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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Jur

  1. I can wait for Spain to be eliminated, so at least we can have quality and interesting matches...
  2. A turkish athlete is being accused for potencial sexual assault to a british girl, but no name leaked.
  3. Football M Basket M & W 3x3 Basket W Hockey M & W Waterpolo M & W Handball M & W Rugby 7s M
  4. Spain went with the top team un both events, while the other countrys didn't sent their best gymnasts.... Btw Spain won men's team gold in Mersin2013 too......
  5. Well, gold medal raining season begins in Italy......
  6. Carlos Garrote is so beautiful he deserves all the gold medals in the world
  7. What a nasty fall by the Cyprus girl in the uneven bars.....
  8. They play spanish anthem instead of Serbian
  9. Someone needs to learn to loose...
  10. Looks like 2 medals for Spain in men's triathlon
  11. i think it's wrong, cause Samy won bronze medal
  12. She aint last anymore, she passed the egyptian girl!!!
  14. Well it's in Tarragona, and that's mostly a pro spanish field in Catalunya. Also Torra is a racist asshole, so it doesn't help...
  15. Teledeporte would air Triathlon
  16. Who was the Slovenian flag bearer?? Acording to national broadcastes it was a women gymnast, but pretty sure he looked like a men.
  17. It's from GimnasTic (You can see the white C in the last seats), is the name of the football team that plays in that field
  18. Well It wasn't Spain's desition. Men's foil is out best fencing event. Also, we wanted Race Walking un but It was left out due to low entrys past games. The only thing Spain probably push for was Womens hammer, due to Berta Castells being from Tarragona and probably wanted a local icon. All other Athletics event taken out of the calendar were the least competitive in Mersin.
  19. But, you know that our National TV is taking it seriously when they're going to shoot during the Mediterranean Games an episode of Spanish biggest TV show, Celebrity Masterchef
  20. I know is not that bad, but I was expecting full coverage of spanish games in handball and waterpolo, to be honest.
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