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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. So what? She is still a traitor. You turn your back on the entire nation because of Todd Hays? Really? No wonder people are upset. I hope the fans give her hell and then some! Narcisstic woman deserves no sympathy.
  2. Well, majority of the South American countries lists food as their top export product? Sure, there is coffee in Colombia but like 80% of the bananas I ate in my life have the 'Ecuador' sticker on them There's maybe 15% of 'Costa Rica' stickers and 5% from Colombia so there is that. I understand landlocked countries like Bolivia or Paraguay have mountains and not much else. How is the fishing market in Argentina anyway? I suppose the global trade importance of Argentina & Uruguay has dropped in the 20th century since you have cargo planes and sending goods on a merchant ships to and from Buenos Aires is no longer the only travel route available. Of course there is tourism but it's a great rivalry across the globe in that market so it doesn't stand out like Venezuela and their crude oil potential tbh.
  3. It's abuse of power no matter how you want to spin it. If Clinton got impeached for the Lewinsky affair then no member of the Congress should be held to a lower standard. Power has no gender attached to it, period. Women in power can be equally as ruthless as men.
  4. Well, either this or allow to harvest the Amazon forest for oil. The latex boom has dried up over 100 years ago. Sadly South America doesn't have much natural resources and even Venezuela is going belly up with their oil market which is downright insane. So, it's either drugs or coffee to bring money.
  5. Old news. It's either the military junta or communists aka sociallists. There isn't any other choice in South America tbh.
  6. For a life-long businessman Trump has had an impressive career in the mainstream. Talk about a 70 year old guy still stirring the pot!
  7. And the cindirella charm is gone. Astros sweep Nationals on the road and take the series lead 3-2. Verlander vs Strasburg on Tuesday in Game 6.
  8. [hide] Knockout Round October 19th - November 2nd, 2019 8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Third Place Match Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 November 1st 2019, h. 18:00 New Zealand 11 Wales Final Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 November 2nd 2019, h. 18:00 England 9 South Africa [/hide]
  9. Yes. Poland is a conservative country leaning on the right. That's what 40 years of communist rule does to you
  10. Yes, but the former comunist opposition rules in Poland since 2005 for good. One group has stayed on the conservative side and the other side pretends to be liberal. The former communists have formed a three-way coalition with the new modern sociallists but only finished 3rd in the elections. The agrarian Christian-Democratic party that has been there since forever finished 4th and the latest far-right project was 5th. Their leader returned to Sejm after a break of 27 years He's been through like four other far-right parties in between but was actually elected to European Parliament few years back.
  11. In 1993 The Polish society was shocked by the free market rule and how many jobs were lost and public companies sold to private owners only to be closed down immediately afterwards.
  12. I probably won't be far off saying this is first victory since Laax 1997
  13. Sun is shining... track is getting slower... what else is new?
  14. Shiffrin faster than Worley by 1,24 secs Guess she can get even better?
  15. I told you before Democratic Sociallism only works in countries with huge natural resources and small population. That's why it works so well in Scandinavia where Norway is the wealthiest country in Europe by GDP. Norway, Switzerland and Luxembourg are the three wealthies countries in the world that are not islands or microstates (like Monaco). For comparison the population of these countries combined is 40% of Poland's population. Evo Morales who was elected for another term in Bolivia comes from a party called Movement for Sociallism. Yeah, I think I'm gonna call him a 100% sociallist here Sociallism is so widespread in South America because it was a natural opposition to the previously widespread military juntas that ruled the continent until the 80s or early 90s. The entire South America is ruled by left-wing which should make you very happy indeed. Of course Bolsonaro in Brazil is right-wing but that's because the previously widely popular left-wing President was busted for - what else - corruption so we had a shift in poitical landscape. Corruption in politics happens across all options, right-wing, left-wing, communism, capitalism or sociallism. It's a core disease and there is no cure IMO. Poland has achieved the impossible already, we overthrew communism (labelled sociallism from the 70s) which seemed impossible like 20 years prior to 1989. We can't do any better than that IMO. Thirty years on and our political landscape is divided between conservative-rights who remain conservative and former conservative-rights who pretend to be liberal (especially in business). The new left-wing still has members of former Communist Party calling the shots but they will be gone in natural way in like 15-20 more years.
  16. What is there to look for though? If capitalism ain't getting it done, shall we go back to communism? Actually most of the South American countries are run by sociallists already and that doesn't seem to work either. Politics & corrpution go hand in hand since power & greed are two of the oldest traits in human character for centuries. You're asking for the impossible IMO.
  17. I remember Alberto Tomba and he was far more exciting to watch. Hirscher was flat out boring.
  18. [hide] WTA Finals - Preliminary Round October 27th - November 1st, 2019 8 Athletes, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Athlete from each Group will qualify for the Semifinals Red Group Date & Time (GMT +8) Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2 October TBD 2019, h. TBD Ashleigh Barty 2 1 Belinda Bencic October TBD 2019, h. TBD Naomi Osaka 2 0 Petra Kvitova October TBD 2019, h. TBD Ashleigh Barty 2 1 Petra Kvitova October TBD 2019, h. TBD Naomi Osaka 2 1 Belinda Bencic October TBD 2019, h. TBD Ashleigh Barty 0 2 Naomi Osaka October TBD 2019, h. TBD Petra Kvitova 2 1 Belinda Bencic Purple Group Date & Time (GMT +8) Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2 October TBD 2019, h. TBD Karolina Pliskova 2 1 Elina Svitolina October TBD 2019, h. TBD Bianca Andreescu 2 0 Simona Halep October TBD 2019, h. TBD Karolina Pliskova 1 2 Simona Halep October TBD 2019, h. TBD Bianca Andreescu 2 0 Elina Svitolina October TBD 2019, h. TBD Simona Halep 2 1 Elina Svitolina October TBD 2019, h. TBD Karolina Pliskova 1 2 Bianca Andreescu [/hide]
  19. This is the entitlement era. People feel like the world owns them something when in fact it owns them nothing. South American politics is a corrupt tire fire for ages though. This won't change anytime soon.
  20. Nationals are the cindirella story so obviously everyone cheers for the underdog. Astros is the closest thing to a powerhouse in MLB and that always draws hate. The Yankees best pitcher this season also got busted for DV and I don't think the Yankees lost any of their popularity? Is everyone in NY going after the Mets now? Obviously not. If Astros didn't win 107 games in regular season with highest SO pct. nobody would give a damn about some female reporters. Sadly politics tries to mess up with the sport yet again.
  21. [hide] Knockout Round October 19th - November 2nd, 2019 8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Semifinals Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 October 26th 2019, h. 17:00 England 13 New Zealand October 27th 2019, h. 18:00 Wales 15 South Africa [/hide]
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