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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Yep, even Polish TV is talking about the empty stands. I bet the organizers knew it's best to put the last match between two non-UK players.
  2. Of course it's worth noticing that Krzysztof Ratajski became the first player to win a PDC World Championship match earlier today
  3. I remember watching Sherrock play in the BDO women's final few years back, I wonder why she hasn't become more successful since. Maybe this is where her career takes off?
  4. I totally forgot about the mid-week December GS in Courchevel. What happened to Shiffrin? I see both her runs are way off her normal pace? Maybe she hang out with her BF instead of practicing this week?
  5. Just listening is so against the progressive ways though. Several of the liberals claim these people who were allegedly ignored have a right to speak now and should explore that option even beyond limits. How is listening progressive then? Nobody is debating Republicans anymore because everyone is happy to mock Trump every which way. You don't have to check any facts to claim Trump is a liar, clown and whatever else. It's the current flow of the game. Social media has rendered journalism as unreliable as ever. Nobody is waiting for the evening news or morning newspaper to check what's going on. Any story is fresh for 5 minutes and then it's just the usual back & forth in the comments section where everyone pretends to be right but it's only a trench warfare. One tweet can do more damage than hundreds of pages of newspaper editions. People don't really communicate anymore, one flawed emoji or a bad meme and you're getting swept under the hateful response. Not to mention people like Murdoch or Zuckerberg don't listen to anyone and simply control the world from their high castles
  6. Just look at the Corbyn collapse in the UK. Johnson is the urban elitist educated at Eton (and Trump-like clown) yet it's Corbyn/Labour who got dismissed as racist and appeasing the urban area elites! Labour suffered the worst elections since 1935! Democrats are heading the same way if Sanders and Cortez-Ocasio break through with their socialist ideas. You'll suffer the same fate as Corbyn and then you'll be wondering what the hell happened. You dismiss/ignore the older blue collars and you're fucked. Hell, this is one of the chief reasons Hilary Clinton lost in 2016 already. Yeah, right. Fox News is the progressive evil. If you dislike both CNN & Fox then what the hell are you watching?
  7. CNN is just as liberal and Democrat-friendly as any media goes and even they begin to realize what the REAL problem really is: Obama was Tony Blair. Cut the sociallism bullshit (Obamacare wasn't really that because in USA if you don't have medical insurance you might as well check in as homeless) and ride with the moderate wave. It worked for him very well indeed. Funny how it worked for Blair well too until he slipped on the Iraqi invasion which he was forced to ride with the ole buddies from USA.
  8. Setting up the US Embassy in Jerusalem was the most Jewish-friendly act by any sitting President since Israel was created. There's just no way the Democrats can ridicule that or else they're losing millions of Jewish voters in the US and they're officially screwed.
  9. The left-wingers have gotten so liberal & progressive they forgot about their roots - the hard working blue collars who are by no means liberal. Jeremy Corbyn got a huge reality check on that and even Labour knows they've become an urban liberal party which is not what any left-wing party is coming from. Trump won because the conservative rust belt voted for him instead of the left-wing Democrats. Hilary Clinton represented the urban elite which used to be the most obvious enemy of any left-wing movement dating back to 19th century. Yeah, you're gonna win the age 30 liberal progressive voters BUT that's not enough to overcome the age 45+ blue collars who show more discipline when it comes to voting. Those old guys gonna cost you every single election, that's why Sanders and Cortez-Ocasio are equally as doomed as Corbyn was in the UK. If you're gonna worry more about the Russian hackers and the impeachment you're gonna lose even more touch with those left-wing roots. Hollywood and 25 year olds from urban areas will not win you the elections over Trump.
  10. It's a huge problem for the left-wingers Trump is the most Jewish-friendly president USA has ever had. You'd love to throw him under the racism bus however you can't because the Jewish people would grill you. And let's face it, getting the Jewish votes in USA is way more important than Muslims votes.
  11. State politics is small thing even in California. If you make in into Congress or a genuine government job in Washington it's the true elephant success. When did the Whigs fold? Like before the Civil War? You're looking at 150+ years or two party system and these are lifelong political animals running the show. You can write "US State Senator" as a job, it's not a frickin' service anymore. Add the political families running wild on both sides of the fence and you get the complete picture. Besides every in-state thing can be overturned by the magical Supreme Court which is nominated by the President so everything stays in the two-party system. I'm sorry but choosing your state representative between two members of the same party screams communist "choice" all over the place. So much for your beloved democracy. The popular vote is a fraud. Didn't like California ban the same-sex marriage in some popular vote few years back but then Supreme Court overturned that? So five judges can send your popular vote down the gutter at any given time
  12. I'm not really sad that the US democracy doesn't work. The electoral college is a laughing stock but hey, it's not like Democrats didn't have their chance to wipe it away during all those years? Right now nobody cares about three electoral votes from Montana or whatever Then again, it prevents the two-party system from allowing a third party involved so actually both Dems and GOP know it works into their favor in the big picture. If people are fed up with one party, they can only vote the other into power and vice versa. They're all too smart to let that get away. UK voting system is equally flawed but at least some Lib Dems, Greens or national parties can make their way into the Commons. It's impossible to have a third party member win even a single seat in Congress.
  13. I thought about Star Wars characters tbh but I didn't watch that franchise anyway and I have no idea what Guardians of the Galaxy are either
  14. Speaking of Wisconsin, how about this? So much for a wonderful democracy when a quarter of million people are denied their voting rights. I bet the Democrats must love this judge now
  15. I have no idea what are you talking about. Then again, Americans don't follow handball much so that figures
  16. Because USA annexed those islands and of course you're not gonna allow them to join the independent Samoa
  17. Well, USA has the law of the land so anyone born in Guam is an US citizen I suppose Aruba, Curacao and the Dutch Antilles follow the same pattern (can't be sure about Surinam these days).
  18. No surprise. Do people born in Aruba have a Dutch citizenship?
  19. Guess Groot retiring made Netherlands more unpredictable?
  20. Seems like Mikaela Shiffrin punted on the parallel nonsense this season?
  21. I don't hang around ideallistic teenagers anymore so it's curious talking to you (and correcting your mistakes ) but trust me, when you get older you'll realize it's not worth the damn to fight every battle available I'm not that old by any means but I'm happy that my knee doesn't hurt like crazy when I get up in the morning (which used to be the case a while back). People my age I know have had back surgeries already so it could be way worse too
  22. This thread should be renamed "Olympian1010 changes the world and why everyone else is wrong"
  23. Nope but unless the world revokes the Gregorian calendar and starts measuring time with a different method you have no case to argue as someone living in a country which follows this very calendar It's the same thing like measuring a minute by 60 seconds. Do you want to give us a dissenting opinion on that one too?
  24. Decade is 10 years. Century is 100 years. You're doing maths that is completely unneccessary and you're still not changing the Gregorian calendar on TO forum
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