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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Not gonna happen. Mass student strikes is so 1960s. The modern generation is too lazy to do anything like that. Any mass protests might happen if social media & smartphones disappeared. People have had it so easy over the last 30 years their biggest problem is promoting veganism. Luxury has become standard. And Trump is the easy punchbag. You throw a rant over him on social media twice a week and that's your job well done. This is the modern society AD 2019. PS. I'm sure you wouldn't want to live in Bolivia no matter what. Stop fooling yourself and everyone. This sacrifice statement is just a bluff
  2. Americans and their racial problems, sigh. But what do you expect from a nation who handed Medals of Honor for the Wounded Knee massacre?
  3. Yeah, let's don't be naive here. Probably every team does some dirty tricks to gain an advantage and it's only a matter of who gets caught. The ball parks are so big and modern cameras are so small you can literally put a device in the coach's uniform button or whatever and record whatever you want to. I believe there are 20+ teams laughing right now these three losers got caught It's no difference when everyone felt sorry for the New Orleans Saints after Katrina hurricane only for the to be exposed as bounty hunters who want to injure opposing QBs on purpose. Sure enough, Sean Payton & Gregg Williams are still working in the league and nobody gives a damn about it anymore. Let's stop with the idealistic nonsense in pro sports, shall we?
  4. So, is the constitution of any use anymore or just a convenient punchbag? Everyone knows how the politics work, half of the Congress doesn't give a damn about it and the other half also doesn't but pretends they are. If the Second Amendment remains in place then every gun producer can call upon it to provide the guns for the citizens to uphold their constitutional right. If the Amendment is gone then these gun maniacs can't sue anyone over violating their constitutional rights bc the damn document no longer guarantees that. Is that common sense enough? Supreme Court is the easy way out, it's always easier to convince five people to something than hundreds of Congress members or even thousands or millions when it comes to a public referendum. And now you just put new laws on top of other laws when the Second Amendment has the top priority over any of that in first place.
  5. Step one: Remove the Second Amendment which protects the right to bear arms. I'm sorry but if the politicians are unwilling to act when it comes to a political document then they have no moral right to call out gun producers over these shootings, period.
  6. Americans are that stupid to follow this insane logic. Paul Walker's family sued Porsche over his death despite the driver of the car was proven to be speeding twice over the limit which led to the crash. Of course they will blame the gun producers for any shootings because they can't just blame the people who actually committed all the murders. It's simply insane.
  7. Obviously nobody can win political elections without leaks, illegal wirings and hacked email accounts anymore. Man, Watergate seems like kindergarten amateur hour compared to modern tactics
  8. One can say the referee from was the worst person on the field. Spain had a goal ruled out for offside in the 9th minute that was never offside. It could have set the game up right there and then. But this is still a very good result for us.
  9. Obvously yes, but let's don't overthink the room. Rugby is a niche sport in USA and nothing changes that. Call me when a rugby player gets on the cover of Sports Illustrated and then we can talk
  10. Rugby is still nothing compared to gridiron. I recall boxing journalists moaning about the decline in US heavyweight boxing few years ago because no big guy wants to do boxing anymore with so much money in football. I seriously doubt anyone would choose rugby over football in US given the chance unless you were spit out by the machine already. With XFL coming up, there's gonna be more demand for these players.
  11. I thought most of the US rugby players come from Samoa or Hawaii? Obviously the rugby is no real thing in the USA when gridiron football rules the house. One can say the rugby players are former gridiron washouts in first place Btw, Fiji has its own war dance. They don't need a haka.
  12. Yeah, I realize the liberal parts of the country don't give a damn about Montana or Idaho. USA is far less united then you pretend to be. This sounds like the old "British when they win, Scottish when they lose" tune in the UK. Whenever something stupid or negative comes up the Canadians are quick to point out "It's not Canada, it's Quebec!"
  13. What do you mean questionable? Last time I checked Canada was supposed to be a democratic country? I don't believe in this take Quebec isn't Canada or Texas isn't USA. It's just a very weak excuse to flush something you dislike down the toilet. Either you protect your country's integrity or you don't?
  14. Canada is such a lousy place (maybe Kellie Humphries was right after all ). A 31-year old French woman was deemed not French enough to be granted immigrant status in Quebec. I hope the liberals are proud of this shit. Canada seems even more lost in the dark than the supposedly inferior conservative countries they so happily throw under the bus.
  15. [hide] ATP Finals - Preliminary Round November 10th - November 15th, 2019 8 Athletes, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Athlete from each Group will qualify for the Semifinals Bjorn Borg Group Date & Time (GMT) Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2 November 10th 2019, h. 14:00 Novak Djokovic 2 0 Matteo Berrettini November 10th 2019, h. 20:00 Roger Federer 2 1 Dominic Thiem November 12th 2019, h. 14:00 Dominic Thiem 1 2 Matteo Berrettini November 12th 2019, h. 20:00 Novak Djokovic 2 1 Roger Federer November 14th 2019, h. 14:00 Roger Federer 2 1 Matteo Berrettini November 14th 2019, h. 20:00 Novak Djokovic 2 0 Dominic Thiem Andre Agassi Group Date & Time (GMT) Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2 November 11th 2019, h. 14:00 Daniil Medvedev 2 1 Stefanos Tsitsipas November 11th 2019, h. 20:00 Rafael Nadal 2 0 Alexander Zverev November 13th 2019, h. 14:00 Stefanos Tsitsipas 2 1 Alexander Zverev November 13th 2019, h. 20:00 Rafael Nadal 2 1 Daniil Medvedev November 15th 2019, h. 14:00 Daniil Medvedev 2 1 Alexander Zverev November 15th 2019, h. 20:00 Rafael Nadal 2 1 Stefanos Tsitsipas [/hide]
  16. Looking from outside, American education system is based on private education. The rich will only get richer and they most certainly won't allow anyone to rattle their cage. I read that Kamala's plan includes those schools looking & securing the financial support by themselves. Well, that's great. She has this idea but the schools will have to do all the heavy-lifting? Who is going to invest a penny for some no-name public school in the middle of nowhere just to help those working parents? You can invest in Harvard or Yale but not in Red Rock High School in some forgotten place in Wyoming
  17. Her husband has two adult children from previous marriage. She has none. Her parents were working at Berkeley & Stanford. If she wants to sell an image of coming from the folk then it's a disaster. She's pretty much upper class herself. Hell, even Beto O'Rourke who I thought was selling the image of 'boy from the hood' attenteded all-male private high school and then Ivy League. How in the world you expect to win blue collar votes when you've been part of the privileged side of the society? Yeah, Trump is from the lucky sperm club but at least he doesn't pretend to be anybody else.
  18. I'm not surprised. She has no children of her own so has no idea how it's like to raise them while being a working parent. Besides probably every single politician sends their kids to private schools anyway? How do they know anything about public schools in first place?
  19. I believe that affects the medical personel for distribution of non-prescribed drugs and such. So they want to battle doping by scaring off the providers. Let's face it, you can get busted for illegal distribution of non-PEDs as well based on this law.
  20. You don't get jailed for doping tbh. This is one of the rare instances that admitting to doping was actually the lesser crime. Guess it didn't work
  21. Calgary & winter sports is kinda a natural connection. Besides neither Stoch nor Sun changed nationality so your comparison to Humphries makes no sense whatsoever.
  22. But the city exists? I realize Canada is just an excuse for jokes for Americans so that figures
  23. [hide] WTA Finals - Knockout Round November 2nd - November 3rd, 2019 4 Athletes, Semifinals and Final Finals Date & Time (GMT +8) Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2 November 3nd 2019, h. TBD Ashleigh Barty 1 2 Elina Svitolina [/hide]
  24. Whatever. I've made my mind up on this egoist already.
  25. Deserved? Seriously? She's full of the entitlement shit that runs wild in the modern society. I hope she gets booed in Calgary for the rest of her life
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