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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Jur

  1. Loving the concept! I want a new country
  2. And is still unkown what will hapoend with boxing and weightlifting, it can open a lots of doors for this sports if the get out of the programme
  3. I'm the only one who thinks this is kind of stupid? Olympic sports should have some sort of a long term plan, no just one appearence and that's all. 2028 Olympics being in LA is going to push for baseball and surf so they are going to have them at 2020, cut in 2024 and reinstate in 2028, instead of having some kinf og programme or arrangement between the different host citys and the IOC, for the sport stability to be in all and had an stable games.....
  4. "will have to fit with the Paris 2024 venues map " So wakeboarding and Surf are screwed then.....
  5. Oh, I never hear about that rule, with actually sounds pretty unfair too, by the way, but it would make for more decent teams at the Olympics... if they held the South American Qualification Tournament were all teams are even worse than Mexico...
  6. Yes? I think there's a qualification event for North Americans that Mexico would easily won against Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago
  7. I'm the only one who finds this Qualification Process really unfair?? Right now are placed 5th to 9th in the 2018 World Series with means that at least 3 out of those teams would be out of the Games, instead worst teams like and have almost secured a place in the Games. OIf just they did continental qualification before World Series, Olympics would have better teams, something like (as right now) as host from continental, via world series and a battle between probably and at the preolympic Instead of: as host, via world series, from continental spots and have and battle at the last preolympic..................
  8. World race walking cup in China was pretty good, even better than europeans
  9. The girls attending the meetings with IAAF social media:
  10. So apparently the IAAF accepted and send a request to the IOC to get women's 50km in the 2020 olympics. The girls are positive it would get added to the games.
  11. Allegedly IAAF wants trail running at the Olympics and there were talks in Buenos Aires to get it in the Paris 2024 games
  12. Five women race walkers, one of each continent, and lawyer Paul De Meester are going to meet in Monaco these days with representatives from IOC and IAAF in orther to discusse for women's 50km RW to be added to the Tokyo games. Apparently decition to be taken in December 5.
  13. 48 kg – Laura Fuentes51 kg – Andrea Lasheras60 kg – Melissa González 64 kg – Lucía Blázquez Goal for the championships? Don't get humiliated.
  14. Is Rakhimov the probem anymore? I mean, the only problem? Having all those voters behind, him resigning wont solve much of the problems AIBA is facing, cause as we are seeing they simply don't want to change..
  15. Two spaniards in the TOP15 Suddenly Skateboarding is my favorite olympic sport!
  16. I don't think banning amateur boxers to put 12 professionals would work well. I rather had boxing out, to be honest.
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