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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. @Sindo Thread should be renamed to Coronavirus Pandemic. It's officially not an outbreak anymore.
  2. Croatia closed its borders today. But not to worry, I managed to secure special exemptions for all of you.
  3. I can see the Olympics being held in July only if they get closed for spectators + several highly infected countries get excluded "because they are weak anyway" (like Afghanistan and Pakistan). Obviously, that's like the worst possible scenario, and I hope it never happens.
  4. Coronavirus is also now capturing the whole of Italy, not just the North as in the early days. And, yeah, apparently the virus can stay in the air for several hours (and for several days on surfaces).
  5. Italy is on path of being fully ahead of China by the end of next week. That is, of course, unless the ball starts rolling in China once again...
  6. Anyone watching that new Netflix series Pandemic? Dear Lord, it must be one of the worst documentary series I have ever seen. It's so unfocused, redundant, and yet they still manage to talk about anything but pandemic for like 80% of the show. It's as if they released it in a hurry or something.
  7. Remember that time when people protested against cancellation of Cortina WC Finals.
  8. But then you have Tour des Flanders, which didn't get cancelled even during the WW2, so in some respects it's even worse. (and the fact that the Olympics will get cancelled/potponed for the first time since 1944)
  9. It's still the closest thing since.
  10. Meanwhile, German stars Isabell Werth and Sonke Rothenberger are all in favor of postponement. Isabell Werth is basically the most honest athlete I know of, so there's that...
  11. I feel like we finally have some sort of an idea how everyday life went in Europe during the WW2...
  12. Right, I realized the height is at issue, which is apparently set at 400. Can it be moved to 500 or 600 as well?
  13. Has the maximum size of pictures been lowered again? 423 appears to be the max dimension.
  14. We just broke 100! Something that never happened in TISC...
  15. Live Draw has been moved to Saturday, March 21st, at 17:00 CET (GMT +1). Hopefully some of you can join for the live show conducted by @OlympicIRL.
  16. I wonder if this also means that upcoming Netflix film Eurovision will also get postponed.
  17. UCI cancelled all events through to the end of April. So this includes every single spring classic basically.
  18. Alright, just take your time, but please do vote before the weekend comes.
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