitag.
  20. Ah, I never miss Oberhof and its German biathlon propaganda. Who cares for Herman's complete first lap?
  21. And of course someone rolled 2 meters before the finish line, only fitting for this race.
  22. That's now 3 falls that I saw in men's race, all of which included Russians.
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