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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. If you want to tell China to stay off Hong Kong that's a recipe for World War III, period. Even Trump isn't that stupid. You can try to scare North Korea off with some finger-wagging but China? Hell no. Boycotting Games brings back Cold War 2.0. Thanks for those ideas! Unless people in USA believe Cold War was actually a good thing? Guess what, communism was about giving power to the people! Every single party big wig and executive came from the peasants or working background. All the gentry families linked to 17th or 18th century was opressed. Hell, they couldn't make a career worth a dime. But you could make a huge career if your father was a miner, welder or a farmer! Medical care was all nationalized back then as well! Empowering citizens is so damn communism I can only laugh. Look no further than Venezuela if you want to see what happens when socialism meets natural wealth. Triple it ten times over if you want to see the future of the USA under sociallist rule. Poland got sick and tired of this empowering citizens bullshit the communists sold us after 25 years, then again after 35 years (the military and secret police took over for 10 years after but the horse was dead at that point). If USA goes all sociallist, I give it 30 years tops before it would burn down in flames and people would beg for leaders like Reagan or even Trump to come back. This thing might work in a country like Norway that has 3 million population and the biggest oil resources this side of Saudi Arabia.
  2. China is China. Can't change their communist ways. If you think you can, go ahead and try! What next? Hong Kong is British? This would be your answer? You can't install democracy into a communist country, period. And these communists have a lot of money and are the second biggest market in the world. It's funny that American sociallists don't support China since socialism is basically a soft version of communism in first place. We had this change overnight in the 1970s when suddenly communism was dead and sociallism was the new name. Yeah, that worked out just fine!
  3. As a General Manager Morey is supposed to do what's best for the team? If he's so high on values then he should should quit this job and enter politics. We know that ain't gonna happen. 600m people have watched NBA games in China. The TV/streaming contract alone is worth 1.5bn! Yao Ming single-handedly created the basketball buzz there, hell, FIBA awarded them the World Cup this year and Morey blew the market up with one fuckin' tweet. That's insane. You'll see NBA teams traveling to Europe again to beg for revenue, the second biggest market in the world has been slammed shut on them. All because of one guy and one tweet
  4. Money talks. China is the biggest market out there to conquer while teams like Memphis or Sacramento create zero buzz even in their own country. You get more bucks selling Rockets in China than Kings in California... and it's over? Hell, Zion had all the hype in college and NO is still a football town. Sean Payton has more value in that city than Zion. Pro sports is about entertainment not politics. Daryl Morey potentially cost NBA hundreds of millions of dollars, I bet Adam Silver must be royally pissed over what happened there.
  5. Then he should have retired after Pyeongchang and cut the bullshit. His body language last season said a lot. He just can't accept JTB has pulled so far ahead of him. When it's gone, it's gone.
  6. His time at the top has passed. If he struggles as much this season as he did last year then he will call it quits. JTB is the new King of Biathlon.
  7. The fact that nobody is walking according to the rules is known for ages and proven ever since the slo-mo cameras arrived. They flat out banned the cameras showing the walkers feet a long time ago. It's simply who can disguise the running better. For a while the Latin/Hispanic walkers were immune to any DQ but that has changed some time ago. I still remember the days when Mexicans were getting away with everything until Segura was finally DQ after the 2000 OG finish.
  8. Somehow they managed to cover the course back in the 80s or 90s? Besides, it's only a matter of time before they install electronic chips in the shoes IMO.
  9. Because they use these listless 2km loops everywhere these days. 50km used to be 50km around the city with a finish on the stadium. That was real athletics. Marathons are the stepchild anyway since all the big guns prefer the big payday marathons but race walking has been totally destroyed by IAAF.
  10. I understand USA never actually wanted to host the athletics WChamps until they shifted their policy lately? The sport might be huge globally but I guess it's an also-run in the USA except for the major stars? Nike must sure be pouring a lot of money but it's gonna be curious how the NOP case goes from here. This being said, I hear Nairobi is the early front runner to host the 2025 World Champs? Attendance won't be an issue there for sure but the organization could be a major problem. Tomasz Majewski was speaking about this yesterday and he said Africa isn't ready to host the WCh just yet even if the U-17 Worlds had a stellar crowd. Guess with the U-20 WCh being hosted there next year the IAAF is pretty much setting the stage for the 2025 opportunity?
  11. 4x400 W relay has been reinstated on appeal. Front page news on BBC: Lowest medal total for since 2005! Guess the hype didn't quite work? They literally got nothing other than DAS & KJT plus these 4x100 relays.
  12. relay falls down? In 4x400? Epic failure!
  13. No Martyn Rooney? Guess even the Brits are tired of this old timer.
  14. We are the best 4x400 women's relay in Europe. Nothing surprising with us beating Jamaica & GB tbh!
  15. Wyciszkiewicz's run really gave us breathing room. That's fresh legs for you!
  16. Epic run from Swiety-Ersetic!!!! 3:21.89 NR!!! silver!!!
  17. Vetter flops with only a bronze! Anderson Peters is World Champion!
  18. I thought Kirani James gave some exposure before but guess not
  19. Charles Austin passed his one last remaining attempt and cleared it to take Olympic Gold in 1996. Partyka was one failure away from being an Olympic champion.
  20. No Kielbasinska in the 4x400 final. Wyciszkiewicz comes in. Probably the right decision!
  21. Chistyakova used to be NR holder in triple jump though! Just ask @hckosice
  22. But you said doping is more likely in track events yet LJ is reliant on speed. So any sprinter doing LJ isn't less suspicious at all
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