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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. You're only as good as your last game and last time he played, he got benched for Blaine fuckin Gabbert. Kaep is an unrestricted free agent. Any team can sign him up like right now without the media circus. NFL ain't gonna tell anyone who they should sign or not though. The numbers seem to be doing more than alright without Kaep in the league. He only attracts those social media martyrs and not genuine NFL fans IMO so there is little lost fanbase as you call it. Btw, his agent said only 8 teams attended the high school workout. Since 25 were on-site at the Falcons place, guess the other 17 simply bailed out on the high school circus? Yeah, I realize you know better who journalists are based on comparing Murdoch to Hitler so I guess you don't consider Smith a journalist either. What's your knock on Whitlock so I get the whole picture?
  2. Normal workout by NFL standards? How many other players have been granted a special workout by the league before? (I'm not talking teams). NFL only does this at draft combine and nobody has enjoyed this kind of privilege other than Kaep. I didn't need this media show to know he wants to be a martyr and doesn't want to play football anymore. Don't take my word for it because I know what you think about Polish people but how about some black folks? Jason Whitlock has been ripping him for some time and now Stephen A. Smith has seen the light too.
  3. Yeah, the circus keeps rolling. He refused to participate at the Falcons facility and went over to some high school instead. And of course the media had to be there. Like someone said on twitter, you can't have a publicity stunt without the media Speaking of equality, will every free agent player will be granted such a media padding from now? If Dez Bryant wants to stage a workout will it be attended by the national media too? If not, then we're talking social injustice Kaep is supposedly fighting? What a fuckin' circus this is
  4. [hide] ATP Finals - Knockout Round November 16th - November 17th, 2019 4 Athletes, Semifinals and Final Final Date & Time (GMT) Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2 November 17th 2019, h. 18:00 Stefanos Tsitsipas 2 0 Dominic Thiem [/hide]
  5. You do realize he played on one leg most of the season? He had ankle surgery three weeks before the LSU game and they rushed him extra to play there. The lay-off period after such a surgery is 3 months for an average Joe. He still threw for over 400yds on one leg? That's not shitty. Word is, it's a dislocated hip. That's not as bad as it could hav been. He needs to get away from Saban ASAP. Hopefully the Alabama dynasty ends with his departure now.
  6. Presumed #1 overall pick in 2020 Draft Tua Tagovailoa has just been carted off with what looks like a serious hip injury. Fuck Nick Saban and his dynastical ass
  7. [hide] ATP Finals - Knockout Round November 16th - November 17th, 2019 4 Athletes, Semifinals and Final Semifinals Date & Time (GMT) Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2 November 16th 2019, h. 14:00 Stefanos Tsitsipas 1 2 Roger Federer November 16th 2019, h. 20:00 Dominic Thiem 2 1 Alexander Zverev [/hide]
  8. I bet the Steelers can't wait to see Roethlisberger back. Any idea of QB controversy there is gone. Rudolph had a terrible game against a team they owned the last five years
  9. What do you expect? There's no common sense in this impreachment deal. This will be a political circus which serves its purpose. I wouldn't watch like 5 seconds of this shitshow myself
  10. Right. So when is Murdoch starting World World III?
  11. You're spiralling out of control. If you bring up Hitler to allegedly prove Murdoch is not a journalist then you've completely lost it
  12. Because I'm tired of the non-stop propaganda in the media. I've heard about abortion for the past 20 years and I'm sick of it. Yet I'm gonna hear about it for the next 30 years most likely.
  13. Get out of your idealistic bubble and smell the coffee, mate. I suppose you were really born in the wrong century. Murdoch IS the news and has more influence than 99.99% of people living on this planet.
  14. Wildfires are like a common thing for centuries though? How can you pin the latest one on climate changes? It's a nonsense assumption.
  15. Of course he is a journalist. He controls what his newspapers publish. He owns New York Post for 40 years just for starters and his empire has grown so much it's an entertainment business now. He's the modern day Randolph Hearst. You can't talk journalism and dismiss Murdoch as "political player" because it's not true.
  16. Rupert Murdoch would laugh in your face right there And he's just about the most powerful journalist in the world.
  17. It's a give & take product of the Church opression during the communism rule. This won't change until the next couple of generations when people in charge of this country won't be influenced by the Solidarity martyrdom anymore. Hell, former PZPR members just got voted into the European Parliament, they're still very much alive & kicking. This entire political group needs to go away because the current liberals are too scared to trigger an open war with the Church. Which is no surprise because they come from the same side of the pre-1989 fence
  18. The pen is mightier than the sword. I will NEVER believe in journalists posing as victims of whatever political / social propaganda there is. They play the game so they can't complain about the rules, period.
  19. I live in a conservative country and I'm pretty happy about it. I don't attend Church at all but I don't really support liberal values too much. Selling hope buys you time, a lot of time. Immediate results are not in demand. You can skate through this way of life but then you realize you've gotten old and there is no hope anymore. I'm sure you think Poland is a country where religion controls government and all that crap but guess what, I don't care about abortion & same-sex marriage whatsoever. I'm against it but I'm not gonna flock the streets to protest it. It's a waste of my time. If our government passes the bills one day, I'll accept it and move on. It's not gonna change my life whatsoever. If you want some real religion control please check at some of these Islamic countries however most liberals preach how Islam is really the way to go and should be accepted. It won't be accepted in Poland and we'll stick to our way regardless of what the progressive minds of the world preach. Then again, if it works for the Middle East or whatever so be it. I'm not gonna call for any changes in those countries since it's none of my business. People like you seem to always know better what other nations should do, I'm for the old school isolationism which America used to be pretty proud of before.
  20. I believe Netherlands have crossed the line ever since the Pim Fortuyn murder. Anything after that simply moves you further away from that line, not across it. Generally it's a bad look for a country so attached to its liberal stance. You're no better than some of these conservative countries you so happily throw under the bus I've gone above & beyond to believe in the "fair trial" nonsense. If you have enough money you can get away with anything. Just look at Harvey Weinstein after all of these accusations. An average Joe would never be allowed to walk on bail in similiar circumstances. Oh, and let's pretend OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife either I'm sick and tired of this Perry Mason mentality that only works on TV.
  21. If you've lived through the communism rule you'd add War heroes or priests being killed for opposing the regime. Lawyers don't tick any box for me tbh. I've seen enough murderers and others get away with one on a technicality I have little respect to this profession.
  22. Doesn't USA lead the rankings in murdered heads of state in office anyway? Poland's first King was crowned in 1025 and in 994 years we've had ONE head of state murdered while in office. Not bad for such a close-minded and conservative country
  23. I'm older than you but I don't remember any war either, just the brutal days of communism masquerading as your beloved socialism. It didn't work in Poland in the 20th century, it didn't work in Bolivia right now and guess what, it won't work in the USA either if Sanders or Cortez-Ocasio are allowed to run the show. Besides the frickin' social media gives your generation a huge opportunity to speak. This goes so far that one makes you think social media is the real world and whomever doesn't have a IG or twitter account doesn't exist. It's a bubble trap the liberals fell into with the Trump elections. They won the twitter battle but lost the actual elections. Hello, people without social media actually matter. How about that Hong Kong tweet from the Rockets GM? One damn tweet and millions of dollars are lost. And you complain about not being able to speak out? Seriously?
  24. Here's the thing, whenever someone mentions the word 'planet' I know it's going off the rails. You're too idealistic to make a real change. This ain't the 19th century. Political battle isn't won on the idealistic front anymore because the monarchic systems that dominated politics have been wiped away by the time WWI ended and the fall of British Empire after WWII completed the job. The reps laugh in your face because they know what's cooking and how the politics work. Idealistic ideas mean nothing, it's the hardware that counts. The 1960s protests were fuelled by the next generation breaking out of the post-WWII trauma. People born in the late 40s / early 50s knew nothing about the War and in USA case, Vietnam only confirmed the war was unneccessary to begin with. What is the modern society going to rebel about? The planet? Seriously? The 1960s protests could take the troops back home and that was immediate gain but the modern protests ain't gonna crush the crude oil market or wipe away the political corruption. Let alone save the planet. You target brings zero immediate gain and can't be put under any scrutiny hence you can't call it a success like the 60s generation could. What's more, the politicians are using this as their own fuel to justify their own status as if they weren't cynical enough already.
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