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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2017 in all areas

    1 point
  2. shady DJ playing True Colors by Cyndi Lauper after the north korean couples routine.
    1 point
  3. Bienvenida @Hem Shampa ! Glad to have Uruguay joining the competition!!
    1 point
  4. Hi Dez Bee , honestly never thinking of the alphabet way. I’m hope you like my song of my country .
    1 point
  5. Guys you can count me too
    1 point
  6. Hard to pick only some of them, Vancouver 2010 had so many memorable emotive moments my top 10 1. Nodar Kumaritashvili tragedy 2. Anastasiya Kuzmina winning our first gold at winter Olympics already in Day 1 3. Sven Kramer and his coach in the 10000m..special mention to our friend @heywoodu 4. Marion Rolland falling in the womens downhill after some 5 meters 5. our ice hockey win over Sweden in the 1/4 finals 6. the heartbreaking 3rd period against Finland in the bronze medal match 7. Lindsey Jacobellis presenting another her unforgettable flop in the last meters of snowboard cross 8. Pavol Hurajt finishing almost dead but 3rd in the biathlon mass start 9. Joannie Rochette winning bronze in womens figure skating few hours after she lost her mom 10. the win against Russia in hockey preliminary round by the fabulous Demitra goal etc....etc...etc... a plenty of moments I´ll remember whole my life...Oh Vancouver 2010 I miss you so much
    1 point
  7. CANADA Since this is an Olympics forum... I thought Canada's entry should be Olympic related. k.d. lang's rendition of Hallelujah at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver was my ceremony highlight of any Olympics I have seen. k.d. lang - Hallelujah
    1 point
  8. INDONESIAN ENTRY Chrisye - Seperti Yang Kau Minta (Like What You Wanted) Lyrics: Maafkan aku tak bisa memahami maksud amarahmu, (Sorry I can't understand the meaning of your anger) Membaca dan mengerti isi hatimu. (Reading and understanding your heart) Ampuni aku yang telah memasuki kehidupan kalian, (Forgive me who have entered your life) Mencoba mencari celah dalam hatimu (Trying to find a opening in your heart) Aku tahu ku takkan bisa menjadi seperti yg engkau minta, (I know I can't be like what you wanted) Namun selama nafas berhembus aku kan mencoba.... menjadi seperti yang kau minta (But as long as I can breathe I will try... To be like what you wanted) Ampuni aku yang telah memasuki kehidupan kalian (Forgive me who have entered your life) Mencoba mencari celah dalam hatimu (Trying to find a opening in your heart) Aku tahu ku takkan bisa menjadi seperti yg engkau minta (I know I can't be like what you wanted) Namun selama nafas berhembus aku kan mencoba (But as long as I can breathe I will try..) Aku tahu dia yang bisa menjadi seperti yang engkau minta (I know he can be the one just like what you wanted) Namun selama aku bernyawa aku kan mencoba.... menjadi seperti yang kau minta (But as long as I'm alive I will try... To be like what you wanted) Aku tahu ku takkan bisa menjadi seperti yang engkau minta (I know I can't be like what you wanted) Namun selama nafas berhembus aku kan mencoba (But as long as I can breathe I will try... To be like what you wanted) Aku tahu dia yang bisa menjadi seperti yang engkau minta (I know he can be the one just like what you wanted) Namun selama aku bernyawa aku kan mencoba menjadi seperti yang kau minta (But as long as I'm alive I will try... To be like what you wanted) Seperti yang kau minta, aku kan mencoba menjadi seperti yang kau minta (I know I can't be like what you wanted) Bio: Christian Rahadi (16 September 1949 – 30 March 2007) but better known by his stage name of Chrisye, was an Indonesian progressive pop singer and songwriter. In his 40-year career he won many awards and accolades; in 2011 Rolling Stone Indonesia declared him the third-greatest Indonesian musician of all time. Known for his stiff stage persona and smooth vocals, Chrisye was critically acclaimed in Indonesia. Chrisye died on 30 March 2007 at his home after battling with lung cancer for 2 years - Wikipedia
    1 point
  9. Estonia and Uruguay on the same day?????? That's amazing news! @Herki 2014 was the only year when all three Baltic countries participated, but after that we haven't seen neither Latvia, nor Estonia in our contests, so it is pretty nice to get such a comeback after all this time. Other pretty old comebacks would include countries like Norway, Vietnam, that we haven't seen from the very first editions. Sweden and Switzerland have been missing for a very long while, Australia, can't recall others, because I don't have my spreadsheet in front of me.
    1 point
  10. Wow, Uruguay What an unexpected surprise. Welcome. And welcome back Estonia I'll post my song over the weekend
    1 point
  11. What a pleasant surprise!! Welcome Uruguay And welcome back Estonia!!!
    1 point
  12. Finally after all those "x" years Estonia come back to the contest And welcome for the first time Uruguay
    1 point
  13. Oh wow, Uruguay! Amazing surprise @Hem Shampa welcome on the forum
    1 point
  14. SLOVENIA I believe this is first time in history of TISC contest, you can vote among musician for an athlete, and not some kind of athlete, but an Olympic Champion. Firstly, Tina Maze is known as best sportswoman of all time in our country. Former alpine skier took two Olympic gold medals in Sochi 2014, two Olympic silver in Vancouver 2010, become 4 times World champion and won World cup Overall title in 2013 with a record breaking 2414 points. There were hard times for Tina, before she became worldwide known. She was injured a lot, her confidence was at bottom, before she met Andrea Massi. You know the rest. This song is her only single, and it was released a day before her first race of, what was later discovered, her record season. It got very mixed reception, mostly due to her poor results in the past. People thought, she is mocking of her career and she will never be able to win again (well, guess again :P). Song title says everything - "My Way is My Decision". It is a song about Tina's courage to step forward, and doing what she does best in her own way, something not quite usual for average Slovenian. Authors are Raay (part of Eurovision duo Maraaya), Matjaž Jelen (lead singer of established Slovenian band Šank Rock) and Charlie Mason (co-writer of winning Eurovision song "Rise Like a Phoenix"). Tina Maze - My Way is My Decision
    1 point
  15. just i saw your profil i was thinking to invite you for this contest welcome to the forum your team of football always doing well during the WC to post your video , clic here copy /past the link and clic OK
    1 point
  16. MEXICO Maldita Vecindad y Los Hijos del 5to Patio Pachuco Maldita Vecindad y Los Hijos del 5to Patio is one of the most representative bands of Mexican rock movement of the late 80's - early 90's. They reached the peak of their fame with their second album titled El Circo (The Circus), who went to become the most sold rock album in the country's history at the time. The first single and probably the bands most emblematic song is Pachuco, a song which references a style of clothing and behavior that was popular within working class Mexicans and Chicanos during the late 40's and early 50's. The lyrics is mainly abouth the criticism received by youth from older generations around their dress, speach and manners, without them realizing they also had a "rebelious" phase in their lives. Alternate audio (no video) Lyrics in Spanish No se como te atreves A vestirte de esa forma Y salir, así. En mis tiempos todo era elegante Sin greñudos y sin rock. ¡Hey pa! fuiste pachuco, También te regañaban. ¡Hey pa! bailabas mambo, Tienes que recordarlo. No se como se atreven A vestirse de esa forma Y salir así. En mis tiempos todas las mujeres Eran serias no habia punk. ¡Hey pa! fuiste pachuco, También te regañaban. ¡Hey pa! bailabas mambo, Tienes que recordarlo. No se como se atreven A vestirse de esa forma Y salir así. Yo recuerdo Mi generación era Decente y muy formal ¡Hey pa! fuiste pachuco, También te regañaban. ¡Hey pa! bailabas mambo, Tienes que recordarlo. Lyrics translation I don't know, how it is that you dare To dress that way And go out like that. Back in my day, everything was elegant Without long-haired guys and without rock. Hey dad! You were once a pachuco You, too, would get scolded. Hey dad! You danced mambo. You have to remember. I don't know how people your age dare To dress that way And go out like that. Back in my day, all women Were serious, there wasn't any punk. Hey dad! You were once a pachuco! You, too, would get scolded. Hey dad! You danced mambo. You have to remember. I don't know how people your age dare To dress that way And go out like that. I remember My generation was decent and very formal. Hey dad! You were once a pachuco! You, too, would get scolded. Hey dad! You danced mambo. You have to remember.
    1 point
  17. LITHUANIA So, I have decided to go with the risky route and honestly, having participated in TISC so many years, I kind of have the feeling from which users I can expect some points, because they find this style of music fairly appealing (or at least I'm lead to believe they do). It's a very old song, like, I was not even born kind of old, by a very famous (at that time) band FOJE and yes, it's the third time Lithuania decides to compete with a song in Lithuanian (The lyrics, of course, translated below by me and I advise you to read them along with the song), as of now, it seems to work out 50% of the time, so let's see if my feeling to pick this song is going to be justified in the months to come. FOJE - Kitoks Pasaulis (A Different World) Verse 1 Žiūri aplink, stebiesi viskuo, (You're looking around, surprised by everything) Daiktus matai savo šviesoj. (You see all of the stuff in your own light) (own light = from your perspective) O jeigu viskas yra ne taip (But what if everything is not how you perceive it?) Ir tu pasaulį regi atvirkščiai? (And you're seeing the world the wrong way?) (differently from everyone else) Chorus: Galbūt ne garsas skamba tyloj, o tyla garse. (Perhaps it's not the sound that is playing in the silence, but the silence playing in the sound) Ką apie tylą žinome mes? (What do we even know about silence?) Galbūt ne šviesos žiba tamsoj, o tamsa jose. (Perhaps it's not the lights that are shining in the dark, but the dark is shining in the lights) Kiek dar nedaug suprantame mes. (There is so much that we don't understand) Verse 2 Žiūri aplink, viskas tvarkoj, (You're looking around and everything seems fine) O ar žinai, kas bus rytoj? (But do you have any idea on what is going to happen tomorrow?) O jei pasaulis apsivers? (What if the world turns upside down?) Kitom akim žiūrėti privers. (Will force you to witness everything through different eyes) Chorus: Galbūt ne garsas skambės tyloj, o tyla garse. (Perhaps it's not the sound that will play in the silence, but the silence will play in the sound) Ką apie tylą žinome mes? (What do we even know about silence?) Galbūt ne šviesos žibės tamsoj, o tamsa jose. (Perhaps it's not the lights that will shine in the darkness, but the darkness will shine in the lights) Kiek dar nedaug suprantame mes. (There is so much that we don't understand) Verse 3 Tu pabandyk pasižiūrėt (You should try looking around) Gal kiek netaip, gal kiek kitaip. (Perhaps not like that, perhaps a little bit differently) Tikiu, paprasti daiktai apsivers, (I believe that the simplest of things will turn upside down) Ką nors neregėto ir naujo atvers. (They will open up something new that you have never seen before) Chorus 2x
    1 point
  18. Great Britain This years British entry celebrates that our island is in fact a Union of four equal members, each with their own culture, language and traditions that must be protected for future generations. This years entry is from the Valleys of Wales with an all male choir performing a classic Welsh hymn, Calon Lan, originally written in 1890 by Welsh poet Daniel James and put to music by Welsh composer John Hughes. The tradition of all male Welsh choirs is a proud Welsh symbol and it is protected by the Welsh Association of Male Choirs, whose patron is the Prince of Wales. This years entry is sung by 'Only Boys Aloud' and is taken from their 2012 Christmas Album, with the performance below coming from a welsh language television programme in 2014. This version also features a guest Welsh female singer, Elin Fflur. Calon Lan - Only Boys Aloud Lyrics Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus, Aur y byd na'i berlau mân: Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, Calon onest, calon lân. Cytgan: Calon lân yn llawn daioni, Tecach yw na'r lili dlos: Dim ond calon lân all ganu- Canu'r dydd a chanu'r nos. Pe dymunwn olud bydol, Hedyn buan ganddo sydd; Golud calon lân, rinweddol, Yn dwyn bythol elw fydd. Hwyr a bore fy nymuniad Gwyd i'r nef ar edyn cân Ar i Dduw, er mwyn fy Ngheidwad, Roddi i mi galon lân. -------- I don't ask for a luxurious life, the world's gold or its fine pearls: I ask for a happy heart, an honest heart, a pure heart. Chorus: A pure heart is full of goodness, More lovely than the pretty lily: Only a pure heart can sing - Sing day and night. If I wished worldly wealth, He has a swift seed; The riches of a virtuous, pure heart, Will be a perpetual profit. Late and early, my wish Rise to heavan on the wing of song, To God, for the sake of my Saviour, Give me a pure heart.
    1 point
  19. FRANCE Lilly Wood & The Prick is a French alternative rock, pop and folk duo. They are best known for the song "Prayer In C" (which was remixed by Robin Schulz). Lyrics: [Verse] Break me up, tie me down, tear me down Make me feel like a little dog Why don't you rape me now and hit me now? Make me feel like I'm nothing at all I wait for you Wait for you to Kill everything I have inside Destroy everything I have inside [Chorus] You and me We're a waste We're a waste, we're a waste And we're going down the drain Down the drain Down the drain, down the drain We're a waste We're just a waste, we're just a waste And we're going down the drain [Verse] [Chorus] You and me We're a waste We're a waste, we're a waste And we're going down the drain Down the drain Down the drain, down the drain Yeah, you and me We're just a waste We're just a waste, we're just a waste And we're going down the drain Down the drain Down the drain, down the drain We're a waste We're just a waste, we're just a waste And we're going down the drain
    1 point
  20. @amen09 don't forget the entry list
    1 point
  21. Argentina is in , i hope with @LDOG
    1 point
  22. Marinić once again very close to qualifying in the first heat (freaking 0.25 short), but then flops completely in second heat... I already stopped counting how many times this happened.
    0 points
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