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  1. They are reporting it as if it was oficial
  2. So looking at the WC entrys Pakistan only send 2 men at 25 rapid fire pistol. Why cancel the whole Wold Cup quotas? Probably some of the athletes spended a lot of money to get to India, not a cheap travel to make...
  3. Acording to the spanish team, no olympic quotas would be given in this World Cup due to the Pakistani team couldn't make it to India for the event. No news on how they would be awarded in a future
  4. The competitions I watched were actually pretty interesting. Lot's of lidership changes in the time heats lasted. It's live judged so it really let's you know how the heat is going every minute. And given France has Biarritz to host and LA2028 is coming, we assured venues with great waves. I'm really intrigued and excited for this event in Tokyo, and is not like Spain has any chance of medal.....
  5. Surfing is pretty interesting. Y'all should give it a chance.
  6. There's a popular meme in Spain that is a old guy taking part in Dancing with the stars dressed urban triying to do a breakdance routine. It's used as a way to refer to older people trying to act cool like teens. I think it's just perfectly fitting for the IOC...........
  7. I can't be mad to be honest, I'm ready to pay the prize of having breakdance in order to enjoy surf and climbing. And skate doesn't make me specially mad
  9. Yesh I saw that in Wikipedia, I was excited!! I also noticed they list Rugby, witch will be a debut too.
  10. do you know what sports are going to be in those games?
  11. there's a "somehow" competitive field in women's 50Km in 2 years, in Paris 2024 there would be a full interesting line-up. And if thath's the idea, do 35km, it's a more common distance.
  12. I don't understand why the committee keeps saying 20/50 races are not popular. Like 10/30 would do much change for it, it's stupid and they are only cutting history and taking the most brutal endurance out of the game. Really I can't believe people like them have Race Walking future in their hands......
  13. There's a rumour that comes from the Spanish Federation about IAAF's RaceWalking comitee doing a proposal to change RW disrances at the games to 10k and 30k. The vote is supose to happend at the IAAF Doha meeting. I hope this doesn't go forward....
  14. Aiba changed ihis men's boxing categories, the new ones are: 48-52 kg -57 kg -63 kg -69 kg -75 kg -81 kg -91 kg +91 kg Basically goodbye to -49kg and -60kg.
  15. There was no need to add men's 800. I'd say take 800 out in both genders and leave Men's and women's 1500.
  16. Spain was robbed in 2016 and also in 2020, wow
  17. I wouldn't mind in wrestling 6 women freestyle, 4 men's freestyle, 2 grecoroman
  18. What I want: 2 climbing events / 2 surfing / 4 skateboarding / 6 road roller races / 4 petanque What I think we will have: 2 climbing events / 4 skateboarding / 2 squash / something in petanque
  19. Maybe Wakeboarding, but I can see ir easily happening at the same venue that sailing does. But no chance for Surf in the Mediterranean.
  20. I can't see Surfing happening if they want everything in the Paris 2024 map
  21. If you get out boxing and weightlifting you have tons of quotas. I can see that happening in Paris 2024
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