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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Guess Davis doesn't give a fuck about the Chinese government then? Makes the NBA drama look even more ridiculous
  2. I don't believe Islam is shrinking much tho even the Western world seems to believe Catholicism is the pure evil while Islam is all about peace. Besides, what is going to replace the power of the religion? Socialism is just a mellow version of communism and those who preach its superiority right now have actually never endured the communist rule so they have no idea what they wish for. Socialism can work in a country like Norway with 4 million people and oil resources but it won't work in a country like USA with 300+ million people. You will go bankrupt within 20 years if socialism becomes your ruling option. Btw, I never accused you of lying, just being a blind fool of the socialism superiority. Meanwhile you spreading lies about me wanting to jail LGBT people have been exposed & confirmed.
  3. It's obvious the current Pope will not sustain his vision of the Church. Majority of the Catholics around the world are not left-wing and his actions have more fans among atheists & those progressive minds who are glued to the Church's actions like they have nothing better to do in first place I might as well ask if South America has banished the ghosts of the military juntas or keeps cycling through them like Poland does with former communists still being present in the public life & political offices?
  4. What's so funny about that? I've said numerous times socialism & the progressive bubble is not my thing
  5. Perfect society is a myth. But you're not even contesting that you're telling lies about my opinion on LGBT. So you know you are a liar and just got exposed. Politics serves one chief purpose only - control humanity. Both liberals & conservatives do that. The US two-party system helps this very much as these people have no viable option to choose from. And guess what, Democrats are very happy about that system too.
  6. You keep making all the wrong assumptions time & time again. I never said homosexuality should be illegal. You're spreading lies here and that's exactly why I will never support "your generation" and all the socialism bullshit. I'd rather be a conservative telling the hard truth rather than a progressive liberal telling politically correct lies
  7. Excuse me, where do I tell people how to live? I don't tell people to avoid meat "to make the planet" better. Yeah, Great Thunberg is a puppet and her eco mission is total fraud but I understand progressive minds of this world will spin it into a political profit. Someone wants to wear a real fur? Be my guest. Trump sucks? Then frickin' vote for someone else instead of triggering the impeachment circus because you can't have a normal campaign. Just because I dislike something I don't try to make people think or behave otherwise. Meanwhile people living in the progressive bubble will be fighting their eco liberal wars on twitter and claim victory by default. I'm not going to join that nonsense but I' not gonna protest on the street "to make the world better". That's a waste of time. You make a horrible assumption from the start. However since you consider my country as racist then it's a lost cause. I'm not trying to convince the unconvinced. Neah, if the kid calls out someone with the 'n' word his parents will forever be dismissed as racists and the case is closed. So much for these progressive principles.
  8. Neah, those progressive minds will NEVER allow that to happen. There's always a bunch of morons who think they can brainwash people with their supreme ideology. Veganism is the new black! Yeah, I know I sound like a socialist but I find this ideology - and several others - flat out repulsive. Plus there's one difference, I don't tell people what they should do, wear, eat or how to behave. Political corectness is downright pathetic. There are thousands of these social media crusaders or open-minded liberals who just can't allow people to act like they want to or say things they want to. Progressive politics is just another way to control the humanity. Now you can laugh as much as you want to and stay in your progressive bubble
  9. Whoever has majority in Parliament elects these members of the CC. This is not an independent board and only serves as extension of any ruling party or coalition. Members of Supreme Court in USA are elected for life so you can't replace them when their term runs out. President Kwasniewski actually tried not to piss off the Church and the right-wingers too much. He was probably grateful the old communism dinosaurs weren't banished by Walesa in first place But again, Walesa had his entire legacy to lose so he made sure no lustration ever took place under his watch.
  10. Pope Francis represents the Catholic minority since South America was dominated by the right-wing military juntas which opressed the Church so most Catholics from South America are actually leaning towards the left. Most Catholics elsewhere is obviously right-wing. The Constitutional Court has no real power in Poland. It's not the Supreme Court of USA. The guy who you talk about avoided lustration in the early 90s and it's clearly Lech Walesa's fault. But he was afraid to be exposed as communist agent in the early 70s and others profited from that. Poland is the only former communist country that never banished former officials. We should have opened the UB archives in 1989/90 like Germans did with Stasi archives but of course Walesa made sure none of that happened. Poland is reaping the fruits of that decision even 30 years later.
  11. I don't need to speak to Monks, Rabbis or whomever else to realize religion is all about control over humanity. It's the same case as in monarchy which was largely ousted after WWI and very much so after WWII. All the decade-long Empires have fallen by the wayside y mid-20th century. The history of mankind is a history of war whether you like it or not. Reliogion is just a mean to justify the end. It dates back to ancient Egypt when some of the priests had more real power than the King (pharaoh). Humans are apex predators, they've gotten so good at developing guns they're too scared to use it. A nuclear end will get us to BC level again. 1% of the population owns 95% of its wealth & rescources. You can say religion has nothing to do with terrorism and Islam is for peace but that's the ultimate bullshit. Every religion can be used to trigger another global war in like 5 seconds regardless of the MeToo, Greta Thunberg & veganism crap. That's completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Class warfare is core to humanity's existence since day one.
  12. Then again, why didn't the communists survive in power though? They sure didn't care about the Christian bullshit either yet lasted only 45 years before their unholy demise
  13. Who claims Muslim religion should be about peace? That's wishful thinking. Christianity is several hundred years older than Islam. I'm sure you'd prefer 9/11 was masterminded by Christians and ISIS was a Christian organization but nope. Can't spin that fact. Liberals & atheists remain enraged they don't control the humanity like the Church does and that drives them nuts. You go out on the streets of Yemen and claim Islam is just a book and a perversion and you won't make it alive in like 20 seconds That will give you the ultimate peace test. Funny, an atheist is teaching people what "real Islam" or "real religion" in general is. The Mad Hatter would be proud of this logic
  14. Try to do this with Muslims and trigger another jihad. I realize Christians must be the worst of them all for you but at least they won't cut your head off. If you want to start a global jihad then be my guest.
  15. World Athletics can always become a dirty federation too? It's the same frickin' thing. I don't see how this name change solves anything?
  16. C/K are 24/25 yo. They will continue until WOG 2022 but after that it's basically game over IMO. Two of our female lugers ended their careers after last season. Natalia Wojtusciszyn is 26 and Ewa Kuls 28. I mentioned Staszulonek who retired in 2011 at age 26 too. Luge in Poland doesn't offer you any money to sustain this thing called living. Sooner or later you have to get a normal job. There's like zero competition anyway, Chmielewski was men's singles runner-up in national championships last March.
  17. Since it's Poland we're gonna find a way to fuck this up. Ewelina Staszulonek ended her career at age 26 because our federation couldn't even hire her a coach. The two-man bob team achieved some Top 10 results last season and it's on the verge of extinction because there's no money, no coaches and hell, our federation couldn't even book them a track to train during the off-season. Nobody gives a damn about luge & bobsleigh in Poland, all the millions are pumped into ski jumping and that's all. C/K have a bigger chance of retiring before the age of 30 than a World Cup podium.
  18. Guess not Polish Golf Federation only has 5,500 active players (obviously amateurs) so we're waaay behind the eightball here. Communists closed all the golf clubs after WWII as it was deemed an "imperialist" sport Hopefully Meronk will be easy to spot on European Tour. He's 6'6" (1.97m) tall
  19. I reckon most US Jews are secular to begin with but it's one thing that works massively in Trump's favor as his daughter married a Jewish businessman and he's more pro-Israel than a lot of these liberal Dems voters and liberal Jewish people to begin with. So Dems can't use the most obvious weapon to swing the elections. If they could somehow make Trump look like anti-Semite then he would be cooked but you simply can't because he's pushing the pile in Israel's favor like no other POTUS before him, setting up a US Embassy in Jerusalem, now talking about the legal settlements on the West Bank when the entire world thinks of them as illegal. Hell, Obama wasn't this liberal and pro-Jewish amid all his political craze. The liberal people are suddenly forced to promote "liberal Muslims" as the next great thing in politics? Like really? This idea will never overcome the decades of Jewish influence and the country's pro-Israel politics. If Obama set up the Embassy in Jerusalem he'd be praised as the progressive mind for the ages but now that Trump has done it, he's anti-semitic? Who buys this kind of nonsense? PS. Back in the 50s the communist party were filled with Jewish people. It happened in Poland too. McCarthy is dismissed as lunatic now but you just have no idea what he saved you from - albeit short-term since the Vietnam War would have changed the political landscape anyway. Or if JFK lived long enough to win the second term you'd have never set a foot in Vietnam in first place (based on the Bay of Pigs disaster). That's for another debate though.
  20. Adrian Meronk becomes the first Polish player in history to qualify for the European Tour. He attended Tennessee before turning pro in the fall of 2016. He finished 5th in the Challenge Tour rankings this past season with most Top 10 finishes out of anyone (one win).
  21. Despite all the mass shootings USA is still a safer place to live than Israel. Why would they move there? Especially when you can lock yourself in some guarded condos or whatever and avoid the real-life drama from afar. I was always wondering whether the US Jews are in the Dems or GOP camp. As a relative minority I used to think they would support Dems but then I realized when you have money or influence then you side with GOP. So yeah, I'd say the US Jews support Republicans more often. There are no Jewish ghettos like in the blacks or Latins case and majority of the US Jews belong to the middle or middle-upper class so that suits the Republicans as well IMO.
  22. Israel is USA's enclave in the Middle East specifically created as such after WWII. There's more money being spend on Israel than even Obamacare's budget. It's a bottomless pit. Of course they will support whatever suits Israel. And the Dems can't really protest that as another silly Trump gimmick since they risk losing the Jewish votes back home.
  23. I despise any political effort that tries to influence a sporting event - whether it's right or left wing. I suppose that must be difficult for you to understand. If a sporting event is big enough then these political bozos will always use it as a platform to preach their lousy political message. Olympic Games are big enough everywhere in the world to be used as such and football is big enough in the USA to use it likewise. If Kaep was a table tennis player then Nike, CNN and whomever else wouldn't give a damn about his message. Not a single damn. I agree with Whitlock and several others, Kaep doesn't want to play football anymore but wants to be a political martyr AND someone to pay for this martyrdom. He'd be best advised running for Congress tbh. He can preach his injustice message over there as long as he wants to. He's wasting everyone's time pretending to make a run at NFL in 2019.
  24. It's a sporting forum, I'm trying to talk sports. You support Kaep but then say you follow very little football so I'm lost. I'm gonna start with basics, have you actually watched him PLAY a single game? And I don't mean running 100+ yds on 15-1 Green Bay Packers or Super Bowl XLVII because that Kaep is gone and won't return in 2019 and beyond. Moreover it sure sounds like you don't even know who Blaine Gabbert is? So yeah, all politics and zero actual sporting substance. And I absolutely hate when politics gets involved in sports. There's enough politics in other aspects of life to leave sport out of this. And I mean everything, from Tibet flags during OG to MAGA labels from Santino Ferrucci (race car driver). Everything needs to fucking go, left-wing, right-wing or center.
  25. So you're basically another of these martyrs who don't care about football but wants nothing but politics in sports. It's flat out sad.
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