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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Croatian news. There are two options: postponement or taking WCh results.
  3. Qatar casually went from 24 to 262 today. This really is like following 3x3 rankings.
  4. Indoor equestrian shows are meanwhile mostly going ahead behind closed doors. Both Signal Iduna Cup and Indoor Brabant this weekend.
  5. It's hardly "mass hysteria". What do you expect? That people would just shrug it off because having a new deadly virus is something that happens every other week? What's more concerning is WHO still refusing to call it pandemics, even though plenty of experts suggest we are already way past that point.
  6. It's not just about who would qualify. That's pretty much the smallest of all problems. However, if African canoe slalom qualificatoin event couldn't go forward, with its whopping 10 entries and probably 0 spectators, then what hope there is for the Olympics with its 10 000 athletes and hundreds of thousands spectators?
  7. There may be more money involved, sure, but then again, the Olympics would be incomparably more dangerous Coronavirus breeding ground than any of the other smaller events... Let's not forget that a whole bunch of qualifying events have been postponed or even cancelled. How can there be any hope for the Olympics then...?
  8. Apparently they may use the results of the 2019 Worlds to determine qualifiers. would qualify in such scenario. would be out.
  9. Dressage Nations Cup starts in Wellington, Florida today. Both Israel and Japan will be making their NC debuts.
  10. I don't have a favorite book. Most recent thing I've read was The White Album, which I started in September and finished last month.
  11. New research shows that staying one meter away from the infected is not enough... Two or three meters are required.
  12. 15th case in Croatia... But importantly it's the first not directly connected to Italy. This one comes from Austria.
  13. Apparently this could get postponed to 2021.
  14. European Taekwondo Championships, scheduled to be held in Zagreb, have been postponed indefinitely.
  15. Zambia did it. What a wonderful surprise. Gotta love African qualifications in women's football. Even when there is only one quota on offer, it is still anyone's game.
  16. Interestingly, Mongolia will have no more than 2 boxers qualified. Guess someone has to lose when Jordan is gifted so much...
  17. Mostly these last few days when I have been working with heavy posts. But I remember it also happening before.
  18. Is it normal that the save button stops working every so often when editing posts? (meaning I click on save and nothing happens, it only works again after refreshing the page)
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