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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. You're biased and set to defend the liberal democracy until the bitter end. That's your choice but it's not mine. Huh? There's actually something worse than a corrupt politician in charge? Trump doesn't give any fucks and it doesn't matter the social media crusaders pretend they know better. Trump is no different than Grant or Eisenhower who cashed in their military career to glorify themselves even more. Hell, the astronaut John Glenn run for President too. US politics is full of these bozos who want to pamper their ego so it's old news.
  2. I don't bitch about everything, I just say democracy can be controlled in authoritarian ways like these many political famliy clans prove. If you're stealing something you might as well call yourself a thief, not someone else. The problem is, democracy in a federal country like USA or Germany is different than in the republican system which is majority. Actually having a millionaire like Trump as Head of State isn't a bad idea, you can be sure he's not into politics for money which is the main reason most of these lawyers or whatever enter politics in first place. The days of ideallists are gone. Having people like Obama or Trump as Presidents is a good thing, Obama's personality was very bland but he had zero political support and was literally the guy from nowhere. It's not the system that needs to be changed since every political system is about money. I said before politicians, journalists & the clergy want to control the masses. It's a never-ending back & forth struggle. If they want to control you what's the difference whether you live in democracy or authoritarian system? How many people really feel a difference between Trump being a President or some life-long politician? They don't since the federal system covers the daily life more than a person in the White House. USA is tied to loans & mortgage payments no matter who's in charge. How many US citizens actually own the houses they live in? How many people are still paying off student loans like 20 years after they graduated? And this is you ideal democratic world where you're tied to a 30 year old credit loan? Really?
  3. Communism was supposed to be about giving power to the people. That's an obvious fraud. Democracy has the monarchy gene stuck to its core and hell, all the names you've mentioned prove it. You can create a mini monarchy to expose how democracy can actually be controlled in authoritarian fashion. Donald Trump might be a jerk but he's pretty honest about himself. He's a member of the lucky sperm club and he's honest enough to say that. There's nothing honest about the Bushes or the Clintons. Nothing! They want to have their family in power, whether state-wide or nation-wide. I'd never vote for these morons. And Trump has one huge advantage over the rest. He's got enough money to fund his own campaign. Kamala Harris just dropped out of the race because she's got no money. So much for her progressive ideas and all that fancy talk. If you ain't got money and you can't convince people to give you theirs, you're done in the political landscape. Where does the democracy fill in here? The person with the biggest cashbox is supposedly the best candidate or elected President democracy can come up with? Really? Forget how Obama was the new craze, he actually still had to have the biggest funds to become the craze. So here is your democratic thought of the day: the person with the biggest cashbox still laughs the loudest in the end. All the global Empires or kingdoms have fallen over the centuries and it's still all about the money. Hail to the democracy!
  4. When politics becomes a family run business things are downright pathetic. The ballyhooed democracy was supposed to banish the family run politics aka monarchy. And then we have someone like Trudeau whose best value is his last name. The more things change the more they stay the same. Power is the ultimate drug.
  5. Just a bunch of haters. I don't know much about Trudeau outside of the blackface scandal but Macron and Johnson are just morons and liars in Johnson's case
  6. Race walking is the stepchild of athletics. Anglo-Saxon world doesn't care about this even more than anyone else. Race walking cycles around names from Central/Eastern Europe, Asia & Latin America, period.
  7. If Hannah Prock's last name wasn't Prock, she wouldn't be starting in World Cup, period
  8. Well, Stenmark's overall record looks totally in the gutter too. Shiffrin's immediate competition is nothing compared to what Vonn had to face with Riesch, Maze, Fenninger or even Gut. I mean Vlhova has made it up to #2 but then we have choker Holdener and who else? Nobody. We have girls starting in the top group that haven't even scored a single WC podium yet.
  9. Well, the old boarding tracks had no future beyond a certain date. The rise of luge kinda helped bobsleigh into modern transition. The cost of building a new artificial track is still too big for just about everyone.
  10. Meanwhile Shiffrin has tied Annemarie Moser-Proell's 62 World Cup victories. Only 20 behind Lindsey Vonn's record. This feels so effortless nobody's talking about it
  11. Huh? Someone had to build a track outside St. Moritz to set the ball in motion. Without Igls I doubt we have luge & bobsleigh as Olympic sport right now. There are far more natural luge tracks out there so even if luge got an Olympic spot, it would have been on natural tracks.
  12. Without Igls luge & bobsleigh would never become an Olympic sport tho Sometimes simplicity is the reason for success.
  13. Bludenz in the Vorarlberg. Track will be 725m and used by juniors. It's hardly a waste of funds IMO. They still have Igls for the seniors.
  14. Not on the women's side which used to be more dominated by Germans. I still remember Neuner & Tagwerker. They were more of a threat than anyone Austria has right now. Hannah Prock is a total waste of time. Demchenko's daughter makes her look like a complete fraud. I can't decide which offspring is worse, Hannah Prock in luge or Nina Ortlieb in alpine skiing.
  15. Holdener is a total fraud. Hansdotter at least had Flachau and the bullshit Pyeongchang course. Since Shiffrin crashes out like once every 25343 races I'd say she will never win a regular slalom in her career.
  16. Shiffrin wins by 2,29! Total knockout. 4th place over 3 seconds back
  17. Holdener straddles the second gate. A new way to choke. Swenn-Larsson on the podium.
  18. Let's get real, nobody gives a flying fuck about luge other than Germany. You have to have the facilities to be successful at it and Germany has them. Due to winter games being held in obscure locations lately you can't count on Koreans or Chinese making a run (though it worked in skeleton or even bobsleight a little). Russians are doing much better than in the 90s for instance, Paramonovo, Sochi and Sigulda have helped them a lot. Hell, Latvians building a track in Sigulda was a very good decision but it was easier in a country where there's zero winter sport success or interest outside of ice hockey. Austria & Italy have had success historically but no way luge becomes the new black here. Switzerland ought to do better in luge tbh but it seems like bobsleigh is their main focus again and again.
  19. I'm not surprised. Even Georg Hackl once said Sigulda & Lake Placid are the two worst tracks for German lugers because the start speed isn't that important here. Germans continue to rely on the starts very much for a long time. Paramonovo, the other notoriously tough track for Germans has become extinct since Sochi came on the map.
  20. I was pretty sure Nastasia Noens hasn't retired and then I see her on crutches (broken tibia). I guess she wants to continue? She's only 31yo so I see her going on until Beijing OG. It's not like there is some competition in the French squad.
  21. Elvira 0,4 behind Hanna in battle for 11th Good results for Aymonier 9th & Talihaerm 26th!
  22. Davidova losing time on the last loop... this was some run by Wierer.
  23. Davidova +3,7 secs after 2nd shoot! She can win this...
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