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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. It is still way too early to tell anything. But one should keep in mind that African qualifiers went off rails mostly during the decisive (semifinal and box-off) stages... The way DR Congo got robbed in favor of Morocco was just vintage AIBA...
  2. Will CNN and company have a show like they do for the general elections?
  3. European judo cadet cup in Zagreb has been cancelled.
  4. We seem to be testing quite a bit though. Around 2500 people are "under surveillance" right now.
  5. I can proudly announce that a song which placed 14th in the first listen got 2nd today.
  6. Down to 26 songs after two listens. First listen counts for 35%, second for 25%, and the third will count for 40%. Top 15 will then advance to super final where top 12 + 3 reserves will be decided.
  7. I mean, not a single remotely serious athlete would care more about some random regional games than the Olympics. Why should we then?
  8. Based on the numbers, looks like Switzerland has done a poor job in containing Coronavirus. Twice as many cases as Austria and five times as many as Croatia. And we all got the first case on the same day.
  9. Don't forget all those horses who will be too old for 2021. Not that many of them, but there are certainly a couple for whom 2020 should be the final season.
  10. He seems to be taking proper precautions though. dcro here today casually passed through farmer's market.
  11. Any bets as to who will be the first infected Totallympian? Hopefully no one, but you never can tell.
  12. Sotnikova hasn't competed in like four years. Oh well, she never would have come back anywhere near the top anyway, as her career was long past the usual expiration date for the Russian girls. Hell, even Zagitova is basically retired at this point. Sotnikova is like a fossile.
  13. And if you think people in, say, early 70s had it any different, then you are dead wrong. And what followed? Reagan getting 525 electoral votes.
  14. This week marks the start of the eventing season on the Northern hemisphere. We start with Barocca d'Alva event in Portugal, which offers an opportunity to obtain minimum requirements. Brazil has several combinations entered (they kept their team place on technicality, so they very much need some fresh blood). India and South Africa however are skipping this opportunity. Next potential CCI4*-L opportunity for India and South Africa is scheduled only for mid-April in Italy.
  15. Apparently he ate raw bull's meat to intimidate his opponents. Since it must have contained clenbuterol (like any meat) - surely he retroactivelly loses all those titles.
  16. Leonidas of Rhodes - 4 gold medals in stadion and dialous.
  17. Two Dressage WC stages in Kiev (1-3 May; 8-10 May) have been cancelled due to Coronavirus...
  18. Schedule is out for day 1. Very interesting to see Tuvalu competing. But after those robberies in Africa last week, I'm afraid we can expect lots of dubious decisions in favor of Jordan and the usual suspects...
  19. Zubčić can do no wrong. All those years spent on soft Croatian snow are paying off. Now we have soft snow on the Alps, while Croatia has no snow at all.
  20. San Marino went up to 8 cases and 1 death.
  21. Fun fact... I believe Jazzu is the first returning winning artist.
  22. ICF confirmed Oceanian spots. No surprises, although New Zealand apparently still has to choose between K1 and K2.
  23. I guess since both Tunisian jurors ( @amen09 @tuniscof ) lingered around here, I will give them some time... But I will also need to start my first listen.
  24. IFSC commentator thought Sean Bailey would be eligible for the Tripartite quota, but is not only because US have already maxed out their quota.
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